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Myths and legends brought into the reality of Odin. Beings created from the essence of magic in rare times of desparity, wether it be war or peace. Conjured only by the highest members of the elven council - both, drow and surface elf - whom are in the favor of their god(ess); so it is that all lines of Ethereal will trace back to what was once from the elven village.
The heart of magic placed into a single, warrior body to create the perfect, 'living' presence. One who is skilled in the arts of physical confrontation combined with the knowledge of magic. They are creatures who hide amongst the population, as the population; masked by their common appearances, often mistaken as vampiric. Parasites of the magical realm.
They're infamous for their abilities through out the elven community. Some of them include, but are not limited to....
Magic Mimicry  
        The Ethereal race are a magically imbued race, allowing them to adopt magical abilities that others may possess through mimicry, observation, and concentration. Though, this is no easy feat at first when first attempting to 'learn', and becomes harder the further the Ethereal is down their family line.
Heightend Senses  
Ethereals have an acute sense of smell and hearing. They're also given the ability to see just as well in the night, as they do during the daytime.
Their kinship (often viewed as a "partnership") with magic gives Ethereals the capability of altering their physical appearance into what they deem necessary, and is within the general height proximity; meaning, no more than a shift of six inches in height. Age plays a part in the spand of time which they are capable of holding this form; the older they are, the longer they can hold the shift. Note: Any Ethereal 4th generation and on will never be capable of holding the shift permanently.
The Imbuing
The first Ethereal - refered to as L'ust in the books of elves - is the purest form of its race. Immediately venturing out amongst the land in search of a companion, driven by the instinct to replicate a race nearly extinct.
In the drow race, male bodies are used to create Ethereals, labeled as Valuk Mortath, or Lord of Ethereals, and his companion the Valsharess Mortath, Queen of Ethereals. In the society of the surface elves, the roles are switched. From there, a third is often changed by one of the two, the Ust Morfel - strongest of all second generation Ethereals. It is as if they were the Wanre(child) of the purest Ethereal, yet they will always remain weaker than the Valuk and Valsharess.
"The Imbuing" is the process in which one is brought into an Ethereal Qu'ellar(Tribe). The one that changed them is their Mortath, while they are the Wanre. There is no specific method in which Wanre's are created, other than each baring a mark where the change occured on their body. No one Mortath can create a Wanre without the Valuk Mortath's blessing. If such an action occurs, both the Wanre and Mortath will be exiled from the family and their Ethereal powers stripped from them. Leaving behind only a small scar in the place of their marking, to show where they had once belonged.
Upon creation, and through out the Wanre's life, they are drawn to their Mortath through two sources of emotion; Attraction, or hatred. This attraction can be as little as friendship, to something more were the two desire to be sexual partners, depending on their previous relationship before the change. The same is said on the opposite spectrum, where they merely bicker, to where the desire to kill nearly becomes an impulse.
No matter their relationship with each other, each Ethereal feels a light tug, the presence of another of its kind. Giving it the capability to know when one of its own kind is near. This does not necesarrily mean they can be tracked, though, for the tug is in no specific direction.
The ways in which an Ethereal are removed are not truely known. Rumors have spread that only the L'ust can bless, and allow a Mortath to bring one into the family. So it is he has given the power for creation, it is he holds the power for exile. Often, as is the custom of the drow, they will carry some form of flesh removing tool in which to forcefully remove the marking from the Ethereals body. Though, the L'ust holds a Canvas of flesh created from those once living. Upon it rest the markings of his bloodline, in which he has but to remove them, to expell the members from the Qu'ellar. This method is only used when the targeted Ethereal tries to escape from the others.