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Sahpira's fantsy books

Hello everyone! welcome to Sahpira's site about Fantsy books! If you would like to become a member please E-mail me at members get a newsletter from time to time about new books, Info about their favorite athuors and updates on the site. please include your birthday, age, screen name, in which state or country you live, your E-mail address, porvide me with a list of you books and athuors you like, and what type of books intrest you Anyone can E-mail me about what they think about a certain book, recomendations, ask me advice, what they think abot my page, if they have links for mg or link swaping, and anything else they want to share! Everyones thoughts and ideas are important to me, so keep the E-mails coming! Books in order by Athuor _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In order by Athuor:)_________Bishop, Anne]_________ The black jewls trillogy] This trillogy consists of three books; Daughter of the blood, Heir to the shadows, and Queen of the darkness. Main charecters: Jeanelle, a little seven-year old girl who go's from being a teriffied little seven-year old to being the most powerful witch in all 'The Realms'. theres Deamon (pronounced Day-moan)a sarcastic, cruel yet awesome 'warlord price'(and the envey of every man in 'The Realms', Lucivar Yaslana, now don't let the name get you down(no that its my Favorite name)'Yasi' is a super cool 'Eyrien' 'warlord prince'. Eyrien's have wings and they fly, is that cool or is that cool? and last but not least, Saeton, the hight lord of hell(once again not my favorite name)now don't judge him by his name! he's really a old gooey man who pretty much raised Jeanelle and needs a cane to walk! The scoop:... Now the Dark Realm readies it's self for the arrival of it's Queen, the Witch who will weild more power than the hight lord of hell himself. But the Queen is still young, Still open to influence-and crouption da da DA! Whoever controls the Queen controls the darkness. Three men-sworn enemies- know this. and they know the power that hides behind the blue eyes of a innocent young girl. And so begins a ruthless game of politics and intrigue, magic and betrayal where the weapons are hate and ove-and the prize could be terrible beyond imaging... Please send me your thughts on these books if you read them!_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______Brown, Mary]________ Here there be dragoones. One of the books in this set is called 'Pig's don't fly'. These where really quite good! they are about a young girl who embarks on a quest to help her freinds and along the way meets a goodmany people and go's a goodmany places, falls in love and gets married, and lives, well, NOT really but, happily ever-after. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______Eddings, David_______ He has written... The Belgaraid which has five books in the set, and the Malorean which also has five books in the set (and some more). These books are about a simple boy who somehow becomes the - AH I can't tell you!now can I? these are truly some of the best books I have EVER read. it;s filled with wonderful charecters- from the Prince/merchant/theif/spy named Silk to the imortal sorceror nown as Belgarath. please send me your thoughts. NOTE:If there is a Athour I don't have here or there is something you think I should add please E-mail me at... Thanks! THIS IS STILL UNDER WORK!!! this is my Second day making it so please be patient and check back often!

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I am still working on links. To be truthfull I don't have any at all so send me some!

If you like the Harry potter charecter, Draco Malfoy, This is the site for you!
I am waiting for some people to e-mail me back! then there will be more links!
