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Whisper will soon live in Didsbury, Alberta with his loving owner Denise L Pepin de Vinas. Whisper was born at Debern Kennels in Princeton B.C. on February 12, 1999. His sire is Magnum and his dear loving mother is Melody.

Whisper's best dog friend is Eclipse.


Why an Aussie from Debern Kennel?

Denise's story

Knowing that I would want a dog in a couple of years, I started searching
the net for the different breeds.

Once, I had heard someone mention the breed "Australian Shepherd", but I had
no idea what they looked like. So one day, at the library here in Didsbury,
looking at the Dobermans, Rottweilers etc.. I decided to type the have a
peek at the Aussies. Of course, lots of sites came up, I chose one and the
first picture I saw what a blue merle Aussie. It was love at first sight.
The more I read about the breed the more I had to have one. I love active,
agile, intelligent dogs and cats.

Visited numerous sites, sent emails, also asking for references, to the
breeders and anxiously waited for their replies.

I had a few requirements. I did not want a puppy, I wanted an older dog (age
did not matter), and sex did not matter.

A number of the breeders replied advising that they had no older pups (11
months - 18 months - 2 years old ...) available and they were not too
excited about my request. Some even mentioned that they did not put up for
adoption their retired Bitches or Studs.

Ok, well I will keep on looking. About 1 month after I had sent my emails to
all the breeders I received a late reply from Debbie apologizing that her pc
was done and she was now able to answer my questions and sent large list of referrals.

I sent an email to each and everyone of them and they all confirmed that
they would never hesitate to purchase an Aussie from Debbie!

Yes, she had older pups for sale, and yes if I wanted to choose a puppy she would keep it until I was ready for it.

Being quite impressed by Debbie's email I decided to call her. We spoke for
over an hour. I asked her all the questions I could think of and she was
able to answer them truthfully. I confirmed what I was looking for and she said that she would have no problems helping me choose a dog that would
compliment my household of cats when I was ready.

A couple of months went by, and I kept on going into Debbie's website to see the pictures of her adults and the puppies and older pups looking for homes.

There were 2 blue merle boys looking for homes and a tri-color female. Of
course my first love was the blue merles. I called Debbie and we discussed
both boys and we both agreed that the boy I was interested in would do just
great. Debbie said he was a quiet boy, a little reserved, kind of a snob
but that once he accepted me as his Mom he would be hooked for life. I did
not mind the challenge.

I told Debbie I would let her know in about a week of so which one I had
decided on. A few days went by and I went back into Debbie's site to look
at the boys again. There was the tri-color girl again! Called Debbie and
inquired about the little tri-color girl. Debbie mentioned that she was
already sold and just waiting to go to her new home.

Made my choice and told Debbie which boy I wanted - his name was "Whisper".

Whisper is still with Debbie until I finish school and buy a house this coming year (2001).

Back in August I went with Sherri to visit my boy (and girl - Eclipse) for
the week-end. Really enjoyed meeting Debbie, John, Miranda and Morgan.
Whisper and I spent time together while I was there (and also Eclipse)

I am happy that I had already chosen my dogs when I visited - BECAUSE IT
WOULD HAVE BEEN VERY HARD FOR ME TO CHOOSE a dog or two. They are all so gorgeous!

Whisper is my baby boy!




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