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Hileni's Pages


Life in China

Photo Gallery

4 May 2004

 Had a one week brake (May Labour Holiday) so me and 3 other students travelled to Beijing.

Went to: - The Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square,Temple of Heaven,The Mao Zedong Mausoleum, The Drum Tower and Bell Tower, North Sea Park (Beihai Gongyuan) and The Summer Palace.

And.....climbed the "CHINA Great Wall". There is a saying in Chinese that sais, if u havent climbed the great wall, then u are not a now u all know what a great hero I am.

Estelle and I posing for a pic on the great wall.

Check out more pics of my trip to Beijing here

14 May 2004

I finally removed my braids today - Ive had them like for five months.
Voila! - the results.

15 May 2004

Sorry I missed your bday - but I promise to make it up to u.

23 May 2004

I had a beautifull weekend. A good friend of mine (Eric) from Beijing came to visit. Went to almost everywhere in Nanjing, but guees what?? Everytime we went out, I forgot my camera so I didnt get to take any pictures at all. But before he left though, I managed to take this one.

27 May 2004

Mansueta decided to cut her hair off today.
(I still cant believe she cut almost all her hair off)