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1 FEB 05
There's something 'round the bend that I'm planning as far as the site is concerned. Stay tuned for more information.
The White Rose
-Posted by AJ
_______________________________________________________ Not much this time
20 JAN 05
I've uploaded the first four chapters of Legends III. Enjoy!
-Posted by AJ
_______________________________________________________ Short update for a short year
2 JAN 05
I haven't done much this time, but I did create two sub-sub directories in the music directory for future use.
-Posted by AJ
_______________________________________________________ A Very Special Update
29 DEC 04
I've uploaded the entire database of the Legends notes for 1 and 2. There are notes for 3, but since I haven't even written anything for 3 besides the potential prologue, I didn't bother with it.

A note about the notes: I took my original notes that I used for writing the two stories and I copied them word for word into a spiral notebook. I scanned the actual pages to that notebook, and I apologize for my handwriting.
-Posted by AJ _______________________________________________________ Two Legs done
24 DEC 04
With first semester over with, I took the liberty of transferring the rest of Legends I here, so that is entirely updated. I also transferred the entirity of Legends II. I'll do more whenever I have more time like I did today.
-Posted by AJ
_______________________________________________________ An update for the other site
11 DEC 04

I finished typing Legends 2, and I uploaded it onto Caspian Gargoyle. As I do not feel all that well, I have refrained from doing any work on this site, well that's my excuse for today. I've just been busy with school since the last update.
-Posted by AJ
_______________________________________________________ Part of a Leg Complete
4 DEC 04

I've installed the first 10 chapters of Legends 1 into the according directory. That's all for today, I've done a fair amount this time.
-Posted by AJ
_______________________________________________________ More Information Updated
3 DEC 04

As you can tell, more of the site has been updated, including the Legends portion-which is a hefty portion. I haven't installed any of the chapters, characters, or special features yet because I'm waiting to do that on a day I have some more free time.
-Posted by AJ

_______________________________________________________ Legends 2: Children of the Clan
1 DEC 04

Yes, it is true. I've finished writing this installment in the trilogy/series, whatever you want to call it. Production on the third story Legends II: The Cult Order has not yet been assigned a definate starting point yet. I think I'm going to take a breather from writing for awhile; probably a few weeks.

I'm thinking about redoing the site look. I know it's excessive, but I've tried to keep this one as long as possible. I'm thinking more on the lines of what Reeve has done for the Citadel. I like that layout and how the updates thing is set up. I think I'll go with a green and black theme too because red and black seems overrated now. Or I might even go with something completely different, I don't know. You'll just have to wait and see.

Does anyone know how to set up a CSS? *nervous laugh*
-Posted by AJ

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