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Domonashu's Domain

Terra Map: .Profile .Life .Partner .Love .Family .Likes
.Dislikes .Friends .AFNP .Toybox .Award .Award Shelf
.Link .Other's Links .Goodbye.


.:A sleek brute lupin, with feline physical attributes, reclines on his sleek haunches. His pelt glimmers in the sun's rays. The Lupine grins, "Well Hello! I am Domonashu and this is my Domain. I welcome it to you with paws wide open. Please be careful because things on in the Domain are very precious. Especially the picture, which are all drawn by my owner Snowit. So roam freely, but be warned":.


My Info

Name: Domonashu
Alais: Domon
Age: Adult
Species: Lupin
Gender: Brute
Pelt: White, right front paw with lepard spot and tip of tail, black line going down back too.
Optics: Silver
Markings: Scar over right eye
Acessories: --
Pack: All For Nothing Pack
Pack Postion: Gamma, Head Explorer
Sire: --
Dame: --
Siblings: Tuhin, Sae
Mate: --
Crush: My heart seems to repair it's damage and fill up with happiness each minute I am with you.
Pups: --


My Story

My life is too terrible to mention, so only those I trust I'll tell.



Okay My owner just got me a new petpet and his name is Cole. He is a lil' Babaa. He is quite cute, but I'm not sure he is right for me. Oh well! it's worth a shot to try and get along with him.


My Love

I have loved once, but lost her to another. I never like to mention that part of my life either. So I have no more room to love another.


My Family

This is my baby brother. He likes to be called Tuhin though. He is just like Shaw, but is more of a trouble maker than anything. I always have to keep an eye on him.

This is my baby sister. She likes to be called Sae. She is very energtic and wild, I only wish I had a silent sibling. She can be as bad as Tuhin though. Yet I don't have to watch her as much.



-Being Lonely
-having no pack


My Friends

This is my first friend. I don't know much about her right now, but I hope to soon. So far she has showed me what, the land I live in, looks like from the tops of the trees. What I like about her most is her wings. I wish I had wings.

This is my newest friend. I just met her a while of days ago, so I don't know a whole lot about her except she can make good decisions. Well I can say this too. She is a great hunter and quite a risk taker. She joined the pack I am in and is now the head huntress. Which she is quite good at. Also we seem to have quite a similiar past. I'll make sure no one hurts you Tualie, I promise. I'll add more about her once I know.


My Pack

the Portholes of Heaven
I have now found a pack. The pack is located in the desert, though the alphess of the pack, Shikcora. The pack is called All for Nothing Pack. I will be posting what I have gone through with this pack here:

~I joined 2-24-04
~I am going under testing to become the Head Explorer
~Yeah! I passed the test!^^
~The pack relocated to the portholes
~Tualie joined the pack and is Head Huntress


My Toybox

Thankies Mono!^^


My Award

If you would Like this plushie award plaese neomail snowit. She will then look at the petpage you would like to apply the award to an judge the page on: ~non-broken images,~how well the images work with the page,~If the titles are interesting,~The page is eye-catching,~If the content in the page is good and doesn't make you fall asleep. There are three placement: Gold, Silver, and Copper.

Award Shelf

Where my award shall go once I get them all shiney....and some!^^



The Portholes of Heaven

This is the AFNP's Banner
The Portholes of Heaven

Others Links

--|Mono|--There you are Orblet!Whoa! Whose paw print is that?!The Great Hunter's DwellingThe Portholes of HeavenI have one of these either. Just contact me if you'd like me to place your link here, to your petpage.


.:The brute pads up to you. He says, "You shall leave my domain now. If you would like to return to it, you may as many times as you like. You can also contact me as well through rpgs only.":.

.:A fae kougra of raccoon pelt leaps in front of you. A small orb that resembles her zips beside her. He fae says in a soft sweet voice, "'ello, This is Orblet! He will be guiding you around my petpage, so please becareful and try not to step on him!" She smiled and bounded off:.


My Info

Name: Ueburi
Alais: Coon
Age: Adult
Species: Kougra
Gender: Fae
Pelt: Raccon
Optics: Silver
Markings: --
Acessories: --
Wings: Faerie and color changes to mood
Sire: --
Dame: --
Siblings: --
Mate: --
Crush: --
Cubs: --


My Story

A long story that I am only willing to tell my friends and possible my love, if there is ever to be one....



Okay This was given to me by a dear friend of mine, Domonashu. He couldn't handle the lil' guy so I took him in. Here are the best words to describe him: lazy, lazy, and lazy!^^


My Love

I lost mine to an evil sort. I wish to have that void in my heart filled again. *sigh*


My Family




-Being Lonely


My Friends

Searching for some. Neomail me and we shall rp it out!^^


My Toybox

Empty! -.-


My Link

My Linkie!^^
There you are Orblet!


Others Links

I have one of these either. Just contact me if you'd like me to place your link here, to your petpage.


.:The lil orb smiles and says in a squeaky voice, "Well that's the ebd of her page. So don't forget to take me home and toodles" The lil' guys zips off:.