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Welcome to “Moonlight Sonata”! I am the webmistress,
Moony. Here you will find a collection of my art,
poetry, and writing, as well as a variety of other

I’ve decided to be nice and make things simple
for my visitors, so below there is a list of
links that will lead you in many directions.
Be warned… not much is up so far, but I’m hoping
to have this site ready and running in about a
month or two. So, until then, you’re stuck with
links to DeviantART, Livejournal, and such.
Have fun and enjoy your stay!

All images, art, poetry, writing, characters, etc…
are ©Moony, so no stealing allowed.
If you would like to use anything I have created,
then feel free to e-mail me anytime.

My DeviantART Account
Here you will find various works of mine. Some art,
some pictures, and like… two poems. LOL. I update
as often as possible, so be sure to check out my account

My Account
Surprisingly, not much is up here. However, I like to
post the good things that I’ve written so people like
you can post reviews and I can just read them and see
what I should and shouldn’t do. It’s pretty spiffy.

My Livejournal
Sorry, people, but this is a friends only Livejournal.
If you want to be added as a friend… just add me and I’ll
check you out and see what you’re all about. ^_^

My Poetry
I’m working on this page, but there are a few poems
up and running, if you want to read them.

About the Webmistress
A little about yours truly. ^_^ There’s even
some piccies if you want to see what I look like.

E-mail Moony