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Cake for all. . .
Sunday, 24 July 2005

Grainne and Ricko (Braid Man) Shea

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 3:41 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 24 July 2005 3:57 PM BST
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Saturday, 23 July 2005

Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: There She Goes, My Beautiful World by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
So tired and feeling a bit overcome with... stuff so will write tomorrow maybe if you're lucky. In a fantabulous mood but feeling more like me than ever. I know that doesn't make sense but some things are hard to explain.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 10:57 PM BST
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Thursday, 14 July 2005

Now Playing: I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
So I'm not actually going away with Eimear until tomorrow so that gave me a day to re-record the four songs I've pegged so far and compose new parts for them. To be honest the original versions I had were shit! They still need vocals put on sometime when everyone's out of the house and more importantly, I need to write some more stuff.

Birds of prey have always interested me but if France did one thing it was to motivate me to do some research. I'm not sure I'd like a career involved with them, but then I'm not sure I'll like a career in archaeology!

Hmm, anyway, off to look up "holidays".

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 9:26 PM BST
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Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: What if No-one's Watching by Ani DiFranco
squeeeeeeeeee! or at least, that's how I was feeling last night some hours after sending this:

"Ello ello, just back from France (8 days of ordering "des frites" for my sister). Heard the gig in Blakes was good. Meanwhile the weather in France crap. Ah well, c'est la vie.
Have to get a job to fund "tree-hugging" trip to Canada. If I can afford it I might do a bit more travelling - Rome maybe or Egypt. . . New Zealand's a bit out of reach I think.
Off to Kerry tomorrow with Miss Cross for about a week so I doubt I'll see or be speaking to you before you jet off to the U.S. of A. So just wanted to say good luck and drop me a line whenever you've got a moment.
Buena suerte, Fi"

because, I received this:

"Hi Fi (tee hee!)
Blakes was mental - 4 bands, a million people, confined space - hot
hot hot, amps giving up but what a night! Opening band were shite but
funny in a strange way (funny how we made them carry stuff up anyway!)
Watch, Toaster and Fractured all rocked mightily - shame you missed
Nearly screwed up the US trip - visa interview on Aug 9th, due to
arrive in the US on 24th July. You can see the problem! All good now -
emergency interview on the 19th.
Egypt CAF. Go if you can. Rest of the town seem to be working for BT -
mundane but it pays. There was a cleaning job at the school (might be
filled now). Not glamourous but you gotta take the longer view. Can
you get sponsored by some tree hugging group or get on to some sort of
programme? Let them pay for you. A friend of mine made a fortune
picking tobacco in Canada (a few years ago now). All you'd have to do
is get there.
Gotta go now. Enjoy Kerry (I always did!) and say hello to Eimar. Later dude

Bob K"

So yes, I am a loser but hey, if it makes you happy. . .

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 1:18 PM BST
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Wednesday, 13 July 2005

Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Asleep by The Smiths
Firstly, I love the above song. It's so beautiful! So sad.

I'm back from France but am going away to Co. Kerry with Eimear and her family tomorrow which should be good fun. Chris is a bit miffed, or at least, he complained quite a bit when I told him: "I was going to throw a party for [Eimear's] birthday!"

Chris's uncle (Hannah's granda) Ken died at the weekend. The funeral was today and afterwards I went with Chris and Hannah to the house. Hannah actually looked really pretty in the clothes she'd had to buy for it. Saw Chris's brother Zane for the first time. Heather thanked me for keeping Chris and Hannah company.

Oh yeah, France. It was all right. I managed not to be moody, despite the bad weather and being cooped up in a mobile home with paper thin walls. The birds are amazing there. I saw buzzards, kestrels and black kites flying round the place and at the Chateau d'Arlay they had a collection of birds of prey.

I couldn't be bothered to write any more.

"Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
I’m tired and i
I want to go to bed

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
And then leave me alone
Don’t try to wake me in the morning
’cause I will be gone
Don’t feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I will feel so glad to go

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
I don’t want to wake up
On my own anymore

Sing to me
Sing to me
I don’t want to wake up
On my own anymore

Don’t feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I really want to go

There is another world
There is a better world
Well, there must be
Well, there must be
Well, there must be
Well, there must be
Well ...

Bye bye
Bye bye
Bye ..."

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 8:26 PM BST
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Friday, 1 July 2005

Oh yes, and I copied David and set up a DeviantArt account. But shhh, don't tell him that.

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 10:56 PM BST
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Amy, Alan and Eimear

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 10:20 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 1 July 2005 10:40 PM BST
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Gavin McFarland, Gav and Amy

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 10:16 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 1 July 2005 10:35 PM BST
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Rory and Taylor

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 10:08 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 1 July 2005 10:31 PM BST
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Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: The Finding Neverland Soundtrack
I'm going to try to post some pictures from Wednesday night soon - having trouble installing my camera on the computer at the minute! Technology eh?

It was a good night though I was sick the next morning. Sick for the first time since P6 when I was sick, as Anna put it, all down the corridors at my primary school Harvest service. Rory was good craic, felt a bit sorry for him being the only teacher there but I think he had a good night.

Mum asked me today what I wanted for my birthday! I thought my ticket to see Queen was an early present but apparently that was from Dad and not her. Right. Usually it's a joint effort but hey, I'm not going to complain. She offered to pay for my new camera but then mentioned me going on a short National Trust holiday which includes... oh yes... an archaeological dig. Don't think I can really pass this opportunity up!

Anna's got a job at the Colorado nursing home beside Alan's house. In a way it'd be hell but in a way I wouldn't mind working somewhere like that. Still, I figure I'll just sign up with Diamond or Grafton for a while when I come home from holidays. Don't want to tie myself down!

Now, to get these photos working...

Posted by fang/finky_cake at 7:45 PM BST
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