In this article we do not try to give precise dates nor we assured to have the certainty of the truth. Jesus Christ notices to us that: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Saint Matthew 24, 36). We do not try, therefore, to assure the dates nor the events that will precede to the return of the Lord to the Earth. It is only a humble attempt to brief the sequence of the facts that will precede to parousia, which already we can glimpse like very next, so that before the evidence of the facts the men straighten their sinful lives and they prepare themselves to receive with dignity to the Lord in His second and definitive coming to the Earth.

As it notices the Scripture to us, the important events for the humanity come preceded by prophetic announcements:

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

(Amos 3, 7)

God sends diverse signs to humble people with the purpose of giving greater credibility to His warnings. The fact that three children of rural Portugal, illiterate and totally ignorants of which happened in the world, receive a message of great spread as were the one of Fátima, is a clear sign that this revelation cannot be the result of an invention of imaginative minds.

This same scheme reproduces with other apparitions whose apocalyptic content prevented that they were accepted by the Church.

For this work we will be based on different prophecies from the past like those of Saint Malachy, and much more recent others, like those of La Salette, Garabandal, Escorial, Vassula and Akita. The apparition of Bayside, in New York, that is very similar to the previous ones, has been condemned by the Church, so we will not take it in consideration.


The prophecies on parousia usually are not accepted by the Church. It is enough that any apparition makes reference to a concrete date on the end times so that automatically is disregarded. Some, like Bayside, are condemn openly by their heterodox content. The rest, simply finds as answer silence. The Church do not pronounces on them.

This was what it happened with the prophecies of Saint Malachy.

This Irish saint composed a prophetic list on the 113 Popes that would follow from their time, around year 1000, to the end times. To each one of these Popes he applied a brief cryptic name to him that would represent a significant fact on its person or his reign.

In the present year, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI is in the throne of Saint Peter, who according to the list of Saint Malachy is the Pope number 112. Therefore, only one Pope more - Petrus Romanus, according to the list, before parousia.

As it is too long to enumerate all them, we will only mention the surprising coincidences between the three last Popes and the motto that was assigned by the abbot Maelmhaedhoc, the original gaelic name of Saint Malachy of Armagh.

Paul VI, Pope number 108 was named Flos florum(the flower of the flowers). The lily, is the plant nicknamed the flower of the flowers, and this one is the symbol of the city of Florence, of which was genuine this Pope. The shield of arms of Florence is made up of three flowers of lily.

John Paul I, Pope 109, was named: "Mediate Lunae" or "Of the term of the moon." He reigned exactly 33 days: the term of the moon!

The Pope John Paul II's cryptic name on Malachy's list is: "Laboris Solis" or "The labor of the sun." This likely refers to his voyages all arround the World proclaming the Good News (Light).

The pope Benedict XVI, is termed: "Gloriae Olivae" or "The Glory of the Olive", which refers to a period of world peace.

The last Pope on the list of Saint Malachy is termed "Petrus Romanus" (Peter the Roman). Malachy's only written comment is on this last pope: "Finally shall come Peter the Roman, He shall lead the Church into to the final persecution of the antichrist, after which the terrible Judge will return to judge His people."

As we can verify, if we entrusted the prediction of Saint Malachy , the end times are really imminents. There is only the present Pope - Benedict XVI - before the beginning of the cataclysms that will precede to the return of the Son of Man.

Now we try to precise some dates. According to Benedict XVI has expressed in his stage of cardinal, out time characterizes by the great profusion of apparitions and celestial signs of diverse type.

One of them occurred in 1961, the Spanish town of Saint Sebastián de Garabandal. This event is important by several indications. First it is evident the parallelism with Fatima. the Blessed Virgin appears again to three children who still do not reach the age of ten. The message that transmits speech to them on the one hand of the general decay of the religion: the corruption of "Priests, Bishops and Cardinals" who " many of them take the way of perdition and carry many more souls with them". She expresses the extreme importance of the Eucharist , more and more infravalued; and it demands more oration and sacrifices. In the second message, She explicitly notices that the generalized moral corruption will bring as consequence a "great punishment" that will consist in fire will fall from the sky", and "will perish two thirds of the humanity".

The apparitions of Vassula extended during several years. In this case, the seer Vassula Ryden is the wife of a Swedish diplomat and received her messages in several countries of the world, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Egypt, etc. Receives the messages through the writing. Jesus Christ spoke through her with a majestic writing in which He repeated the messages of Garabandal. It is more, He says explicitly that

I, the Lord, bless My children of Garabandal
(October 13.1987). That is to say, the apparition of Vassula is an explicit confirmation of the message of Garabandal.

Another apparition that extended during twenty years was Prado Nuevo of El Escorial, in Spain. In this case, the seer - a simple woman of the rural world called Amparo Cuevas - entered ecstasy and by means of her speak Jesus Christ and Mary. These apparitions return to the same scheme of Garabandal: the world is turned a new Sodom, and Gomorrah and will be punished of the same form that these two cities: with a deluge of fire. Jesus Christ and Mary warn to us of the urgent necessity to rectify the course of the global moral degeneration in which the humanity is immersed. The request of orations and sacrifices is also incessant before the imminent arrival of the end times.

These apparitions are specially important for me, because I was personally in Prado Nuevo and in this place I have had the vivid impression to be in the presence of the Divinity and even more. Also I can personally certify a great amount of trustworthy testimonies on supernatural events occurred in these apparitions.

An apparition that results again on the same subject is Akita, in Japan. Of a wood statue they begin to bring forth tears and an inner voice communicates with one of the sisters. In this case, it is the Blessed Virgin that speaks to a deaf nun - perhaps a metaphor on the deafness that the present world sample towards the warnings of God and where becomes to mention the same message of Garabandal: if not change, the humanity will have to support a terrible punishment: a rain of fire. This apparition is specially important by two questions, first: it has been validated by the Church, which had, possibly, because it does not mention explicitly the end times, but simply a punishment: "Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity". And, second, it has been confirmed by the miraculous cure of its main seer, sister Agnes, who recovered hearing after a total deafness.

We could still mention other apparitions of great reputation, like the prophecy of Saint Pio de Pietrelcina, or Father Gobbi, or Heede and other that affect this same question, but we prefer do not to extend too much this writing with unnecessary redundancies.

Once exposed all the previous one, I believe that it is not ventured to affirm the proximity of the end times.

It is more, if we make an extrapolation between Garabandal and Fatima, we could even risk to precise a date. The Blessed Virgin appeared to the little shepherds in 1917, and the main message of Fatima on the end of the Comunism in the officially atheistic Soviet Union ("Russia will convert and be peace") was fulfilled finally in 1989, the year of the fall of the wall of Berlin. They happened, therefore, 72 years. Number 72 has a symbolic meaning: a previous period of delay to a new phase completely different from the precedent.

Therefore, extrapolating these numbers to Garabandal, we would have that the Blessed Virgin appeared to the three children in 1961, and 72 years after it is: 2033. If we considered the date of the second apparition, 1965, the date of the end times would be 2037.


We can asked why this behavior. Why God warns to us of His intentions with several decades of anticipation, and following the scheme prefixed in the Apocalypse

A possible answer would be in the singularity of this time. We are in the final times, that is to say, a great part of the humanity - two thirds according to the apparitions will see truncated their existence of sudden form. If we consider that this terrestrial life is not more than the period of test in which we must elect for one of the two destinies that wait to us - heaven or hell is logical that God grants special graces to us to confront this end. Throughout a normal life of seventy or eighty years, we receive a succession of graces sufficient for salvation. If this existence were truncated of unexpected form by some massive cataclysm, it would be necessary to concentrate these graces in a smaller period of time, making them more intense. The end times will follow a predetermined sequence, so that to the light of the facts, those souls that wish to follow the Truth find the way of the Life and they regret the sin.

God is right, and His judgment is true. But at the same time He is merciful, and for that reason He give to sinners a lot of graces for they regret his sins and they can be saved. A form to obtain this conversion is presenting to the atheists some powerful evidences of the proximity of the Judgment. For that reason, before the great announced punishment falls on this planet, there will be a spectacular warning in the skies that will be seem by all the humanity.


In Garabandal three consecutive phases follow one another: the warning, the miracle and the punishment. As we already said above, if it is really the end times, it is logical that people receive before death all necessary graces to be saved. That is to say, all the supernatural light that normally would be received during a natural life, will be received in less time but much more intensely. This one seems at least the strategy designed by God, because in Garabandal children says explicitly that "God hopes that, through this act of His Mercy, we amend our lives, and turn away from the wrong path". It does not seem easy to me that three mountain children of little or null formation could invent an apocalyptic history with these theological subtilities; one more evidence of the veracity of this Mary's apparition. Men and women who finally condemn in the end times, will have received so many particular graces and lights as they would have had in a natural life. Therefore, they will not be able to argue that their condemnation was consequence of anticipate death in the end times and they lacked sufficient lights to find God.

In this subject of the warning we found a new parallelism with Fatima. In the second secret of Fatima, sister Lúcia revealed to us that World War II would explode and that this one would come also preceded by a warning: "When you will see one night illuminated by a unknown light, you know that that one is the great signal that gives God you of which He is going to punish to the World by its crimes, by means of the war, of the hunger and the persecutions against the Church and the Holy Father."

At night of January 25 in 1938, Sister Lúcia saw the sinister red brilliance, that Our Lady had warned to her that it would be the great signal that God would go "to punish to the World (…) by means of the war" On the following day, the strange phenomenon of the "illuminated night" apparently by a gigantic aurora borealis was published in diverse newspapers in Europe and North America. Some weeks later, in March of 1938, Hitler invaded Austria and annexed it to Germany - an action that gave beginning to the scaling of events that in 1939 exploded in World War II.

It is really surprising these type of coincidences, but if we investigated a little we perceived that they are more habitual of which could be thought. It is as if God wished that the great events were announced in stars.

The most famous example is the star that lead to the Magicians until our Saviour born in Bethlehem.

Another singular case happened in 1066 with the unfortunate king Harold II. This one was the last saxon king of England. Its short reign lasted less than 10 months. Few days after its coronation the comet Halley was visible on all England, which considered a warning of great disasters. And, rapidly, Harold saw like his kingdom was invaded by the normands, and their dynasty and he himself were annihilated for always in the battlefield.

In century XX, in addition to the above warning of World War II, it happened another similar phenomenon in Russia. In 1908 a great asteroid flew over skies of Siberia and exploded before touching the ground in the northern region of Tunguska. This meteor must have a considerable dimensions, because 2,000 square kilometers of taiga were devastated and the effects of the explosion were perceived to hundreds of kilometers. Nevertheless its composition was not solid, and the heating caused by its entrance in the atmosphere caused that it was disintegrated in the sky. Fortunately this Siberian region practically was depopulated, and, that it is known, there were no mortal victims; but the effects in the landscape were considerable: uprooted curdle trees, a great deforested zone, and a so intense outbreak that it was heard to 1500 kilometers. Over the next few days, night skies were aglow such that in London, one could read a newspaper in their light. It was observed a decrease in atmospheric transparency that lasted for several months.

Today, one hundred years later, we cannot let think that this one was a new warning of the Sky on the immense sea of calamities that would be lowered on Russia in the following years. Five years later, this country entered World War I, which it would leave four years later leaving back almost 2 million deads and a devastated country. And this to solely enter immediately the bloody civil war between Bolsheviks and mencheviks with a final balance of nine million deads. Then it gave to beginning a brutal atheistic communist dictatorship that would be extended during seventy and two years. Like all the dictatorships, this one also leaned in a wild repression whose final balance between died and deported to Siberia calculates in about sixty million people. And twenty years later the country was invaded by the Nazis and was annihilated another 10% of the population: twenty-three million people.

If the great explosion of the meteor of Tunguska were an accidental fact or a warning of Heaven it is something that can be discussed, but it is not doubt that XX century was bloodiest of all Russian history.

We even have an almost identical case at the present time: day December 19, 2004, one week before the great tsunami of Indonesia of December 26, of same year, an asteroid exploded on Yakarta, the capital of the country. The roar was so intense that it was even heard on all the Indonesia capital and in some populations located to 80 kilometers. Seven days later, was the dantesque tsunami that devastated the north of the country and the coasts of the Indian Ocean; their effects were let even feel in Africa, to 5000 kilometers. The balance of this disaster was a total of 300,000 dead ones.

The Bible also follows a scheme similar. When Jesus returns to the Earth "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: : (Saint Matthew 24, 30).

In addition to Garabandal, other apparitions also speak about the Warning. In Prado Nuevo of Escorial, Amparo Cuevas says that "many will think that it is a simple astronomical phenomenon". In Garabandal specifies more: "The warning It will be seen in the sky all over the world and immediately transmitted to the inside of our souls. It will be an astronomic phenomenon, similar to a bang of stars with a lot of light and noise, but it won´t fall over us. It will be like fire, but it won´t burn our bodies, though it will be felt physically and internally. It will last a very short time, but its effects on the world will be huge. We should not be afraid of death if we are not quaking with fear or, in some special cases, due to God´s Mercy. Everyone will see in a short period of time how their souls are before the light of God, and will know that He exists, and that He has been present at every single sin of theirs. It will be like a trial in miniature."

Vassula says the same question: "Vassula, let it be known that in a short time I will send you all a sign coming from above, you will understand that it came from Me, I will Shine on you, I love you all." (October 13.1987)


In the same line to cause that the souls receive sufficient lights to be saved before the end arrives, God still will offer another enormous act of Mercy to the humanity and will grant to men a great miracle, as announces the message of Garabandal: "It will be a Miracle very great, greater than Fátima, so great and spectacular as the world needs."

Apparently, it would be a species of beatific vision. The eyewitnesses who are in Garabandal during the miracle will have the opportunity to see in all their splendor the indescriptible happiness of Eternal Heavens to us. The seers affirm that but for a special grace, those that saw it they would die of happiness. Here, we found a new parallelism with Fátima. In Portugal, one hundred thousand people were present at the miracle of the sun that was announced by the Blessed Virgin previously. Possibly, In Garabandal the Heavens will be opened in front of a similar multitude, who testimony trustworthy the immense divine Mercy.

It will practically be as if God shows Himself. Nevertheless, we do not have to be mistaken with respect to the final results. The diverse apparitions affirm that only "few" will convert. Although the miracle will be huge and of which will be no doubts with respect to its authenticity, I am afraid that many will prefer to watch towards another side and to deny the truth changing it with any other banal explanation - astronomical or meteorological phenomena, ufos, extraterrestrials, collective hallucinations, etc - in order not to have to leave his more beloved vices. And it is that to accept the Truth it supposes the abandonment of sin, badness and vice, a price that many people are not ready to pay.

Apparitions say that the Miracle will coincide with an not usual Church event, that has not occur during the life of Conchita (one of the seers of Garabandal). And it to occur on a feast-day of a martyred Saint for the Eucharist. This could give us a clue on the date. Year 2030 is the second millenium of the death of Jesus Christ, Who was crucified in year 30. Although it could be another festivity.


"And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed."

(Saint Luke 17, 26-30)

In this passage of the Gospel we have two of the keys that will precede to the end times: a great economic prosperity will exist and most of the humanity will live completely unconscious to which it comes to him above.

Is specially remarkable the comparison that becomes in the penultimate versicle between Sodom, and Gomorrah with the end times. As much in these two cities as in the days of Noah, the humanity was in a situation of extreme moral corruption and listen not any warning that arrived from God by mouth of His prophets. The punishment of fire and sulfur that calcined Sodom, and Gomorrah is continuously repeated in all the apparitions like which it will devastate this corrupt planet when the apocalyptic terms are fulfilled.

The present world seems to perfectly fulfill the two conditions mentioned by Saint Luke. We are in a stage of economic prosperity without historical precedents. And without a doubt people eat and drink more than ever, in fact, a plague exists at the moment that was strange only a half a century ago: the generalized obesity. The overweight is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the physiognomy of the present humanity, in fact in the richest countries most of the population surpasses widely the weight that would be recommendable. It is more, calculates that for the first time in the world history, they exist more obese people than hungry people. It is praiseworthy that finally finishes the plague of the hunger, but this data confirm the Saint Luke words.

The second great preoccupation of the present society also is mentioned by Saint Luke, when saying that "they took woman or husband". I am not going to extend too much on this evident question. Simply I will say for people younger than the prevailing libertinism at the moment in the society is not the natural thing in the humanity. Youth has not known another thing, and thinks that the sexual corruption is the normal thing, because it is what sees every day in their surroundings, and what the mass media transmit continuously; but this is a distorted perception of the human sexuality.

Before the decade of 1960 "sexual revolution", panorama was drastically different. Divorce was not accepted in most of the world, it existed a scrupulous respect towards the sexual privacy and people differentiated without greater problems the natural thing from against-naturam.

From the mentioned "revolution", occurs a sudden an rapid involution: sexual promiscuity became general and brought as sequel the massive divorces; decency and the respect by the privacy disappeared and appeared the massive and omnipresent pornography; that changes the perception of the natural thing by another notion that only recognized the own interest. The result: the massive growth of sexual depravations, homosexuality and abortion.

This one is the present social model: the empire of the instincts over the Truth. It is the antediluvian model, and the model of the sodomites. And this model is just the same that Saint Luke predicts for the end times.


"I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Saint Luke 18, 8)

One of the most important signs that announce the end times is the Great apostasy.

Jesus asks if when He returns He will find faith on the Earth. And this time is just characterized by the extreme atheism. We can affirm that has not have another historical time so apostate as the present days.

Saint Paul returns on the same subject:

Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (2 Thessalonians 2, 3-4)

I believe that, at global level, never before a so atheistic, irreligious and indifferent times existed. Some examples: in the European Union the percentage of attendance to Sunday mass has declined drasticaly in the last 50 years. With the 90% of attendance to Sundays mass in the half of the XX century, to 10% in present days. This is a forceful data that reveal the generalized apostasy.

In the ex-Communists countries of Eastern Europe, Russia and China, the situation is similar. And this situation is extending to certain countries considered bastions of the catholicism. We have the case of Poland, considered during decades a Christian bastion in the middle of the atheistic communist sea of East Europe. But that was before. The present data are amazing. Only the last year, the 2005, the Polish Church lost 400,000 faithfuls, a considerable amount in a country of 40 million inhabitants. And it is foreseeable that this tendency stays until reaching the levels of the rest of Europe, where the attendance to the dominical mass is around 10%. When this happens in a traditionally as religious society as the Pole, we cannot deny that the Great Apostasy announced by Saint Paul is already here.

And the situation of the rest of the planet is similar when not worse. In fact, the present Islamic integrism with violent dyes is not another thing, in my opinion, that a desperate reaction before the evident wave of generalized laicism that even extends by the countries with ancestral Islamic culture.

The present situation of the Church, and religion in general, is very different from which was only fifty years ago. The humanity religious sense is collapsed and this generalized weakening of the spirituality supposes an unquestionable loss of influence of the Church in the society. This situation of extreme weakness will not take in giving its fruits, most evident of which it will be:


The Bible confirms to us that it will arrive a day in which the sacrifice of the Eucharist will be prohibited (Daniel 8, 11). This that just a few years ago it was something unthinkable, is at the moment a realistic possibility. It is not difficult to find declarations of some politicians who want to prohibit certain aspects of the religions for several reasons: machism, homophobic, intolerants, archaic, etc. Every time will become more difficult to preach the Gospel as it is written, and I do not doubt that the preaching of some Biblical passages will be prohibited because they are considered incompatible with the dominant politicaly-correct moral. At the moment it already is difficult to stay in the society as a coherent Christian. The fact of being a religiously active person seems a form of mental pathology whose fruits for many are only the fanaticism, the intolerance and, at the moment, the religious terrorism.

One evident consequence of this perspective is the collapse of the sacerdotal vocations. A society so apostate and antireligious is not propitious to vocations. If to this we added that at the present time the work of priest supposes to become a case social marginalizing, it is logical that seminaries are desert.

When finally the prohibition of the religious practice takes place, the Biblical prophecies will be completed and the religious people will have to refuge again in the catacombs, which, probably, no longer they will leave until the second coming of the Messias.



Although all the previous one can seem extremely pessimistic, we do not have to forget that all it was prophesied two millenia ago. The Apocalypse mentions an uninterrupted succession of calamities that must follow one another necessarily before the end times.

Between all of them, without a doubt the worse one will be the apparition of the Antichrist.

It will be during this time that the Antichrist will be born of a Hebrew nun, a false virgin who will communicate with the old serpent, the master of impurity, his father will be Bishop. At birth, he will spew out blasphemy; he will have teeth, in a word, he will be the devil incarnate. He will scream horribly, he will perform wonders, he will feed on nothing but impurity. He will have brothers who, although not devils incarnate like him, will be children of evil. At the age of twelve, they will draw attention upon themselves by the gallant victories they will have won; soon they will each lead armies, aided by the legions of hell. (The Blessed Virgin in La Salette)

It seems to exist a inverse parallelism between this figure and the one of Jesus Christ. Both will pass hidden the most of their lives, One doing the good, and the other operating badly. They will only be visible to the world during a brief period of time, that the Bible bases for the antichrist in three years and a half. The function of the Messias went to bring the salvation to the humanity; the one of the son of the perdition will be exactly the opposite. Jesus Christ lived between the humble ones and at all costs avoided to occupy a position between the powerful ones; exactly the inverse thing will make the Antichrist, of which the Bible affirms that he will occupy the place of God and he will even pretend to be God. This personage will be of the human ancestry, but he will have certain powers that will use to do badly. The Apocalypse mentions: "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men" (Apocalypse 13, 13)

During three years this man will be the "Messias" and will be able to dominate a great part of the humanity. Religious and civil government will be abolished. Only violence will be the law. No governments, no justice courts and no rules.

To my to understand, the process basically would consist of appearing like the Messias that Jews still waits for. With the diverse means of the satanic world, spells and demonic ruses will be able to deceive to a great part of the Jewish people, and even world-wide, that is in generalized apostasy, appearing like Saviour of humanity. Without a doubt He will reconstruct the temple of Jerusalem, where he will install all class of abominations. It is what the Scripture calls the Abomination of Desolation, probably an image of the apocalyptic Beast. If we pay attention to the predictions, we must accept that a great part of the world-wide population will succumbing to his lies and they will even be mark with some special sign to testify his property to the new religion. All those that try to stay firm in the faith will undergo persecution and many will be annihilated.

According to prophecies like those of the Escorial, He will be able to drag to hell to two thirds of the humanity. This it will be the blackest period for the Church, the persecutions will be massive and to maintain the faith will be all a feat. The dominion of the Antichrist on the humanity will be so that He will even be allowed to mark the men of his flock with an own mark, as if they were simple head of cattle. Henoc and Elíjah will return to Earth during some time to warn the humanity, to which they will punish with all luck of plagues due to its generalized apostasy. These two prophets will be assassinated and their corpses exposed in public. But after three days, they will return to ascend to Heaven for general astonishment.


"The seasons will be altered, the earth will produce nothing but bad fruit, the stars will lose their regular motion, the moon will only reflect a faint reddish glow. Water and fire will give the earth's globe convulsions and terrible earthquakes which will swallow up mountains, cities." (The Blessed Virgin Mary in La Salette).

The seasons will be altered, said Our Lady 160 years ago. And now, in year 2007 we have an example of this: the opening of the sea routes in the artic. Global warming made the Northwest Passage, in north Canada, fully navigable for the first time.

When human apostasy reach all their apogee and the return of the Son of Man be imminent, diverse signs will appear in the sky. Most outstanding, mentioned in Bible and the apparitions, it will be the color change of our satellite. The moon will begin to emit a certain reddish tonality (Joel 3, 4-5; Acts 2, 20-21; Apocalypse 6, 12). The last reason of this change is to warn the humanity of the imminence of the end times - a new grace conceded by Heaven for the conversion of sinners-; but I am afraid that again many will attribute it to a natural phenomenon that already is evident: the global warming. Green house effect gases massive emission will follow until the end times. Everything indicates that this phenomenon will increase geometrically, quickly increasing the temperatures of all the planet. The defrosting of Siberia, Greenland and Canada will release enormous amounts of methane now imprisoned in frozen bogs, accelerating the climatic change still more and causing more heat, less rains, more dryness and more fires.

Although many refuse to believe it, this phenomenon is a fact. The climatic change has caused already an appreciable increase in frequency and intensity of natural disasters, for example hurricanes are more and more numerous and more destructive their effects. The droughts more and more are extended, as much geographically as in their duration. All this, as well, will carry all class of environmental problems, affecting to men with innumerable calamities: hunger, plagues, diseases, etc.

Apocalypse 16 speaks to us of which "the quarter [angel] spilled its glass on the sun; and he was entrusted to him to burn to the men with fire, and the men were burnt with a burning heat". This passage gives to us another clue: the end times will come preceded by ardent waves of heat, perhaps another more light granted by Heaven so that the humanity reflects already on the burning and very next infernal flames.

The great amounts of methane released in the atmosphere and the lack of rains, with the pollution and the soot of massive fires will paint in the firmament a dirty veil. It will be something similar to which it happens in some present macrocities where the smoky factories and million automobiles burning combustible change the color of the sky: natural blue to a clear brown. Then the stars will be indistinguishable, hidden after the thick curtain of dirt, and only the Moon will be able to cross the pollution mantle presenting to us a reddish shade, perhaps a metaphor of the enormous spill of blood that is approached.

This one, probably, will be the last warning granted to sinners so that they repent before the end arrives.


The great tribulation is the last link of this chain of uninterrupted disasters. As much the apparitions as the Bible mention literally that "and there fell a great star from heaven," (Apocalypse 8, 10). And it adds that: "And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, [every stone] about the weight of a talent." (Apocalypse 16, 21). The Bible also mentions "and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." (Apocalypse 16, 18). These three phenomena are related. The entrance of a great meteor in the atmosphere causes an overheating of its surface and the loosening of its more superficial crust in meteorite rain form. And it is evident that the impact of a great meteor on the Earth will cause a colossal earthquake that will be let feel in all the planet.

Although it is very ventured to affirm that it is this "star", not for that reason it stops being a realistic possibility. At the moment a meteor exists that has its course laid towards us. Its name is 2004 MN4 99942 Apophis in the scientific nomenclature. It is a celestial rock of about three hundred meters that will visit closely the Earth in 2029 and could go round its orbit again and score a direct hit in April 13, 2036, EASTER DAY! A surprising coincidence of dates!

Another surprising coincidence exists. As we already indicated above, the important facts for the humanity usually come preceded by warnings in stars. And the passage of this star by the environs of our planet will cause that it is possible to observe it in all Earth. Possibly, this will be the announcement of a new disaster: the beginning of the government of the Antichrist. It is possible, however, that it is not thus; but it seems probable by the surprising coincidence of dates: the Bible specifies that the reign of the Antichrist will extend during 42 months, and that time is that will take this asteroid in returning to the Earth, this time to hit against us.

The impact will be so brutal that it will cause the total destruction of a continent and a catastrophe of planetary proportions. Literally it will take mountains of his site and it will make them jump in pieces, and in case of falling in the sea, it will cause that the islands fly in pieces and disappear at heart of the ocean. Even the entire planet can be affected changing its orbit or the inclination of its axis of rotation. In order to make a small scheme of which this would suppose, it is enough to say that the destruction would be total in five thousand kilometers to the round of the point of impact. The power of the explosion - the equivalent one to a detonation of 1000 million tons of TNT would cause an enormous amount of calorific energy that would extend by the planet in ardent clouds of about 600 ºC of temperature. The surface of the planet would be devastated by the smoke and burning winds. It would be, literally, "fire lowered of the sky", as they predict all the apparitions.

The impact of the meteor against the Earth would cause in addition a gigantic dust cloud similar to a nuclear winter that would turn immediately the day in night. The skies of the planet would be covered with a dense smoke screen, dust and injurious gases coming from the tremendous explosion and subsequent fires. The sun do not shine and then it would begin:


And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, (Apocalypse 16, 10)

the sixth seal is about to be broken4 and you will all be plunged into darkness and there will be no illumination for the smoke poured up out of the Abyss will be like the smoke from a huge furnace so that the sun and the sky will be darkened by it; 5 and out of My Cup of Justice I will make you resemble snakes, vipers, I will make you crawl on your belly and eat dust6 in these days of darkness; I will crush you to the ground to remind you that you are not better than vipers .... you will suffocate and stifle in your sins;

in My anger I will tread you down, trample you in My wrath! see? My four angels are standing anxiously now around My Throne, waiting for My orders; when you will hear peals of thunder and see flashes of lightning know that the Hour of My Justice has come; the earth will shake and like a shooting star, will reel from its place, extirpating mountains and islands out of their places, entire nations will be annihilated, the sky will disappear like a scroll rolling up, as you saw it in your vision, daughter; a great agony will befall on all the citizens, and woe to the unbeliever! hear Me: (Messages of Vassula 02.18.1993)

Again we were with number 72. According to the prophecy of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, just before parousia, would come the final purification of the humanity .

The ardent clouds would cover the Earth devastating all sinful humanity. They would be 72 hours of total dark, in which hell would be drained of its demons. A frightful human hunting would take place on the Earth face. The apparitions indicate us that two of each three humans would lower to hell during these three days of darknesses. Demons would work without rest to drag to the abyss to all those ones marking with the symbol of the Beast (mortal sin).

The other third of humanity must remain locked up in its houses, praying, and avoiding to watch the outside. Parallelism between these facts with those of Sodom, and Gomorrah is evident. The present world resembles an enormous brothel corrupted until the marrow by all class of corruptions and vices, between which they emphasize specially - like in Sodom, and Gomorrah - the sexual sins, so generalized that nor they already consider. In fact, I am afraid that even it is possible that they surpass widely to those two Biblical cities, because in Sodom, and Gomorrah, there was a sin notion. The sodomites knew that they sinned, although it did not matter to them to do it. In the Sodom that is the present world, the virtue is the sin, and the sin is normality. The most evident example of all this are the homosexual "weddings". This corrupt society has institutionalized as good and desirable the unions against nature, and send to jail the clergymen who dare to preach that the homosexuality is a social cancer… exceed the commentaries.

Just like to Lot and his family, to whom the angel prohibited to see back, Sodom calcined by the celestial fire, during the three days of darknesses men who are in grace state must remain inside their houses and they will not have to watch the outside. Probably the horror that will occur in the world during these 72 hours of darknesses surpasses the human capacity.


When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven

(Acts 1, 6-11)