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Ice Hockey!

Ok, I don't like playing ice hockey~~but watching it is really fun. It's fast paced, and sort of hard to follow, but that's what makes it exciting. (Besides, if you think that ice hockey is REALLY hard to follow, you've obviously never watched a baseball game. Even though the baseball is like, highlighter yellow, half the time I didn't know what was going on because I didn't know where the ball was. Oh, wait. . .I didn't have my glasses or contacts yet. That explains alot. Nevermind.)

When I'm at a hockey game (especially a Blues hockey game) I'm always sitting on the edge of my seat, afraid I'm gonna miss something. You see, one second Pronger is right there, and then another second he's on the other side of the rink. My eyes water because I try so hard not to blink. And then the next day my throat is sore from screaming "Go Blues!!!" for hours on end.

Tell me you like ice hockey. You should like ice hockey. It is one of the REAL sports. There is action, excitement, thrill, competition. . .everything you'd want in a game.

And the Blues are awesome.

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