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About the Layout

This layout was originally made for a contest at AnimeShare. This is the second contest I've joined. I just thought I'd give it a try. A layout contest, that sounded pretty easy to me. I had a hobby of making layouts for a long time. Div layers are easiest to me. And also, they can result in very beautiful designs.

This layout does not feature any character or person from any manga/anime series nor any celebrities. It's just a flower that I decided to use for making the design of the layout for the contest.

This layout is compatible with a better off 1024 by 768 resolution. Enjoy.

I hope you keep the credits and copyrights where they are and how they are.

Don't forget to follow the short instructions between <!-- and -->.

Using this Layout

In order to unzip this layout, you're going to need WinZip. Click here to download the application.

If you want to view the layout like how it should be, make sure you have these files listed in your own hard drive:

- index (HTML document)
- design (folder)
-- bg (JPEG image)
-- index1 (JPEG image)
-- index2 (JPEG image)
-- index3 (JPEG image)
-- index4 (JPEG image)
-- index5 (JPEG image)
-- index6 (JPEG image)
-- index7 (JPEG image)
-- style (CSS document)

To edit all of your content and navigation, simply open the index HTML document.

Copyright (?)

Layout & design (c) Saeki Midori [personal site] 2004
Brushes from, Areno-Yuuki
Contest layout for AnimeShare