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I love Hakuryu
ain't he cute here?
CAFFEINE!!! GIMME GIMME GIMME! Wakaranai... *glares* sugaku ga dai kirai desu...

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[Right now...]

[Reading] Nothing...
[Manga] HxH
[Drawing] character designs for Wanderer
[Writing] Wanderer...
[Listening] Random stuff
[Obsessing] Crows, ravens, dragons, gryphons, fanfics
[Avoiding] Mum -_-;;
[Webcomic] well if Arcana would just UPDATE...
[Mood]The current mood of MomoNakagawa at
[Eating] Nothing
[Drinking] Also nothing
[CGing] Karasu. Maybe.


It's Goku's birthday today!!!
I have FINALLY updated Wanderer. Tis a longer chapter than usual, but that might just be my warped opinion of it, or it might be the spacing. -_- anyway... yes i know i haven't got the gallery up yet. The evil thing didn't work so i have to do it all myself. Bah. Maybe I'll steal some html off other sites or something... blah. I officially have split personality. Now i shall shut up. er... no i still need to talk. I really should get a blog for this useless blah type stuff.*shrugglez* shmeh... tis the holidays now so hopefully i'll have more time to do stuff.. i've finally done a picture i'm happy with, though the costume design is iffy. Ooh I'm doing character designs for the cast of Wanderer, so I might have a cast page or summat up sometime. Oh, did a ickle quizzy...

I am the WIND!
You're Elemant is Wind. You're light-hearted,
care-free, kind, sensative, and mysterious. You
have friends and most absolutely love you. You
can be calm and soothing one minute and ragging
in anger the next so no one wants to get on
your bad side. You're beauty is inspiring and

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla
I'm wind! err... ja,

Man am I tired. Twas Eb's party yesterday and we didn't get to sleep till 1:30 this morning...
Anyhoo. I found this reeeally nifty little thing on photoshop which does the thumbnails and everything for me and even does the htmling! *_* unfortunately I still have the evil English thingy so I can't do that for a while. Maybe if I find some spare time tonight.
FINALLY I have had some inspiration for Wanderer!!! I've had a complete block for the last... oh.. few weeks? So well I've got the next few chapters planned out and then hopefully I can go on from there ^_^;; Um... I guess I'll go now...

Tis Ela-horsy's b'day today!!! When she has her hair down.. SHE LOOKS SOOOO LIKE ILLUMI!!!!!!!! o.O' I'll just shut up now... ^^;
Anyway... Whee... back from camp. Twas fun, actually. Though it rained for the first two days... -_- But anyway... bah. I am extremely un-high at the moment. Er... no updates BUT WORKING ON IT!!! I'm actually planning to do the thumbnails... sometime. [Get ready for some ranting. I vowed not to complain on camp and i've got all this stuff bottled up inside me]
Whaaaaaaaaaaat?I have school tomorrow, a major (incredibly irritating) english expositary essay i have to prepare for, then youth group tomorrow (dunno if i'll go though...) then tis Eby-chan's birthday party on saturday and sunday, then there's an interact car wash (don't ask) on sunday straight after eb's party, then i gotta go over to my granma's place to help lift some stuff (o.O) and.. yeah. Besides, I'm exhausted. so i'll just say oyasumi and ja ne,
~a very tired and slightly depressed (don't ask) Momo-chan

Ack. I really am hopeless... though I do have an excuse (sorta) well... to start off I had 7 assessments this week... @_@ and therefore I had a lotta study to do and couldn't even read webcomics/manga/woteva. So there. But yes I am lazy. Very, very lazy. I haven't done any piccies this week... ,v_v, but I posted this random spastic type story i wrote after a science test and i'm gonna put up a song i wrote... very weird humour, very short too ><. Oh and I put up Ame which is a weird depressing story. All in the Literature section. I don't really have much else to say... oh yeah it was my otouto's birthday today... >.< so many people screaming at once... gave me a headache and I actually felt like doing violin practice. Oooh Aku-chan has introduced me to Gackt!!! It's really cool music... ^^ i love the violin solos on Mizerable!! I wanna play as good as that... Oh and I put up a decent splash page...*cough* anyway enough of my blah-ish drabble... ja!

o.O Two updates in one day... wow i must be bored. Anyway I was gonna put some piccies up... but then i remembered i had to make freakin' thumbnails! So i haven't... v_v Um... yes. I've joined a few fanlistings/cliques o^__________^o I love Hakkai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes. I took a 'which saiyuki charactar are you' type test...

I'mCho Hakkai.
Who are you?
made by emi

Yes. I'm Hakkai ^^

Yes. Well I've updated ^_^ sry still no piccies, but angsty short story is up in the literature section. I still have to scan most of my pictures in... v_v i'm a hopeless failure... oh well! I'm finally getting somewhere with my sose assignment... and now i have to ring some people >< i hate ringing people i don't know... oh well. if i don't wanna fail this thing i gotta. ^___^ i joined the hakuryu and hakkai cliques!!! ore wa URESHII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes. anyway i'll get some piccies up hopefully by tonight... -_-
Oh and i did a quizzy-doobady-da ^^'

80% seme
80% Seme

How seme are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

At last! A layout. You are very lucky, my friend. I am supposed to be doing my sose homework but no, I'm trying to figure out the very simple art of html/layout stuffos. Well... ^_^;; I know I was going to do my own... but ya know... I just sorta got lazy as I usually do. *cough* anyway... *whistles innocently* Unfortunately the rest of the site is still in the original format so yeah... I gotta go do my violin practice so ja,

Ok. so i'm a hopeless failure. We all knew that already, didn't we though? *sigh* Well i've found a layout I like... but i have to change the piccy coz i don't like that ^^;;
Well. I've done my english oral. That was very very annoying... i got all tongue-tied >< oh well. but now i have my sose assignment and my art assignment and my music assignment and my R.E assignment and my maths test and me science test *pants*. Yes. I hate school. >< >< ><
And i have got all these pictures but i've been reeeeeaally lazy and haven't put them up yet. *sigh* i hate being so lazy... it's sooo inconveniant! *cough*
It was raining today. I dislike rain. It makes me feel depressed-ish... o.O too much Hakkai for me... ^___^;; oh well. but it's very good for depressing/angsty stories or piccies... ^_^
anywayz i gosta go.

I know, I know. I was supposed to put up pictures and stuff yesterday -_-;; but unfortunately I was... doing assignments. I really was! Trust me! well... anyway, i don't get home till 5:30 then i got heaps of homework that i gotta do so i probably won't be able to update or upload anything ;'_'; *sniffle* but hopefully i'll get some stuff up tomorrow or the day after. *sigh* so many damned assignments... well actually there's only one. no two. no three. yes. too many damned assignments! But anyway. I'm currently researching how to make a layout so sometime you'll get something more interesting to look at ^_____^
Completely off the topic, I did a quizzy type thing that Akura sent me...

The Yaoi Selector: Which Uke are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Well I have a lot of work to do on my assignments so I haven't been able to do much of Wanderer yet... but never fear, I will get the next chapter to you by the weekend. Or Monday. Whatever. ^^^ I got an A+ for my jap test so that's good. At least i'm not gonna fail jap... o.O you'd hope not... i've learnt this stuff before. Lots of sketches coming up. I've done heaps on the train and such, so yeah. I really shouldn't be doing this. I should be doing my assignments instead... so i'm gonna go now. Ja!

Yes there are only 4 more days till the end of Nigetsu!!!! *cough* (I have a japanese test today so i've been bugging everyone by speaking in jap... o.O) Well anyway... that means 4 more days till I can upload some images! *sigh* First i have to scan them in... damn scanner. It doesn't pick up pencil marks... x_x Oh well... so don't bother looking in the gallery section till march. Hm... on monday night when i was supposed to be doing homework i went to the great comedy debate. It was completely hilarious!!! *sigh* but that means i'm behind on all my assignments... So i better go.

>.< Ack aircon isn't working in the library... *melts* I am working on the main picture and i've done a couple of sketches for other pictures but ^_^;; I'm not nearly finished yet... *sigh* damn assignments...
*sigh* i am incredibly envious of those with tablets... or wacom pads... but they're way too expensive for me to buy or for my parents! We're renovating the house at the moment... oh well. I'll just have to make do with pencils and a scanner... it's not too bad but it's annoying anyway. *sigh* enough of my complaining.

Hi... again! I have the literature section up and i'll be adding to that... sometime... -_-;; but anyway i haven't uploaded any images coz 1, i don't have any new ones that i want to put up, and 2, i'm not allowed coz mum downloaded a lot of updates for the computer at the beginning of the month and uploading takes up download (i don't understand) and so yeah...
Well... hopefully you will be able to manouver your way around... -_- it's very very boring but meh. i don't know computer jargun! (or however you say it)
Ech it's incredibly hot here... can't stay on the com too long otherwise it'll go POOF and die. I'M MEEEELLLTINGGG!!!!!!! *melts*
Oh yes my evil ototo tells me to remind him to remind me to remind you (o.O) to look at the LINKS!!!!

Konnichiwa to anyone who has been unfortunate enough to stumble accross the lair of the Peach Dragon! (Ooh, kowaii. *cough*) This place of evilness and weird drawings/artwork is not finished. Actually it hasn't even started... No wait then it wouldn't be here. And I wouldn't be typing this. *cough* Anywayz... yes. This is my first attempt at a building a website so don't expect anything... at all from it >.< Um yes...
Hopefully I will be uploading some pictures and my story or whatever because that's the point of this. So anyway... ja ne,

Content © Katie Yap (aka Momo-ryu)
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