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My Home Page

There's no place like home,there's no place like home,there's no place like home... Yeah, that's the truth. I've never seen any place like where my new home is. Have you ever seen a place where the cow to person ratio is 3:1? Yeah, me neither, but some times it sure feels like thats an accurate ratio here. Noone in this town knows how to handle this So. Cal girl and her family, but that goes both ways. We wear suits, they wear hats, we wear shorts, they wear over-alls with no shirt, we wear Ralph Lauren, they wear wranglers and a flanel.Yeah, pretty screwy hunh. It really is pretty here though, and the people do love their live-stock more than most. I'm just not quit used to the change in atmosphere yet. Any way the beautiful girl at the top of the page is my daughter.We call her Tori,but her name is Victoria. As you can tell, I'm sarcastic about alot of things, so don't take every thing on this sight as literally as critics take Eminems lyrics. Hah.
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