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fadingbackground: do you love Eddie? Bridgette: pardon? fadingbackground: I dont mean... like a hubby fadingbackground: I mean as a friend Bridgette: as a friend...yesfadingbackground: I have so many questions to ask you but afriad they wont come out right Bridgette: like? Bridgette: you might as well shoot while I'm in a good mood fadingbackground: ok fadingbackground: I was wondering how it makes you feel after you have brought another person into your bedroom? fadingbackground: like not during I KNOW how that feels Bridgette: mean the 3some thing? Bridgette: It dosen't bother us....because they are usually friends anyway...and it dosen't change how we feel about each other fadingbackground: never just wish it was just you two? Bridgette: Well, it is just us two alot Bridgette: but umm Eddie dosen't actually have sex with the other girl either though fadingbackground: ohhhh fadingbackground: well I didnt have sex with the guy fadingbackground: only his gf Bridgette: actually he dosen't even touch them I do Bridgette: oh yay for you Bridgette: and her too fadingbackground: fadingbackground: very much for her fadingbackground (4:35:16 PM): you took your pic downmistress_in_shawdows69 (4:35:49 PM): yeah...I had to the other day because this guy that lives down the road from me followed me into chat and I didn't want him to know who I wasmistress_in_shawdows69 (4:53:24 PM): ugh I am putting the old pic back up I don't like this one fadingbackground (4:53:35 PM): no wait fadingbackground (4:55:06 PM): it doesnt show enough mistress_in_shawdows69 (4:55:30 PM): ...I am changing it I don't like it fadingbackground (4:55:52 PM): you need a closeup mistress_in_shawdows69 (4:56:19 PM): the cam in right in my face when I took it lol mistress_in_shawdows69 (4:56:22 PM): was* mistress_in_shawdows69 (4:56:23 PM): GAH fadingbackground (4:56:31 PM): LOL! mistress_in_shawdows69 (4:57:32 PM): I really just need a new cam because I don't really like any of them mistress_in_shawdows69 (4:57:44 PM): anyway I put the other one back up the one I had before fadingbackground (4:58:02 PM): ok let me see mistress_in_shawdows69 (4:58:17 PM): you've seen that one lol fadingbackground (4:58:24 PM): thats nice shows your hair fadingbackground (4:58:33 PM): if you want to get on cam I can take a GOOD SCREENSHOT mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:00:43 PM): fadingbackground (5:01:06 PM): ok(shocked face) fadingbackground (5:01:08 PM): baby (blush face) mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:12:47 PM): ok back fadingbackground (5:12:52 PM): wb mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:12:55 PM): ty mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:24:14 PM): ok mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:24:34 PM): yeah I hope you're good at the editing stuff fadingbackground (5:24:48 PM): not really but I wont need to do much mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:24:56 PM): yeah fadingbackground (5:25:30 PM): ok do you want to show more of yourself? mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:26:15 PM): like how??? I have 4 pm's so I can't really go away from the pc fadingbackground (5:26:24 PM): lower the cam? mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:26:26 PM): let me adjust it fadingbackground (5:26:33 PM): or widen it out a lil fadingbackground (5:26:50 PM): ok good mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:26:52 PM): ok fadingbackground (5:27:11 PM): you gonna smile? mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:27:18 PM): I rarely smile mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:27:25 PM): lol mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:27:39 PM): well, it's not really that I am getting sad news fadingbackground (5:27:45 PM): I feel like a photographer with a playboy model mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:28:01 PM): fadingbackground (5:28:02 PM): k let me try this one mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:28:04 PM): yeah ok mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:28:06 PM): lol fadingbackground (5:28:23 PM): k do something diff mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:28:34 PM): like what fadingbackground (5:28:38 PM): how about hands in your hair lifting it or somthing fadingbackground (5:28:44 PM): mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:28:56 PM): you mean like brushing it back??? fadingbackground (5:29:02 PM): yeah something liek that mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:29:09 PM): because it was in my face anyway fadingbackground (5:29:09 PM): but hold the pose fadingbackground (5:29:13 PM): ok fadingbackground (5:30:10 PM): ooh turn to the side mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:30:13 PM): I wonder if my name is appearing in a room or something fadingbackground (5:30:32 PM): I dunno Im not in chat mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:30:37 PM): oh fadingbackground (5:30:39 PM): let me get a profile shot fadingbackground (5:30:40 PM): fadingbackground (5:30:47 PM): then I can make a neato pic with it mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:31:10 PM): ummm..ok any side pref??? fadingbackground (5:31:21 PM): your favorite I guess fadingbackground (5:31:26 PM): I can mirror it fadingbackground (5:31:29 PM): so it doesnt matter mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:31:52 PM): hmmm...ok let me pick one fadingbackground (5:31:57 PM): ok fadingbackground (5:32:06 PM): left or right the only choices mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:32:14 PM): fadingbackground (5:32:16 PM): you have to hold still though fadingbackground (5:32:18 PM): mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:32:18 PM): ya think??? mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:32:22 PM): I know fadingbackground (5:32:23 PM): I get a blurr mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:32:35 PM): yeah it's choopy...dial-up mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:32:42 PM): choppy* mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:32:43 PM): damn it fadingbackground (5:33:03 PM): after that I want you to pucker up like a kiss fadingbackground (5:33:21 PM): cute mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:33:31 PM): oh I was saying shit mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:33:37 PM): because Krissy is pming me fadingbackground (5:33:42 PM): ok mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:33:59 PM): sorry lol fadingbackground (5:33:59 PM): ok blow a kiss now mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:34:08 PM): to you??? lol fadingbackground (5:34:12 PM): fadingbackground (5:34:25 PM): Im puckered waitin for you to pucker fadingbackground (5:34:28 PM): ah crap I missed it fadingbackground (5:34:30 PM): do again fadingbackground (5:34:31 PM): mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:34:35 PM): fadingbackground (5:34:46 PM): cute fadingbackground (5:34:47 PM): brb fadingbackground (5:35:03 PM): ooh I like that one fadingbackground (5:35:06 PM): fadingbackground (5:35:12 PM): want me to show you what I got so far? mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:35:13 PM): oh...what did I do?? mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:35:15 PM): ok fadingbackground (5:35:15 PM): I need one more fadingbackground (5:35:18 PM): you puckeredP fadingbackground (5:35:21 PM): mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:35:23 PM): oh fadingbackground (5:35:47 PM): can you do an EYEBROW lift? fadingbackground (5:35:52 PM): like mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:36:03 PM): I'm not sure fadingbackground (5:36:28 PM): lol ok mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:36:41 PM): fadingbackground (5:39:08 PM): k done brb mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:39:21 PM): ok fadingbackground (5:47:27 PM): the one profile I took makes you look like a little girl fadingbackground (5:47:28 PM): mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:47:36 PM): mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:47:50 PM): one sec ok Krissy is wanting to view fadingbackground (5:48:17 PM): oh ok fadingbackground (5:50:46 PM): wanna see? mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:50:49 PM): yeah fadingbackground (5:51:23 PM): gah doesnt work? fadingbackground (5:51:58 PM): it worked mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:52:04 PM): oh good fadingbackground (5:52:13 PM): mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:52:22 PM): fadingbackground (5:52:37 PM): you like? fadingbackground (5:53:31 PM): youre so prettttty mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:53:56 PM): sorry tons of pms and viewing a cam I am checking it now fadingbackground (5:54:14 PM): no its ok mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:54:14 PM): it won't open mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:54:17 PM): fadingbackground (5:54:22 PM): gah fadingbackground (5:54:25 PM): it did upload though mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:54:31 PM): yeah mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:54:43 PM): it just says I don't have a program to open it with fadingbackground (5:55:02 PM): ah crap fadingbackground (5:55:05 PM): hmm fadingbackground (5:55:08 PM): ok I will do it jpeg mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:55:12 PM): ok fadingbackground (5:56:10 PM): Oh it was a jpeg fadingbackground (5:56:22 PM): email? mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:56:42 PM): you can try it that way... mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:56:46 PM): fadingbackground (5:56:47 PM): k fadingbackground (5:56:56 PM): alright mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:57:23 PM): okies fadingbackground (5:57:52 PM): done mistress_in_shawdows69 (5:58:06 PM): ok fadingbackground (6:02:28 PM): get it yet? mistress_in_shawdows69 (6:02:34 PM): gah ok I am checking my mail now fadingbackground (6:02:42 PM): oh Im sorry you dont have to mistress_in_shawdows69 (6:03:14 PM): no I was doing it right as you mistress_in_shawdows69 (6:03:25 PM): I got side tracked sorry fadingbackground (6:04:10 PM): oops i have to go fadingbackground (6:04:11 PM): church fadingbackground (6:04:13 PM): bye mistress_in_shawdows69 (6:04:34 PM): oh okies