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Nicky's Page
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Pits are a very misunderstood and mistreated breed of dog.Even i had my apprehension when I got Nicky,Hell I am from brooklyn,and the only two kinds of people in my neighborhood owned pits dog fighters and drug dealers.Owning a Pit is like owning a gun,if not handled properly it will cost a life.a pit will always follow its instinct and do what its breed to do and thats fight,but if you are a owner like me,you love them because they are beautiful,good dogs like any other breed,cept for the slight drawback in genetics.When i got Nicky i was worried, I have two kids and a slew of animals ,small dog,cats,ferrets,bunny..she is a older dog 8,and was abused.i brought her around my kids went well ,she wasn't a bit happy with Tiki's attention *My Pomeranian* i thought oh god she is going to eat him..but i guess a 24 hour ride in the car back to wisconsin cured that,by the time i got home they were best of buds,though Of course being a male he had to assert his alpha role,Tiny as he is,Nicky will shy away from Tiki if he goes after,cept One thing Nicky does not share her food bowl at all well,and Tiki has learned to stay away while she eats,as for the cats I was very nervous about that i had asked my Uncle's girlfriend how is she around cats,she looked at me as to say not a good idea..but that didn't stop me from taking her..and once home i carefully watched her and the only one cat with balls enough to approach her was evil,and once again i was scared that should would go after the cat,but she proved me wrong yet again,The other cats have learned to take Nicky with a grain of salt,tho they are not openly as friendly towards her as evil is,they do not fight with her, but just go about their buisness..i was testing her,and each test she passed with flying colors ,so next step was seeing how well she did with strangers on the street,first time out i was walking her past some bicyclist..i thought the same again she is going to jump them,nope she walked by them as though they were not there,during one of hourly walks i decided to take a seat in front of a store,well a bunch of little kids 5 and up with their mothers,came walking down the street,of course kids being kids can't resist a dog.and the baby of the bunch a little girl walked up to Nicky and placed her arms around her neck,once again i was scared as to what Nicky would do,well she wagged her tail and licked the little girls face,all the other kids decided to join and give Nicky her strokes,she shocked say the my evil pit bull was a pussy cat at heart.she shares a bed with me,and curls up by my chair while i sit here typing away and when she wants my attention she nudges me with her cold wet nose and well of course i obey lol.All i can say is i love her dearly,and wouldn't trade her for any other dog in the world..she doesn't like other dogs,but once again i recognise that and keep her on a long but watchfull leash..well here are some links..about the breed and about the bad rap they recieved because humans once again failed a animal ,with their stupidy and greed.I think anyone who fights these sweet dogs should be shot,yes a bit extreme,but have you ever seen a fighting pit ?the suffering it edures to please its master and get a few crumbs for the pain it suffers ?as for Nicky she knows she is safe here,she gets plenty of love and attention,she is my big mushy baby .I am pretty sure in her dog mind she is wondering wtf is going on being as she has not been properly treated in her time before me,but she is slowly learning that this is the real thing and she is trusting me more and more as i am trusting her.So this page is dedicated to my Big baby Nick Nick Paddy Wick ,yeah i sing that to her lol.....

Well after writting this page ..i woke up to the good news that I must get rid of my dog..why cause one it was against the rules to have her where i live ..but the manager likes us ..and let us keep her under certain conditions which we followed to the letter..but someone else decided to get one as well ..but they fucked up and were not responsible for their pit because it attacked another dog ..and because of their fuck up..We and Nicky must now we have to find a home for her and if we cant we are faced with the possiblity of putting her down because i will not turn her over to the humane society..i wont have my baby caged people have once again proved their unworthiness to me ...So ironic on the same day i dedicate this page to my dog this happens..and i cannot fight because i wasnt suppose to have her in the first place

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