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~Ice~Faeries Refuge~

Welcome to our refuge, here you are safe from the dangers of Neopia.

Welcome members, to the guild webpage. Scroll down the page to see our unique guides and hints. Hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any additional questions neomail me. All images by

Newbie's Guide
If you're new to neopets, this is the guide for you. When you first start out and get your account verefied here's what you do. First go to the 'my items' link on the yellow top bar. When you click the link, it brings you to a page that say 'you qualify for a newbie pack' the 3 items you should get are a basic shield, a green aisha plushie and a big book of puzzles. The best thing to do with these items is equip your pet with the shield by clicking on the item and selecting 'equip (whatever item) to (whatever pet)'. After that, read your pet the book by clicking on it and selecting read book to (pets name here). When you're done with that go to the icon that says 'my shop' when you go over it with the mouse. Select create a shop. After creating the shop put the green Aisha plushie up for sale, it's worth about 250 NPs(neopoints). The next thing you should do is if you can go to the 'boards' link on the side bar and go to 'chat prefrences' you can change the avatar and signeture here. After you're done with that go to the safe-like bank icon and create a bank account. Doing this you should earn 30 NPs. If you go to 'pet central' and then to 'edit your pet's home page', you can find a link called 'the neopets html guide'. This teaches you basic html, like the html used on this website. Once you learn html you can customize you userlookup, pet lookup, and your pet's page. In order to get anywhere in the world of neopia you need neopoints. Neopoints are the official currency of neopia. There are 3 ways to gain neopoints. The first is through and random events, like finding np. The second way if through free games like 'the neopets fruit machine', 'tombola', and 'coltzans shrine'. they say if you spin the 'wheel of excitment' exactly on the hour, and not a second off, you can win 10,000Np, this hasn't been proven. The third and most common way is to play games. You should start off playing easy games like; meerca chase, faerie bubbles, faerie crossword, faerie cloud racers, and any game that has an easy mode. Well this is pretty much explains how to start off and survie in neopia. Remember to watch out for scamers. Find out more on the hall of shame, find this by going to the 'boards' link and selecting hall of shame from the top links. Just remember these basic tips.
  • Don't give your password to anyone no matter who they claim they are.
  • Avoid chats over Aim with people you meet on neopets, its most likely you don't know them and remember neopets cannot control Aim chats.
  • If anyone say something directly to you that offends you, go to the 'contact us' link at the bottom of the page and select the appropriate link.
I hope this guide helps you all, though this is only a small portion of what you'll find on neopets. Its most likely that since you're reading this guide, you still have a lot to learn about neopets. If you find any errors on this page such as incorrect info or mispelling, please notify me over neomail.

Tips,Hints, and Cheats