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A series of drabbles outlining the various relationships backstage. RSP. Nicky/David, James/David (implied), James/Nicky




Nicky loved the rain. He loved that it came and washed away the grime and grease and banished the smog that hovered over LA. He loved the way it made the air smell; clean and crisp and new.

He especially liked when it rained at night so he could take a much needed walk. One thing that was nice about living in LA was that the rain was never really cold so enjoying it wasn't uncomfortable. At least not until you found yourself pressed up against a brick wall in a dark alley by a pissed off man.

"Knew I'd find you out here," the taller man growled as he pressed the smaller brunet man against the unrelenting brick.

"Yeah, you're a genius," Nicky replied with a smirk. He knew this would only make the other man angrier. When he was angry, Nicky would get what he wanted.

Nicky smirked at his attacker and whispered, "Why are you here? I thought you didn't have time for me, you know, with your other commitments and all."

A hard, demanding cock pressed against his own and between gasps, he tormented the now growling man. "Thought we couldn't do this anymore. Thought I was just a hole, isn't that what you said?"

He couldn't contain the gasp that escaped his lips when warm hands ripped into his pants and exposed his greedy cock to the moist, night air. Hot lips and blunt teeth began attacking his neck as the demanding hand began to work him steadily. He knew the routine. He had been here more than once, pressed against something cold and wet while this man took him, took his pleasure and then left. They both craved it.

Feeling the blood race to the surface of his skin, Nicky bucked and tried to push the larger man away. Wouldn't do to have a mark he couldn't explain on the set the next day. The questing mouth was disengaged for a moment before Nicky was pulled forward before being slammed face first into the wall.

Pants dropped to the wet pavement, slick fingers pushed inside giving the barest of preparation before both men groaned as Nicky was breached by the all too familiar cock. The coupling was hard and fast and desperate. They didn't talk, there were no words. They had already said them all. Words of love and hate, desire and denial.

Much too soon, they were arching and writhing against each other as they cried out each other's names. Nicky slumped against the wall, bracing his forehead on his crossed forearms as he felt the gasping breaths against his slick neck. The rain continued to fall over their bodies as they pulled apart quietly and straightened their clothes.

The taller man turned without another word and slowly began to walk away, his shoulders slumped as he retreated.

"Oh, Dave!" Nicky called. "Tell Jamie I said hi."

Yeah, Nicky loved his nights in the rain and the man he knew couldn't stay away.

Bad Boy Xander

Xander stood at the door of the cage, watching as Willow straddled the puppy, making him whimper and whine so pretty, he was instantly hard in his leathers. He loved seeing puppy like this, on the ground at his girl's mercy. He lit the match and threw it, narrowly missing Willow's red locks.

"Watch it with those things. You almost got my hair."

"Sorry. Got carried away."

"Don't you want to?"

Xander smirked an evil smirk and stepped forward. "You bet, baby." Quickly, before anyone could react, Xander cocked his arm back and delivered a harsh blow to puppy's jaw.

"Cut! Jesus, Nicky, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Nick turned and looked at Dave Greenwalt. The director did not look happy. Nicky just smirked again and looked at Boreanaz on the ground, glaring at him.

Nicky lifted his chin, exposing his neck and letting the prone man know Nicky hadn't forgotten what he did to him. Bit him, bruised him, marked him so badly that all the make up crew had made jokes about his girlfriend giving him a monster monkey bite. The same girlfriend they all knew had been gone all week. They had to work for a long time to cover up David's mark with enough make up, giggling and whispering all the while.

Hazel eyes locked on to deep brown and Nicky shrugged. "Improvising."

First Kiss

Nicky shivered. He really didn't like the dark and this really sucked. Right in the middle of the scene, the lights had gone out. Rolling black outs or some other bullshit. Fucking Governor Davis

"Give it just a minute, guys," he heard Joss call. "Generators should kick in any minute."

It wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't doing a scene in the 'basement of doom'. There were no windows, no skylights, shit, not even those green glowly exit signs to light the place.

He started when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Shhh," the soft voice urged and Nick was turned, slowly and steadily so he wouldn't trip. A tight grip on his shoulder and then fingers were threading through his hair. He was being pulled down slowly until his lips found others and the kiss was soft and gentle, calming.

Nicky sighed as a warm tongue slipped inside. Assaulted by the taste of cigarettes and cherry lollypop, Nicky smiled.

A second later, the sound of whirring started and the lights flickered back to life. As Joss called for places, Nick turned and smiled at James and he figured, maybe the dark wasn't so bad after all.

Cake is Good for Something

He hated these kinds of things, standing around and smiling for cameras when all he wanted to do was go sulk in his trailer and have a drink. 100 shows. Big fucking deal. A lot of series' got to 100 shows nowadays. It was a thing so you could sell syndication rights. He'd heard all about it from Joss.

But now James had to smile and stand around this huge, god awful cake and smile while Sarah took a large fake stake-shaped knife to the innocent mass of flour and sugar. He smiled and posed for the cameras, hating being here.

At least until he spotted Nick. The boy was giggling with Amber and Alyson, shoving cake in his face like it was going out of style. He had the girls around him, laughing and touching him like he was a king holding court. James was jealous of how easy it all came for Nick. He could flirt and charm just about anyone...even James.

The blond was just considering leaving when dark hazel eyes caught his own. Slowly, Nick brought his sticky, frosting covered finger up to his mouth and sucked it deep into his mouth. James watched, entranced as the sugary digit dipped in and out of the tempting mouth. Soft, pouty lips pursed and stretched as Nick worked the finger hard, his lust-hazed eyes never leaving James' surprised blue orbs.

Before he knew what he was doing, James was across the room and grabbing the boy by the elbow in a strong grip, almost too strong, he thought, but at that moment, he didn't care. Glancing at the two giggling girls, the older man smiled and said, "Sorry ladies, but I'm afraid that I have to drag Nicky away. We've got a scene to rehearse."

"Yeah," the smiling boy replied. "That scene. We really need to work on that. See ya' later."

Amber and Alyson watched to two men slip out of the room and out of sight.

"I didn't know Xander and Spike had a scene this week?" Amber asked, confused.

"They don't," Alyson replied quietly, concern coloring her voice.


Xander smiled as he tightened the ropes securing the scowling vampire. He was sure the rough ropes were hurting the blond's soft skin, but at the moment, he really didn't care. Angling his body just so, he mouthed the words, I'm going to fuck you so hard later.

"Cut!" Joss called, huffing loudly as he walked onto the basement set. "Nick! I know you're not talking but we can still hear your breath through the mics. You can't even fake talk. Just mouth the words?"

As the director called for five, Nick shook his head. This was going to be one hell of an episode. Joss had come up with a fabulous idea, an episode where over half was completely without dialog. During filming, Nick had learned that the only thing harder than learning lines was not talking at all.

James looked up at the boy. "You gonna to let me out of this?"

Nick smirked and whispered, "Maybe. Kinda like you like this."

The blond growled low in his throat in imitation of his character. "Better let me out Nicky, if you don't want me using these on you later."

Their break was taken and they went back to shooting again. Finally, Nick got through the scene without making a sound and Joss released them for the day, the director moving on to a scene with Sarah and Marc.

The two men left the set and, when he thought all was clear, Nick slipped into James' trailer. James slowly turned around, smirking as he held up the familiar rope.

"Your turn, Nicky."

"Please, let me," the brunet asked quietly.

James handed over the rope, wondering what the boy was up to this time. "You want to tie me up again? Someone's developing a kink."

Nick slowly led his lover to the only chair in the trailer before strapping James down. Slowly, he stripped, happy to shed his alter ego and be himself with the only one who really saw him.

Naked and trembling, the brunet stood over the bound man, panting hard. He had been wondering all through the shoot what he would do if he were the one tying Spike to the chair and not Xander. Carefully, he removed Spike's boots before unbuttoning and stripping off the tight jeans.

Slipping onto the naked lap, Nick straddled the strong thighs.

"Nicky," the blond gasped as the boy moved up, placing the head of his lover's hard cock at his entrance.

Nick surged down, gasping as his already prepared entrance stretched around James' pulsing hardness. Gripping the strong shoulders, Nick rode his lover slow and dirty, grinding down against him. The bound hands clenched harshly, wanting to touch and take, but Nicky wouldn't allow it.

Slowly, he brought them to the edge. James tried to say something, but Nicky quieted him with a gentle kiss and a soft "Hush". Wordlessly, they both came hard, panting roughly as they stared into each other's eyes, wondering when they could do this again.

In the Moment

Spike grunted as he thrust inside Xander. The boy grunted back and struggled as much as his position against the dirty wall would allow him. Spike had caught him coming out of the Bronze and had forced him into the alley. Xander had fought back as best as he could, but Spike's superior strength made it pointless.

Forced face first against the brick, Spike had ripped down the trembling boy's pants and with barely any preparation, thrust inside the boy's tight heat.

"Fuck, yeah," Spike murmured in the ear hovering so close to his mouth. "So good, boy. Gonna eat you all up."

Xander shivered as the cool breath ghosted over his ear. "Whatever, Fangless," he threw back, even though he was practically breathless with desire.

Spike knew Xander wanted this, could smell it all over him. Hell, he could feel it when he reached around and took the boy's hard length in his hand. As he began to stroke Xander's hard cock in time with his penetrating thrusts, he felt Xander begin to respond, thrusting first into his fist and then back, impaling himself on Spike's cock.

The flapping of the leather excited them both as the duster moved in time with Spike's increasingly deeper thrusts. They were both nearing their end when Spike leaned forward and whispered, "So good, luv. Love fucking you like this. Gonna take you and make you mine, boy."

In full game face, Spike nipped at Xander's shoulder, maybe a little harder than he planned. Suddenly, Xander pushed back harshly, nearly throwing Spike on his ass.

"Jesus Christ, James. Those things really hurt, you know?"

Nick turned his head to scowl at his friend behind him. James had the courtesy to look sheepish and whispered, "Sorry, man. I was in the moment, you know?"



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The Spander Files