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Black as Midnight

*Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Harry Potter/Angel the Series Crossover* Rated R. Willow/Oliver Wood, Dawn/Draco.

Spoilers: Season 7 for BtVS, but before Willow returns to Sunnydale! GoF (book 4) for Harry Potter.

Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns anything and everything HP and Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy Inc. owns anything and everyhing related to AtS/BtVS.

1- Prologue
2- It Begins...
3- Comparing Notes
4- Not-So-Bad Guys
5- Death of the Scholars
6- Sign of Things to Come Together
7- Coming Together...
8- Uncertain Future
9- Dogs, Prisoners, and Seasick Teenagers
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