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Cannibal Escape Walkthrough

So we are trapped in a round room. There is a note on the table, but it doesn't give away any clues. Maybe not yet. Read the cyriptic writing on the stone monument. Good, let's look for the hand then. Before you go to the orther parts of the room, notice the bottle like thing on the upper left corner of the window. Unfortunately, you can't reach it.

First, pick up the sword on the wall. There is also a stick on the ground. Get that, too. In the bookcase, there are two bottles filled with strange fluids. Take them both and mix them together. Go through the books in the library. One of them has got a key in it. Open the coffin with the key. Grab the shield and the hand. Now that you've got the hand, use it on the monument. Push the table aside. Now you can get that thing on the wall. It's "the potion of hades". It's probably the potion Cornelius speaks about in the note. Along with that, you get the wire that attached the bottle to the wall. Use the wire on the stick to make some kind of a hook. Use the hook on the hole to get the thing that's been keeping the lever from moving. It's a cork. Look at the box that came out of the hole. It's pretty obvious what you should do. Put the shield on the box, and stick the sword through it. The box gives you a skull. What to do now? "The answer is tip of the hand" remember? Use the potion of Hades on the hand. The hand becomes covered with flesh. Obviously this was some sort of "bring back from dead" potion. Now you can do something with the skeleton in the room. Put the fleshy hand at the end of its arm. It becomes attached. Now put the skull in the hand. A fuse comes out of the skull. You have got three items left. Enough to build a bomb to get the hell out of here. Use the fuse on the cork. Now put the cork on the mixed potion to make an explosive variation of the molotov cocktail. It becomes clear now why the fluids were being held apart. Light the fuse with the candles next to the bookcase. Throw the bomb on the bookcase. You are free to go.

Suna Su

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