Arjiss Live! Sunday Sunday Someday!

Hello. I'm just some guy, and this is my website.
I have a lot of differant names, but you can just call me Arjiss.
I am a low-level MMA fighter and wannabe weightlifter. Im just getting started in this whole "website" thing, so please bear with me. Eventually, I plan to have my website covering various topics that interest me, such as MMA fighting, weightlifting, legitimate AND pro wrestling, D&D...there might even be a page devoted to some pretty girls!

News 5/30/04
Hey gang. Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy with various projects lately and havent had time to update the site. Plus, today my computor blew up so I'm updating this from a friends computor. Hope to update again ASAP.

Please note: This page is MAJORLY under construction. I have NFI what I am doing with it yet. Rest assured, it will probably be pointless. Thank you. Also, Leandra, YOU were the one who talked me into getting a website. You should have know I would abuse my web priveleges!

Things this website will contain for sure


Friends of Arjiss
Special Project (involves women)