Final Fantasy Courtyard // Final Fantasy 7 // Characters and Limit Breaks

Cloud is currently a mercinary and an ex-member of Soldier. He joined soldier as he idolized one of the elite members in it-Sephiroth. Parts of his past are a mystery to him. At the age of 21 he has joined the rebel group known as AVALANCHE. Eventually he gets involved in an amazing struggle for the planet. Cloud is 5' 7.'' He yeilds are the awesomest of blades, including the 'Buster Sword' and 'Ultimate Weapon.' He was born in Nibbleheim.

Tifa is a childhood friend of Cloud's born in Nibbleheim. She left Nibbleheim after her parents died and started an excellent bar called 'Tifa's Seventh Heaven.' Eventually she met up with AVALANCHE and joined with them for their struggle with the planet. Tifa is very refreshing and optimistic. She is 5' 5.'' Tifa is very armstrong. She yeilds powerful gloves and crushing Limit Break Combos.

Barret is the gruff leader of the Shinra rebellion AVALANCHE. He now guard his daughter Marlene with his life after his wife died in a dreadful accident many years ago. At 35 years of age it is assumed that Barret started this Shinra rebellion to get revenge on his wife. Barret is 6' 5.'' He uses deadly gun arms in battle.

Aeris- Aeris sells flowers in the Slums of Midgar. She grew her flowers in an old broken down church. A chance meeting with Cloud one day changes her life. As a 22 year old she has amazing magical powers. Aeris is 5' 3.'' There appears to be an ever deepening love triangle between herself, Cloud, and Tifa. Shinra seems to continue to mysteriously persue her. Aeris yeilds rods and staves in which she uses for both attacking and her magical powers.

An odd looking beast that is wise beyond his years. His current age is unknown aswell as many other things about him. He is a true enigma. However, it is later discovered that he is Nanaki, son of his tribe's warrior mother and father. He has sharp claws and devistating Limit Breaks good for close range combat.

Cait Sith
A mysterious jokster that uses Mega Phones for weapons. He's a pretty unreliable person along with his fortune telling, which is also unreliable. He has pretty odd attacks that are often a gamble. He rides around on a Mog. He used magic to get this Mog to life.

Yuffie is a spunky young ninja from the town of Wutai. She used to be a petty theif until she met Cloud. She reluctantly joins Cloud on his quest for her own alterior motives. She uses deadly shuriken for her weapon, and her Limit Breaks are amazing. She is 5' 2'' and she comes from a long line of ninja ancestory so don't mess with her!

Cid is a 32 year old pilot from Rocket Town. He speaks tough on the outside but he is truly warm-hearted. He is a pilot that only wishes to go to space oneday. He has much knowlege with machinery. He hopes that Shinra will reinstate it's space program so he can explore space. He is 5' 8'' and fights with a mighty spear.

Another mysterious character. He looks quite evil at first site as well. But trapped inside a cold exterior is a warm heart. Vincent was an ex-Turk aswell. But later on he also became subject to the twisted experiments of Shinra. His origins are also confusing....It would appear that he is Sephiroth's son aswell. Vincent is 6' 0'' and yeilds two pistols.

Sephiroth is the maniacal villain. All though early on he appears quite sane, later on you will find out he is quite insane. He is very mysterious and has been over exposed to Mako Energy. His enigma becomes clearer as the storyline progresses. He yeilds a 12 foot sword known as the Masamune.

The Turks
The turks are kind of like the spys for Shinra. However,their hands often appear in more messy things aswell-probably assanation etc. Current known Turks are Ellena, Reno, Rude, and their leader, Tseng. Vincent used to be a turk.

Other Shinra Opperatives

Heideggar was the leader of the Space Program.
A very evil indeed employee of Shinra....
Reeve is the vice president. He actually seems to have a conscience unlike the others....
The quite demented and insane scientist for Shinra.
The president himself.
The son of Shinra. Takes over as president after the murder of his father.

Limit Breaks

Limit Breaks are devestating attacks that can be used by characters after they have taken a certain amount of damage by enemies. Limit Breaks can be usexd after a gauge next to your HP listing gets filled. Your attack option then becomes 'Limit.' However Limit Breaks should be used wisely as they can be used only once. Below are listings of Limit Breaks, what characters they belong to, how to find them, and a small description. Note aswell that there are four levels of Limit Breaks, each with two Limit Breaks in them. Each level of Limit gets more powerful, however, it takes a longer time for your gauge to charge if the limit break is powerful.


Limit Level Name Description
Level One Braver Cloud leaps into the air, and then comes crashing down onto his opponent like a giant butcher knife with his mighty blade. Attacks one foe.
Level One Cross Slash Cloud uses his blade to slash his opponent five times. It causes damage to foes, and often times paralyzes them. To receive use Braver eight times.
Level Two Blade Beam A beam launches from Cloud's blade causing a fairly excellent amount of damage. Then, smaller beams torrent through the remaining foes. Cloud must kill 80 enemeys to receive this.
Level Two Climhazzard You can use this on one enemy. Cloud thrusts the sharp edge of his blade sideways into his opponent. The unlucky beast is then stuck to the blade as Cloud jumps into the air and then comes back down smashing his ooponent on the ground. You must use Bladebeam six times to receive this.
Level Three Meteorain A barrage of meteors falls upon all the opponents. Cloud must kill an additional 80 enemies in addition to the 80 he already had to kill to receive Bladebeam to receive Meteotrain.
Level Three Finishing Touch An amazing gust of wind blows away foes. Survivors will face the wrath of Cloud's amazing physical strength. You must use Meteorain four times to receive this.
Level Four Omnislash Cloud leaps into the air and does a frenzy of 12 attacks for over 12,000 points of damage. To get it, go to the battle arena at the Gold Saucer and buy it for 32,000 points. Then after learning all the other Limit Breaks, teach it manually.

Limit Level One: Beat Rush: Tifa Punches the enemy twice. This is her default Limit Break. Summersault: Tifa does an amazing cart-wheel like attack into the foe. Tifa must use Beat Rush 8 times to obtain. Limit Level 2: Water Kick: Tifa does a splendid kick. She must kill 80 foes to obtain. Meteodrive: The next part powerful of Tifa's combo. She must use Water Kick 6 times to obtain. Limit Level 3: Dolphin Blow: Tifa calls on a Dolphin friend to help her in this part of the combo. Tifa must kill another 80 enemies to obtain. Meteor Strike: In the next part of her combo, Tifa uses Meteors that will decimate her foes. Must use Dolphin Blow 4 times to obtain. Limit Level 4: Final Heaven: Tifa summons all strength into her fist and destroys any foul beast. Indeed Amazingly strong. To learn go back to Cloud's house and play the right tune on his piano. The after learning all other Limits teach to her manually. Note: from hence forth, this is the drill: You have your first limit break on default. Your next lvl. one limit break is taught after the first is used 8 times. Lvl 2 limit 1 is learned after 80 enemies are destroyed by your character. Lvl 2 limit 2 is learned after you use lvl 2 limit 1 6 times. kill another 80 enemies and u learn lvl 3 limit 1. use lvl 3 limit 1 4 times and you learn lvl 3 limit 2. complete the listed special tasks to get limit level 4. Exception:Vincent must only kill 60 enemies where above everyone else has to kill 80 enemies to get certain limit breaks. Barret: Limit Level 1: Bigshot: Barret forms a ball of energy and shoots it at the foe. Mind Blast: Ball of energy drains MP from opponent. Limit Level 2: Grenade Bomb: A big huge grenade bomb blows up foes. Hammerblow: Barret whaks an opponent real hard and they are forced out of the battle. Limit Level 3: Sattelite Beam- A giant beam from Barret's gunarm devestates all foes. Angermax- Barret does a Limit Break to damage all foes and damage them badly at that! Limit Level 4: Catastrophe- Barret's most powerful Limit Break. Talk to an old man at Mt. Coral to receive it, after the huge materia quest. Aeris: Limit Level 1: Healing Wind: Cures party members. Seal Evil: Aeris casts scilence and stop on one foe. Limit Level 2: Breath of Earth: Remove status ailments. Fury Brand: Makes other 2 party members get limit breaks. Limit Level 3: Planet Protector: Temporarily makes party invincible. Pulse of Life: Boosts Party's HP and MP back to full. Limit Level 4: Completely restores HP MP and makes temporarily invincible. Get by going to a cave. If the number of battles fought have the same 2 digits, then he gives you mythril. Bring this to the Weapon Smith and trade it to him for the Limit Break. Yuffie: Limit Level 1: Greased Lightning: Attacks one enemy with shuriken. Clear Tranquil: Puts Bubble around pary that casts a small version of Regen on them. Limit Level 2: Landscaper: Causes Earth damage to foes. Bloodfest: Attacks all enemies multipule times. Limit Level 3: Gauntlet: Attacks all opponents with shuriken. Doom of the Living: Attacks all enemies multipule times with Shuriken. Limit Level 4: All Creation- Attacks all opponents with an amazing amount of Damage. Get by defeating the Pagoda in Wutai with Yuffie. Note: Cait Sith only has 2 limit levels. Cait Sith: Limit Level 1: Dice: Damage is done multiplied by total on dice. Limit Level 2: Slots: You role slots and there is a diffrent outcome depending on what you get. Cid: Limit Level 1: Boost Jump: Attacks one opponent with spear. Dynamite: Attacks all opponents with explosive. Limit Level 2: Hyper Jump: An improved jump that attacks all opponents with spear. Dragon: Heals party and does minor damage to foes. Limit Level 3: Dragon Dive- Improved version of Dragon. Big Brawl: Attacks all enemies with spear for big damage. Limit Level 4: Attacks all opponents with salvos from Highwind. Get in Cargo Room on Sunken Submarine. Vincent: Galian Beast: Vincent turns into a Berserk Beast with the fire Element. Death Gigas: Vincent Turns into a Berserk beast with the Lightning element. Hellmasker: Vincent turns into a berserk beast that can iflict status ailments on foes. Chaos: Vincent turns into a berserk beast of powerful physical strength and no kind of element based attacks. Get it by visitng the Waterfall. Red XIII's Limit Breaks Limit Level 1: Sled Fang: Red rips through a foe. Lunatic High: Red casts haste on allies. Limit Level 2: Blood Fang: Drains HP from opponent. Stardust Ray: Red summons mystical stars to kill foes. Limit Level 3: Howling Moon: Casts Berserk and Haste on Red. Earth Rave: Devestating attack hits all opponents. Limit Level 4: Cosmo Energy: Giant beam of plasma decimates foes. Get by solving combination at Nibbleheim Mansion.
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Tifa has a unique limit break. She uses combo slots. Therefore she uto use her overdrive to its full power, if you match up slots properly. Also, her overdrive accumulates, meaning that when her Limit Break is set to Limit Level 3 she will still use her level one limit breaks, followed by level 2 then 3. Ex. Tifa uses Final Heaven: She uses Beat Rush, Summersault, Water Kick, Meteorive, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike, the Final Heaven. There are slots for each listed.
Limit Level Name Description