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Founders : Abbie and Timmy

About January time I started taking Abbie to the park after my hubby leaves for work at around 6.45 in the morning. There we would meet some dogs and (to cut a long story short) some of the dogs came out that time regularly. So I decided to call it the 7 o’clock dog club. Timmy is the most regular ‘other dog’ there with Abbie six days a week… (Abbie and I have a lyin on Sunday) but Timmy still wakes his mommy to take him to the park and is always disappointed not to see any friends….

In the cold months the doggie mommies all stand around with their hot coffees whilst the dogs run around and play together. Now its getting warmer the doggie mommies stand around without coats and coffee whilst the doggies run around.

We have to move around the park to avoid the 2 bad shepherds. (The scar on Abbies nose is from one of them) and Nelly ran all the way home on her own after they scared her one time. So they are the bad dogs. Also we avoid the lady with the 2 poodles as she walks her dogs around the park a number of times every day. They are 2 dogs.
So we avoid the shepherds (aka the bad dogs) and 2 dogs.

The Saturday club has more dogs that cant come during the week, and we sometimes have 8 – 10 dogs playing together then. Its great fun for all the dogs and the doggie mommies all get to gossip and chat.

Oh Timmy time was invented when timmy was going home it was time for his treats…. And the other dogs too… Timmy has the cutest treat face I’ve ever seen…. (I’ll get a pic and add it soon). So treat time is called ‘treat time’ or ‘timmy time’ (particually in the corner where timmy comes and goes…)

ANYWAY … here are some pics of the 7 o’clock dog club members.

Abbie needs no introductions im sure…..
She loves all her friends at the park and plays with them in different ways. She grabs the ball or toy when its thrown and loves it when the others chase her. She doesn’t come near me all this time … shes to busy playing. This picture is not in the park but she did find the doll in the park and carry her home by the head then chew her up … I believe the head is still In her toy box… is that a good thing?????
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This is TIMBER … aka Timmy or chubby or fluffy!!!! No, not really. Someone made a comment to his mamma one day in the park that he never misses a meal!!!! Well…. If someone said that about your child youd probably be a bit upset… so this started the ‘he’s not chubby hes fluffy’ thing. (MID MARCH … timmy has had his hair cut and is proud to show off his trim figure ….. ). Hes a long (fluffy) coated retriever mix. He’s not much of a player and prefers timmy times and ear tickles. But with his new look he’s joining in a bit more and surprising us all!!!!
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This is BERRY the corgi. He is there before any of us and sometimes gone b4 we get there. He does like to chase Abbie though and ‘herd’ her away fro the rest of the dogs … Of course Abbie does say ‘come and chase me’ to him at all !!!!!
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This is NELLY the Springer Spaniel. She had tail envy….
She likes to chase Abbie and grab her tail…. Abbie has learned to run fast and tuck her tail in…. … I will get a better pic as she has a lovely face!!!
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This is Kayla the Jack Russell. Shes a cute and funny little thing. She loves rough playing with Abbie. Her friend (a large yellow lab) now comes to the park too and she jumps up and pulls on her face and Mya is just like … ‘Ah get off rat … wheres my ball!!!)… She runs really fast with little straight legs that look like sticks, but is alittle naughty sometimes…..
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Arthur – Schnauzer
Sedona – Heeler
Rosie – Naughty dog!!!!
Bud – Timmys brother ….. Collie x
Lucky - Timmy & Buds poodle brother whos to old to come to the park…

Timber, Kayla & Abbie at treat time.
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Arthur (schnauzer), Abbie, Timmy, Nelly at treat time…
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I have some 15 second movies too from my camera and when I figure out how to put them on they will be here too…. So you can see the dogs in action …. EG. Nelly chasing Abbie for her tail… ect.. and TREAT TIME live!!!

Don’t forget to have a look at the rest of the yummy biscuits on this site and cute bows for doggies and peoples stuff on our other site…

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