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Forget Regret or Life is Yours to Miss
January 2, 2005
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Rent - Light My Candle
~WhAt IS YouR FaVoRiTe~

1.CoLoR: deep deep red, pale blue, light turquoise, pale green

4.MaGaZinE: Cosmo

18.C.D.: rent

(I got bored while finishing, so I picked)

22.AnImAL: anything cute and furry, Saint Bernards.

23.DrInk: Diet Dr. Pepper, Frappucinos, Jones Soda

24.CaR: SMART CARS in france. so cute. SO cute.

25.RaDiO StAtioN: 101.7 at the moment

26.T.V. StAtioN: WB

27.MTV VJ: ? oh the one that visited us

28.HaIr CoLor: i like red hair or black

29.EyE CoLoR: crazy. different colors or something unique. i like grey a lot

30.CoUnTrY: USA

31.StAte: Hawaii

32.CiTy: cancun, nyc, honolulu, miami, paris, boston (emotional attachment but not really)

33.BoY NaMe: ?

34.GuRL NaMe: ali

35.PLay or SkIt: RENT

36.FrIeNd: damn - i love them all.

37.GuY/GuRL: they're both good in their own ways

38.CarTooN ChArAcTer: Tweety

39.DaY OF tHe WeeK: Saturday

40.MoNth: July

41.NuMbEr: 7, 30

42.ScEnT: i really like the smell of chlorine. i know, that's weird. or the just showered smell. or boy smell. or rain smell

43.CaNdY: mounds, smores, lindt

44.IcE CrEaM FlaVoR: oh my. coffee heath bar crunch or anything from that place from the crew trip or cancun yum

45.PeRfUme/CoLonGe: RALPH

46.ShOe BrAnd: steve madden.. hm i need boots

47.JeAnS: i don't know. see i have personal attachment to my jeans. i have the lyriced ones which have all my friends all over them. and then the rhinestone ones which i wore on my one night stand and bought in miami and then my CANCUN jeans which are cheap but remind me of the trip which i miss terribly

48.CloThIng BrAnD: H&M currently wins unless price weren't an issue.

49.ReStAuRaNt: YAY IHOP (don't ask.)

50.FaSt FooD ReStAuRaNt: ewww. i don't like fast food.

51.FrUiT: i'm a fruit addict. i love them all. grapefruit, grapes, apples (yellow mostly), clementines.. anything really...berries.

52.VeGi: i'm not a vegi kinda girl

53.InSeCt: ewww. insects scare me. even the pretty ones. i guess a lady bug is alright

54.FuNNy MoViE: don't know

55.ChiCk FliCk: ooh. my i don't know there are too many and i love them all

56.HOrrOr MoViE: the ring

57.OnLinE FrIeNd: shmem?

58.E-MaiL SeRvER:

59.SHoE StOre: steve madden

60.DeOdOrAnT: secret

61.HoLiDaY: christmas

62.WeaThEr: warm, breezy, sunny

63.FloWeR: white roses

64.SnAcK: krispy kreme? frozen yogurt

65.C.D. RoM GaMe: the sims

66.BoArd GaMe: loaded questions

67.KiD GaMe: pictionary jr. we've had some adventures


69.NiNtENdo GaMe: yeah mario kart =)

70.SpOrT To PlAy: i miss squish but i guess running wins

71.SpOrT To WatCh: does skating count?

72.BaSeBaLL TeaM: red sox

73.BaSkEtBaLL TeaM: lata basketball

74.FooTBaLL TeaM: lata football

75.CoLLeGe: can't think about it.

76.ReLaTiVe: grandmother or adopted erin

77.CoUsIn: i don't know my cousins, but i think i liked the girl better than the guy.

78.PlAcE To ViSiT: PARIS. CANCUN. okay, cancun wins because you feel hot and you get to be scandalous. paris is romantic and sweet and amazing

79.MuSiC ViDeO: well, dirty motivates me to run. but i don't really like music videos

80.GuM: orbit

81.NaIL PoLiSh CoLoR: deep reddish black, silver

82.LiP GlOss FlAvOr: black cherry vanilla

83.SeAsOn: summer (no school! or late spring)

84.ShAmPoo: Ralph, anything new and exciting

85.SoAp: Body Shop Coconut soap (in my bathroom. Yum)


87.BaCkStReeT BoY: the hot one

88.N'SYNC GuY: i don't know them. justin's icky though

89.WoRd: lata

90.PeRsOn In ThE WhOLe EnTiRe WoRLd: YOU

Posted by fang/niltiac169 at 8:13 PM EST
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Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Rent - Another Day
10 Favorite Bands/Albums of the Moment:

1. Bright Eyes
2. Brand Eyes
3. Dashboard Confessional
4. Rent
5. Phantom of the Opera
6. Les Miserables
7. Green Day
8. Postal Service
9. Third Eye Blind
10. Nirvana

Posted by fang/niltiac169 at 7:46 PM EST
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