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Club Information

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HIP DYSPLASIA: This is a problem of the breed and most large breeds of dogs. It is a development disease in which there is a malformation of the hip joint/s, often causing the animal pain as it ages, depending upon the severity. Puppies should only be purchased from parents who have been HD x-rayed and have a score acceptable to the National Rottweiler Council HD scheme.

ELBOW DISEASE:The Rottweiler Clubs of Australia along with the National Rottweiler Council (Australia) are currently developing an elbow dysplasia scheme similar to that of the HD scheme.

THE CLUB'S CURRENT HD SYSTEM IS: The combined score of both parents should not exceed 20. No individual hip can be greater than 12 for dogs x-rayed on or after 1/1/2001. All Rottweilers whelped after 1/6/1997 must provide x-rays for elbows as well as hips.

This is not a guarantee that your puppy won't develop HD as an adult, but it can reduce the risk. ANIMALS AFFECTED WITH HD HIGHER THAN THE ABOVE SCORES SHOULD NOT BE USED IN A BREEDING PROGRAM.

ENTROPION/ECTROPION: This is a genetic problem of this and many other breeds. Entropion is where the eyelashes curl inwards, irritating the eye, causing the dog much discomfort. Ectropion is the opposite, the lower eyelid hangs loose and open, therefore allowing dust and dirt to get into the eye again causing much discomfort. Before purchasing your puppy, ensure that a veterinarian has certified both parents free of both entropion and ectropion. These conditions can be corrected by operation in order to alieve the discomfort, however, it is a genetic problem and therefore AFFECTED ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE USED IN A BREEDING PROGRAM