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one day as a nosy and curios boy , I decided to follow Great Sorcer Rickester the 4th . Unfortunaely , my days as a prince were numbered.My sence of reality from then on was completely changed. When the sorcerer realized that I was following him into the Southern Woodlink Forest , I felt hair growing all over my body...I can still hear that spell ringing in my ears at night while I lay wide awake,the taste of blood still on my lips from the previous meal. I guess it's not that bad being a garou, I am immune to all spells and curses . My legs are powerful and quick enough to tear you down and rip your soft delicious flesh to pieces.Beware when I lose my temper.You reading this,yessssss you be careful because I have dicided to show the world my power, you may just be my next meal. Many have tried to kill me yet no one has succeded . Humans are helpless pathetic creatures they cannot defeat me but they think they rule the world.If they only knew my allys they would quiver in fear and never leave thier homes again.Humans think they know fear, they think of fear as if it was a disease ,they're wrong , fear is a gift it lets us know when to be frightnened and to expect the unexpected. Now many fictional charachters may have weapons,but I'm not fictional.I too have weapons,weapons to fight, weapons to kill, and much more.

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