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Lazerdoom Homepage
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Rule #01:   2 slot(s) minimum. For DC++ users 1/hub.    Rule #02:   60 Gigabyte minimum share. (50 gig If you are regged user ONLY Swedish users)    Rule #03:   3 kicks will lead to a ban!   Rule #04:   No child, pre-teen, R@ygold or animalporn. (This will lead to a ban and a report to our Net Police)   Rule #05:   Don't advertise for other hub's.   Rule #06:   Don't share installed files or VOB-files.   Rule #07:   Don't share *.eml-files (It can be Nimda-worm!)   Rule #08:   Don't flood the chat.   Rule #09:   Don't ask for OP/SU/VIP, I see what you doing in this hub. And if I think you are worth it I will give it to you   Rule #10:   Don't close other users from downloading, if you do, send them a PM [Private Message]!   Rule #11:   Don't share fake-files. And do not Fake your share. That will get you banned 4-ever in this hub   Rule #12:   Don't say anything that can hurt another human in the chat, take that to him with a PM.   Rule #13:   If we find How to cheat in DC in your share it WILL lead to kick+ban   Rule #14:   NO snuff, rape (movies OR pictures)   Rule #15:   If an OP demands an slot.. Open a slot!    Rule #16:   If you have any problems, want to ask a lots of questions, take it with our SU/OP/VIP.   Rule #17:   Ultima Thule is OK to have in here. but not the song Utlima Thule - Shoot the nigger   Rule #18:   No lunarstorm pictures it can be preteen     Rule #19:   Swedish or English in main         Rule #20:   If you share dvd-movies or dvd-games it must be original releases [not in .img .bin or large rar's (+1GB)] Read more -->     Rule #21:   Don´t share netlimiters! Don´t share it or use it in here (BAN AT ONCE!)
    Andra bra hubbar :
    Varglyan: (Share limit: 1 gig)
    [SU]Vargen´s Hub
    [Sweden]Warzone Skåne: (Share limit: 70 gig)
    [Master]Masken´s hub
    Sweden - Kristianstad: (Share limit: 80 gig)
    [SU]Bikers Hub
    [Karlshamn-Blekinge]Tankarnas paradis: (Share limit: 25 gig)
    Janne´s hub
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