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That's the only word that I can think of to describe what we all just went through. I mean, was this weekend not the freakin' wickedest thing ever? Friday was fun, Saturday was, Sunday was fun, Monday... well not so much, but who's counting, right? Mad props to everyone who came to chill this weekend, and everyone who busted there asses all weekend to make sure we had a blast. You know who you are, and we love you for that.

But onto the important stuff: Pictures. I know they're out there. But what I need is for them to be in here. So if you've got pictures that document this weekend for those of us who were a little... hazy, like myself, send 'em my way.

But what fun we had. The BBQ on Friday ruled. Again, thanks a ton to the people who got EVERYTHING organized for that. You did a great job. And how about the bus ride out to the gardens that night? We all know what I'm talking about here.

Saturday. Who doesn't remember Saturday? Or maybe, who DOES remember Saturday? The water fight we had, complete with the rock hard, not-quite-filled-up-enough water balloons was a blast, especially since Saturday was such a scorcher. And then when we broke out the big boy. Greatest idea ever was getting a keg. So many keg stands, so many casualties. And of course, sneaking a minor into the gardens. Responsible? No. Fun? Oh yeah.

And then we had Sunday. Yes, it took us a while to get going that day, but once we did, we were golden. The swamp run, which kinda kicked my ass, was lots of fun. I hope everyone enjoyed watching me at my best: being a jackass. Huge shout out to Regan, Shanna, and all there friends from the city. Super cool group of people to hang out with, and they know how to have fun. I know I'm gonna sound like a broken record here, but supper on Sunday rocked. Lindsay, you busted your ass all weekend, and for that, I salute you. Thanks a ton bro. You did more than you ever should have.

I hope everybody can recover and get up for what we all know is gonna be the worst day of work ever. You guys rocked this weekend, and that just proves that I have the best group of friends a guy could ask for. I love ya all. So until next time, keep livin' life, and havin' fun.



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Saturday July 9, Ezzies

Amy's Birthday

Ball Weekend 1