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Heart's Bane and Dragon's Blood

I offer my welcome to you who has stumbled upon my little piece of cyberspace.
Make yourself comfortable and relax as I share with you what I can and allow myself to recieve the world's cruelty.

I've created this site to give myself a place to share with you the things I have written. These pieces provide for myself an outlet for emotion as well as something to do with my spare time. It is also a place where I will share other's pieces once I start recieving them. Please feel free to send me questions, critiques, or comments.

If you wish to use any of the original works on this site, please contact me.
I will more than likely give you permission if you ask first.


Added "Sightless Sky"

Added "Sixteen"

Added "Fighting Universe"
Added "Pain's Ecstasy"
Added "Demon's White Starlight"

Added "Timeless"

Added "A Star's Tear"

All background sets gotten from: