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Garden of Dreams~ By Dalton Anthony

How do I touch a blue rose so fair?
My words weak my manner fair.
How do I touch this rose so rare?
Unfold it's petals make it breathe the air.
How do I shine golden rays on it's essence?
Make it feel the wonders of my care.
Shower it with poems soft sweet and bold.
Bring down the warmth of the sweet scented air.
Let the mist of my soul rush over its petals soft.
Brush it against my lips, feeling the softness of it's petals.
How do I express the emotions I feel?
Dances of hearts I wonder if it's enough.
How do I hold it in my hands strong?
Not wanting it crushed but savoring it's essence.
I lay in bed at times of deep despair.
Wondering softly is my love enough.
How do I unfold the wonders of you?
The most perfect Blue Rose.
Only the night stars know.


Winds of time blew cold along the garden of roses where she sat on a bench lost in her thoughts of them and the times that they shared and loved in. Memories they made in days gone by twirled around her minds eye while Jasmine sighed and longed for a time of them as one once more in the passions of realities golden bed and forever sunrise. Snow had fallen gracing the Earth with a dusting of white lace along the gown of white she and the garden wore so well exposing the angel she was and would always be. Soft flakes of pure white snow sat along the hedges and bushes that surrounded this English garden of love and desire clinging gently atop the sprinkling of pink and peach roses that still clung to their stems fighting winters rebirth. Her white gown tightly bound against her slender body did nothing to warm her souls chill against the bitter breeze as flowing snowflakes brushed down against her body and scattered to the ground below her. Her soft chemise hair was flowing down around her beautiful face like light strands of silk, and the snow had dotted her hair with tiny flakes of crystal white, each unique in its own life so short, they shimmered in the soft sunlight that peaked through the clouds from time to time, making her hair sparkle with wonders of magic true.
Jasmine sat there on the cold bench not far from the Majestic Castle in which she lived with her Anthony, her one true loved and she sighed at the thought of her dreams come true and her dreams not yet realized. Anthony loved her, this she knew was one of the greatest truths in life itself, and the power of his love was remarkable and ever real. Snow fell harder around her while she sat there alone and cold under the spell of the winters bitter cold, a constant reminder of where she was and where she longed to be. Snow that swirled around her like a cyclone and yet always seemed to dance off her body leaving her covered in just a fine mist like an angel surrounded by the sparkles of heaven above. Her soulful eyes held it all inside and spoke of so many dreams and hopes, fears and desires, and at time, even though the snow was coming down harder, she didn't blink an eye, but just sat there with her hands folded in silent prayer to the Lord, thanking him for what was and praying for what was soon must be. The hour was growing late now and it seemed as though she had been sitting on that bench ever so still since early morning and maybe she had or maybe she had been sitting there all her life just waiting, waiting for him to find her.
At times she would grow inward lost in her thoughts and her world would become cloudy and as deep as her eyes, Anthony would always sense this and come to her aid, rescuing her from the bleakness of her pains. Where was he now she wondered and would he come and sweep her up in his love soon or leave her to the cold winds of pain? A small tear ran down her face quickly freezing into ice it crystallized on her cheek and she felt the sting of being lost in the cold winds of alone. Snow fell all around her and the winds picked up, blowing hard against her body lifting her hair and fluttering her silky strands high as if she was flying from cloud to cloud as angels often do and yet she was just sitting there on the bench praying she wouldn't fall off the cloud her dreams danced on. Down the rose lined path the snow was falling in waves and as she peered through the driven snow, she could see his dark outline walking towards her from the Castle off in the distance behind him, and the maze of rose bushes seems to almost perk up and come even more alive and summer like in their soft shades and tender hues.
It was him her Anthony dressed in his long black coat and pure black pants, his shirt whiter then even the snow that fell around him and yet it almost took on a tender blush color high lighting his dark face. Snow dotted his dark hair and bits of white flakes clung to his black coat in heavenly sparkles, each flake singing its own sweet song of love and dark joys. Jasmine watched him as he walked closer noticing that much of the snow only swirled around him and only the purest of flakes dared land on him, they would cling then melt softly into tiny rivers and run down his coat even in the frozen temperatures that surround the landscape they breathed in, always breathing in shared soulful love and tenderness. He was very close now just a few feet away and he knelt down on one knee taking Jasmine's hands into his own and warming them softly with the heat of his love. They gazed at each other for a long time while the snow fell and yet said nothing, but their eyes said it all. Jasmine smiled for once more he had come back to her, and she could feel a new stronger fire in the strength of his hands that covered hers with care. His voice was tender and warm as he spoke while snow flakes so large danced in a ballet around them both, his voice brushed past the crystal flakes so full.
"My Queen, no matter where I am, no matter where you are, our love is alive and real ever true and warm, dreams and hopes always breath independently as if they have a life of their own, they will always be alive as we always love ."
They prayed softly together with out a word for a time, prayed for times to be where they would have thier realms of a forever life filled with all the joys and troubles that any couple would have,
"God answers all prayers but sometimes he just takes his time turning prayers into reality, because this is never an easy thing, but he has answered our prayers before and I'm sure he will answer ours now and we will have our gift of powder and babies breath."
Her blush was soothing as always and she gave him one of her understanding smiles he knew so well. At long last she spoke, her words soft and very innocent,
"How can you hold such faith, such hope for things not yet seen after all this time Akoni, my Anthony? How can you hold so tight to these dreams and never lose hope when all seems so very bleak, that has always amazed me about you. I too hold faith and hopes and yet sometimes I fear to speak of them, for when they do not come to pass the pain is just to great to bear. How is it you hold this faith so strongly and openly never wavering from the dreams we wish to come true."
She was shaking a bit from the cold and maybe from her own emotions of love longings mixed with tear drops of fear. Anthony let go of her small hands and leaned in kissing her small frozen tear drops away his words soft as silk as he spoke,
"It's very easy my love, it's all in the power of the keys we both were given when we first came to be. Keys that always can unlock the doors of our hearts that we need to believe. The first key is the key to our faith, with that door open we can understand and believe in things we cannot see. The second key is the key to our dreams, with that door unlocked we can see the path we need to walk along together as one. The next key is the key to our hopes, with that door open we have the strength to go on when things look so dark, hope is our courage light in a world out of control and the last key is the greatest key we hold, the master key to both you and me is the golden key of our love with this door always open we can always feel each others souls desires and over come any obstacle, a love so true as ours can fight the greatest battles and win over any interlopers that dare cross our path. My darling I want you to come home where you belong with me and our love."
Jasmine smiled and sighed, nodding with a blush along her face, she knew now more then ever that Anthony loved her and cared for her deeply for the whole real women she was and she knew he always would hold their love safe and in the heat of his passions soul of gold. He stood up and then reached out for her hand, taking it into his and helping her up with care and they began to cuddle sweetly in each others arms as he opened his coat and wrapped her up inside warmth of his body. She buried her face into his chest as the snow fell all around them, yet now it no longer stuck on their hair or clothing, but fluttered close to them then dance away leaving them in a small circle if pure sun light as the snow fell every where around them and yet none fell inside the four foot circle they cuddled in. Anthony held her for a long time and they felt that oneness, that completion they both needed and desired to make it through life's tangled trails. He lifted his right hand then slid it up her side gently touching her chin, lifting it softly and they gazed inside the deep pools of each others eyes, their lips moving closer, then closer still, as their heads tilted slowly then inch by inch so carefully his lips closed in on hers and they kissed soulfully. Anthony pulled back and spoke in whispers of love,
"Each time you feel a snow flake touch your sweet lips think of our most tender moist kiss. Each time the warm oceans winds brushes your skin think of our lovers embrace. Each time the suns warmth brush along your face think of all the warm kisses that I will someday paint along your beautiful face and each time the star light touches your eyes think of the love we hold deep down inside."
Jasmine was smiling now because she felt his warmth around her, it was like magic in a snow globe where when shaken all the tiny flakes swirled around the two lovers inside it yet, none fell on them because the loved they shared made it impossible for the snow or cold to penetrate their shield of combined souls. She turned and slipped his arm around her waist and they began to walk back up the path towards the Castle of their dreams, a spot light of warm sun shone on them and the small circle of warmth they were still stood in, even though all around them the snow fell hard, yet it now dared not come near them. With ever step they took the spotlight of sun grew warmer under their steps, the grass was bright green yet only a few feet away it was snow covered but in the light of their love it was getting warm and very sunny.
They walked farther down the path closer ever closer to the Castles main door and now it was very warm. Jasmine was beautiful Anthony thought to himself and his eyes took in the magnificence of her gown of white with its flutters of lace around the low sweeping neckline. It plunged down hard dipping very low to the bottom of silk cleavage so satin silk like. Her gown was form fitting and tight around her torso with tiny beads of silver sprinkled around the top and they simmered in the sunlight they walked in. Along her waist it was cut at a low angle in front, then the gown showered down full and wide then pooled to the ground below trailing as they walked together as one in loves grand light. Along the sides of her gown was wisps of shear fabric that floated in the breeze as if it was in flight so airy and free and it flowed along her magically in it’s own dance of romance and passion.
Shoeless her feet walked step by step over the warm grass so soft as they made their way to the Castles main door that had their names carved upon it bejeweled with precious gemstones. Snow fell hard all around them but magically none penetrated the small area in which they walked along. Anthony removed from his coat pocket the key marked,"Dreams" and placed it to his lips kissing it then inserting it into the tiny doors lock, turning it then slowly sliding it out and then placing it into her small hand,
"Hold this dear and safe for us my love I trust you with our dreams completely."
His voice trembled a bit feeling the great love they shared so deeply then he grabbed the handle and opened the door turning to her he swept her up in his strong arms and carried her over the threshold and into the main room. Jasmine clung to his body tightly as she had before then nuzzled into his neck, cooing sweetly. She felt his love and his heat she knew of his desires and passions, she felt them all while he carried her past the main rooms and up the stairs two at a time, then down the hall to the Masters Chambers, kicking open the door and carrying her inside the mighty bedroom they loved in. Along the far wall the massive fireplace was in total flames and the logs crackled like music in song. Flames of red, yellow and orange bathed the room in their warm glow, it was so warm there, so very warm with the fire and the white bear skin rug that laid before it. A large four poster bed of dark wood stood quiet along the left side of the room with white shear netting which hung over the bed from one ceiling ring then billowed down wide along the bottom surrounding the bed in a white curtain of romance.
On the other wall sat her dressing table with its many vials of different colored oils and perfumes she often times wore, her nail polish and rouges she wore lightly when she was in one of her many moods. Sometimes she would sit in the French dressing chair and gaze in the mirror as she brushed her hair and wonder what he saw in her and as she brushed slowly she knew he saw her angels style and her demure grace all rolled up in one innocent amazing beauty. Candles encompassed the grand room and were all lit with the flames of love that danced softly, they almost seemed to bow before Anthony as he carried her around the side of the bed, lowering her down on her feet, then turning her around gently looking into her eyes so deep. Slowly he slid his hands along and up her sides feeling her every curve with his finger tips basking in the glory of her firmness then he glided his hands up to her sunlight hair lifting it up high, then kissing whisper soft kisses along the right side of her neck in waves of sweet licks mixed with sugar kisses gracing along the side of the tender silk of her neck so warm and soft. Around the other side his lips moved past her neck, sweet tiny kisses sent shivers down her spine while the heat of the kisses moved along the perfection of her neckline, lovers passion all around them both. He released her hair then moved his fingers to unzip the back of her gown, his fingers moved the zipper down ever so slowly his lips kissed every inch of the newly exposed skin on her soft back until the zipper was completely down and his lips moved lower against the sweet small of her back licking between kisses in small descending circles until he reached the complete center where her sucked softly on the very hollow of her back. His hands slid up her back again and then tugged softly on the long puffy sleeves of her gown releasing her arms from the shear fabric of white, letting the gown fall gracefully down her body. It clung to her bottom, caught on the black thong she wore that held he treasures so safe and warm, he tugged a bit more and the gown fell down to her feet, slipping past her French lace top thigh highs that held her silky legs so softly yet seductively.
Anthony stood and then turned his Jasmine around and viewed the marvels of her body, her breasts where high and full awaiting his lips, along her nipples they were thick and hard and more then sensitive, her face beautiful her eyes magic. Jasmine wanted him all of him and once more was bearing all before his love and soul. Anthony slid his hands down her sides, then hooked his thumbs into her thong sliding it down sensually, letting the slowly slip down to her feet. Her flower dewy wet and in deep need for his love and tender touch. Flames roared in the fireplace as they did inside the passions of both of them as they stood on the brink of being one of the flesh again. He let his coat fall past his shoulders and then slowly unbuttoned his shirt but left it on his dark hairy chest, it clung to his chest calling for her lips to softly kiss. Standing up he unbuckled his leather belt then unclipped his pants letting them fall to the floor below, kicking off his boots then stepping out of them slowly. Once again his shaft was swollen because his love and desire for her was great and he needed her to be whole and one with him. It was just as she remembered yet somehow different a bit darker and a bit thicker then she remembered, her fingers raced so that she could grip it tightly in her warm hands, claiming what was rightfully hers at long last, she squeezed it tightly making him wince with the pleasure and pain she held, loving him in the heat of desire.
Slowly he pushed her back past the shear white drapes that hung over the bed then atop the black comforter they bought when they were first one. He was on her in an instant kissing along her neck softly and she felt the heat of their love in the beads of sweet sweat between them both. Softly kissing along her neck and down between her cleavage with tender licks so small yet powerful down along her tummy, his kisses moved like dancers, then he leaned back up where his lips found hers and they met in one heated breathless kiss so deep it raised the arch in her back hard with his lips locked on hers tightly.
Anthony hands was gently caressing her right breast then softly pulling on her nipple, making it harder then it had ever been before. She could feel his shaft between her legs moving back and forth guided by his hips dry thrusting against her even though she was dripping with the juice of her love, it slide past her flower up then down. He reared his tight tanned ass up high, his shaft moved down and centered at her gate and with one small thrust he entered her depths fully and completely, the lovers sweat running off both of their bodies. It was magic as it always is for them and they always felt it and forever would. Jasmine was in Heaven again their bed filled with romance and the fire so warm in the fireplace as it was in her heart while the candles danced their own flames higher, as they made love completely. She wrapped her legs around his hips locking them in place while he broke the kiss and lowered his lips on her hard nipple, suckling it fully, rolling his tongue around it slowly while he nibbled on it gently. Deep thrust in and then out of her womanly portal, each time his cock came out creamy and white and each time he slammed it in harder and with more force while still latching on her nipple tightly only then breaking off her nub and kissing along her breasts, feeling her mound under his hand softly with care. Now his thrust were harder and they were both very close to release under the love they shared together his lips moved closer to her ear and he whispered in heat.
"We fit, we always fit, we fit completely inside and out and I feel your soul in mine deep, I love you always and forever."
Long pounding strokes of his cock pushed in again and again and she held on to his back tight clinging for dear life. She released her legs then pushed them high in the air giving him deeper access to her flower and he took it all and pushed in even deeper until she shook so hard she could hardly see anything but the colors of love.
"Now my love NOW !"
Sharp thrust of his cock sent his seed deep inside her flower and she felt the heat of it burn inside her folds like fire, she bucked back with wildly taking more of it in until she feel back on the bed in a massive rapture of gold and silver blushing hard with the joys of love. The room was so hot now with the love they shared together as one. Anthony slid his shaft out of her swollen flower then he slinked down her body kissing softly around her breast with soft suckles over the top of each nipple then twirling his tongue gently along the tips, drinking of her tiny drops of milk that formed like cream. She sighed with the glow of the love they shared.
Jasmine felt every kiss along her moist body. He moved his kisses lower down her creamy tummy, kissing along the sweetness of her belly button then lower along her flower licking between the folds of her slit tasting of them as one. Soft flutters of his tongue along her slit each time lifting her pearl hood while her head turned back and forth and she felt the next wave of rapture ebb closer to her soul. His hands gripped under her thighs then held them tightly spreading her legs wide kissing along her pearl suckling it with tender pulls of his head making it ache once again for release. Tender flutters of his tongue worked side to side against her pearl making her sigh hard at the onset of raptures deep, he released her right thigh then slid his fingers down against her darkness and plunged one finger inside her deeply and all at once. It slid inside her effortlessly fully penetrating her ass with his finger while he nibbled gently on her throbbing pearl. All she could see were colors and amazing swirls of passions flames, climaxing so hard her whole body shook yet Anthony’s tongue never stopped lapping up her juices and spinning around her pearl, making it turn beet red under the power of his lips, surrounding it then pulling it taught.
Jasmine was covered in a lovers sweat as was he, his tongue probing her flower drinking up her love while his fingers slid out of her tight ass then he raised up and pinched her pearl with his fingers then pulled on it hard, moving it back and forth until she was a ball of fire, then he leaned up and kissed her deeply until she climaxed once more in the heat of the kiss they shared. Her body shook hard with the rapture that over took her and the love true she felt deep inside her soul.
He moved over her and then lowered down and cuddled her gently from behind, the shear white drapes moved gently in the slight breeze of the room as they cuddled in the afterglow of the love they shared. He held her with his arm around her making her feel safe and loved. She love to be held so much and he loved to hold her tenderly, then he kissed along her neck while they sighed at the power of their love.

"My love for you Jasmine is so much deeper then just the love we make, you're my own Queen of Hearts and the woman of my dreams, my dearest souls dream realized, a love deeper then souls is what we share so etherall and completely I feel your love inside me where ever I go and I know you feel mine as well. I know you see every kiss I send you and the memories of our times in the air still very fresh if you just close your eyes take a breath and feel. You see I have learned something very important in my life."
Anthony kissed her neck with care and love, "It's you, it's always been you and it will always be you. Jasmine you are my love."
She sighed, her hands reached for her Blue Rose laying it between her breasts and she gazed inside his eyes of fire and smiled whispering softly,"
Yes, Anthony my King, I promise I will never let go."
Garden of Dreams ...
Jasmine I love you sooo~
~Dalton Anthony~


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