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||Friends||The stuff you came here for.||Petpet||love||Family||

dont worry. Im slowly rebuilding. o_x

here. --;

HOLD ON JUST ONE MINUTE! I am VERY disappointed in you people. I have noticed all kinds of people, using my code for making lookups disappear, or changing pet's names. AND I SEE NO LINK BACK TO THE SITE! If I see one more linkless page, I am deleting my site. I suggest to everyone that reads this to leave the link, or I will expose you as the person I found. --;

This is a cool thing that I use on my pets lookups.

(if your pet is red, choose red. if your pet is speckled, choose green, ect. n_n; )

Emilias Animations

Change your pets name... thingie.

Steve The Square pickle

Emilias Animations

Emilias Animations

TV Background

Emilias Animations

Battledome Challenge


#NAME will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!


Emilias Animations

Other statistics box

- Other Statistics -

(I got my statistics box from Emilias Animations!)



Shes my only friend. I dont think anyone has ever asked to be my friend either. But She is very reliable, and I trust her more than Anyone.


I be all alone. ..;


My daughter.

I try and take care of her as best as I can, but it gets hard. Her father was a ... Im not even to go into what I think of her father. --; It makes my blood boil. But She does not have to know any of that. ._.;


Uh, hes kind of insane. o_x; I leave My daughter with him somethimes. He has not been to social lately, and I think its hurting his tiny little mind.


My sister. I have not seen too much of her lately. She locks herself in her room and writes all day.


Quiet little fellow. o_o; He keeps to himself for the most part. Hes rather scared of People at times, poor thing.

o_x; the Angelpuss

n_n; I just .. kinda borrowed it from Alayna. ( shh! )