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Isandara of Wind



The sun dawned slowly on the small village named Eritan, it was going to be a nice day on Lantessama Isle, stretching Isandara blearily opened her sapphire blue eyes, blinking against the light of the sun as it streamed through her bedroom window, it was a simple room with a small oak bed the bed was adorned by a quilt her mother had made for her, there was a chair in one corner of her room and a small bookshelf containing some of her favourite books. She truly loved to read on days like this out in the sun, Isandara had been born on Lantessama and it was the only home she knew, she always marveled at the dragons in the sky and the Nekrats in the sea, she even love to watch the little flower dragons and delighted in the company of them all. Getting up quickly she dressed herself in her white under-dress and green overdress grabbing a brush she began to brush out the stubborn knots in her waist length honey blonde hair. Racing down the stair she began to make before she raced out the door to duty in the library helping to keeps the records of all hatching and birthing that happened on the isle. Smiling as she raced out the door smiling and laughing happily, at twenty three she was ten years older than most of the thirteen year old candidates she saw being taken to the bond with dragons, Nekrats and many of the other little creatures that populated the isle. Getting to the stable quickly she found her beautiful grey mare Srika, mounting her bare-back she raced out of the stables, she only took Srika when she was going to be late for her duties, and currently she was late.


It didn’t take long for Isandara to make it to the dunes, she smiled as she dismounted Srika and led her to where she would tie her up until she finished. Entering the dunes she was confronted by Ergo the man who ran the records, “Your late, I hope you have a good reason for it” he said displeased with her, Ergo was a nice man and was rarely angry with people but his displeasure hurt more than angry words ever could. Before Isandara could replied he dismissed her with a look “forget it just come, we have work, two clutches have hatched and we have to write up these records before Laedrys Trix and Cyan come down here to check the records are up to date” he said then turned and walked off. Isandara followed him quickly not wanting to upset the Laedrys with untidy and unkept records, entering the room she picked up the nearest records and began ordering them by dates. She worked quickly and efficiently in an effort to tidy up the dusty records, she listened to the dragons warble in greeting to each other and listened to the sounds of candidates being brought in and settled for the many clutches that has just been laid. Looking up from his work Ergo smiled as Isandara finished up, he motioned for her to come over “Well now that you’re such a hard worker why don’t you go feed yourself and then look around. If you don’t want to do that you’re free to go home you’ve been such a good help” he told her with a smile. Isandara smiled broadly and nodded thanking Ergo profusely before she ran off towards the kitchen to get herself a well earned pie.


Sitting down she smiled and began to eat her pie, she had soon finished and had left for the sands again to check up on Sun Iristh’s clutch. Peering into the sands she counted ten beautiful eggs, standing on the sidelines she studied the eggs from where she sat. Smiling she looked up to the blue sky, she listened only to hear the gentle crying chirps of those abandoned dragons. Getting up she made her way into the large room that was filled with abandon ones, their pitiful cries upset her but she smiled when five little holiday dragons caught her eye. She smiled at them and sat down, letting them make their way over to her, she laughed at their antics and smiled when they nuzzled her gently. Hugging them to her she stood up “You beautiful dragons how anyone could abandon you five I don’t know, you’re all so beautiful” she said hugging them again. But you won’t leave us will you the little apricot dragon cried latching on to Isandara, looking down at the little dragon she smiled “No never, I’ll always be yours if you’ll all have me” she asked happily. She was quietly approached by the mango dragon and she smiled at him “May I know you names?” she asked gently. The mango nodded It’s Loz he told her and Isa smiled, she was then approached by the orange dragon “And yours?” she asked. The orange was happy to oblige and announced himself as he jumped on to her lap I’m Kerin. Crawling up onto her shoulder the guave dragon nodded to her Serengi, he simply said the two girls by now had finally gained up their courage and both announced themselves together Alis Riane the apricot and the passion fruit said together.


“Okay, Loz, Kerin, Serengi, Alis, Riane, shall we go home?” she asked the little dragons who all nodded vigorously, getting up she left followed by the five of them. A tropical mix cocktail that followed behind her, mounting Srika she smiled at them “Race you?” she asked a devilish glint in her eyes You’re on! they all said together rising to the air to follow her as she galloped off on Srika followed by the colourful darts of her new friends. Arriving home she was beaten but just “Alright you win, how about we make you all some lunch?” she asked rubbing their eye ridges with affection, nodding happily they followed her inside.