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Dulcinea Gracia Castillian

Name: Dulcinea Gracia Castillian, commonly called Grace

Age: 531 years, looks 21

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Character Position: Third in command to the Master of the City

Occupation: pending

Residence: pending

Lover: none at the moment

Friends: fellow members of the MoTC’s kiss

Family: no longer living

Background: Dulcinea was born in the year 1473, in the Castile region of Spain. She grew up in a time of discovery and exploration, when the race to map the globe pitted the countries of Europe against one another. She was raised a noblewoman, and was a lady in waiting to Queen Isabella herself, her Castilian lineage ensuring her place in the court. It was only fitting that the social graces and courtly ways were second nature to her and it was expected that she would eventually marry into one of the landed families of the region.

It was during a fete at court that she was introduced to a mysterious young man. He was traveling with a foreign ‘entourage’ that had come to inquire about investing in Spain’s exploration of the New World. She found herself enchanted by him, not knowing that her attraction was caused by his vampiric nature. She left her life at court and ran away with him, unaware of the future that lay before her. Dulcinea became the willing victim for the young man and others in the kiss, including his master. Not long after that, the kiss grew tired of her and left her to the young man. He changed her several years after, a reward for her devotion.

While she is no longer under her sire’s thrall, Grace, as she is referred to now, continues to remain at his side due to his kindness throughout her time as a servant. Her devotion is unquestioning.

Player's name: Branwen


AIM: unseeliepixie

MSN: unseeliepixie

Character Model: Kate Beckinsale

Picture Credits:

Appearance: Grace is tall and lithe, at 5’7” with a dancer’s build. Her raven’s wing hair falls to the small of her back and she often wears it down, though for nights at the club, she will wear it in complex plaited styles of the era she grew up in. Her eyes are the color of deep amethysts, glowing with fiery spirit. She is fond of designer clothing, always dressed in the most fashionable designs, though she trades those in for more outrageous outfits when out on the town at night.

Personality: Grace is the epitome of the stereotype of ‘the hot blooded Spaniard.’ She lives passionately and fiercely. She can be perceived as cold to those who she is not familiar with, but is quite warm and giving to those she is close to.
When angered, her bouts of temper are white hot, and God help those who incite her wrath. It has earned her the title “La Tempesta” from those in the kiss, and is used in jest. She is unquestioning in her devotion to her sire, and would gladly do anything for him. This devotion causes her to be a bit jealous of his human servant, who has an intimacy with him that she will never have.

Talents: Grace is a master vampire, yet has not quite come into her own yet. She has the ability to heal herself of most minor injuries and has an animal to call, but if she has any other vampiric talents, she is not yet aware of them. Her animal to call is the tiger. She adapts to any situation quite well and is quite adroit when it comes to social situations thanks to her upbringing in Spain. Due to this, she is often called to make introductions and receive visitors for the Master of the City. She is well rounded in the arts, and is talented in music, drawing, and dance. She has a lovely voice and is quite fond of opera.

Weaknesses: Grace is a bit of a hedonist, and this occasionally gets her into trouble, as she may tend to let her lust and wants lead her, over common sense. She is also rather allergic to silver and fears crucifixes or other Christian religious items, something that hearkens back to her Catholic upbringing. This also keeps her from entering churches. Ironically enough, she still prays and counts the rosary on a set of beads that she has kept from when she was human, the only holy item she seems to be able to tolerate.