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Crazy Thoughts of a Crazy Man!
Thursday, 18 August 2005
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Lifehouse - i try
Welp, School def rocks my cock!!! This year is gonna be sooooo kick ass!!! So far most of my teachers are awesome and are cool to have in class! Thats really all that i have to say!! TTYL Biatches!!!!!!



A stoner stumbles out of a party, and starts to walk home.

One the way he bumps into a guy who is all bloody and mangled.

The guy limps up to the stoner and says "Call me an ambulance!"

The stoner looks at him for a second, smiles and says, "You're an ambulance!"

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 6:26 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 2 August 2005

Now Playing: Dane Cook!
My schedule for next year::
Semester One

Period Day Course Room Teacher

1 B ADV. Strength 1T Tomey
2 B Comp. Programming 2-9C Allen
3 B English 11 CP a 2-10F Sheenhan
4 B ST HALL (LIB ASST) 12E(IMC) Thorton

1 S Physics of Tech. 6G Fleenor
2 S US History 11B Carey
3 S Chinese II 2-7E Evans
4 s Algebra II 2-9k Felix

Semester Two
Period Day Course Room Teacher

1 B ADV. Strength 1T Tomey
2 B Comp. Programming 2-9C Allen
3 B US History 11B Carey
4 B Physics of Tech. 6G Fleenor

1 S ST HALL (LIB ASST) 12E(IMC) Redman
2 S Algebra II 2-9D Dablow
3 S Chinese II 2-7E Evans
4 S English 11 2-10B Greaves

Well there it is!!! If you have a class with me IM me!

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 8:07 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 2 August 2005 8:08 PM CDT
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Saturday, 30 July 2005
sodie pop
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: nothing!!
Well I just found out that Beth doesnt read this. I dont think that I am going to write in here anymore. NOT!!! I'm only kidding! Anyways I got my first check.... saweet! Anyways


Beth Mennel! :P

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 6:32 PM CDT
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Saturday, 23 July 2005
Be a simple kinda man......
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Blink 182 - Down
Well this week was one of those weeks. LoL! I started my brand new job this wed. Its hell of a job. So far in the last 4 days i've worked a total of 25 hours or so; give or take 2 or 3 hours. Thats cuh-razy for being out of work fro almost 2 and a half months. I think tomorrow i am going to take my written test cause im fuckin pissed im not driving yet!!!!!!! :( Shit pisses me off. Anwyays, lifes not too bad those of you that know me I rarley have bad days! Im a optimisstic kinda person! I dont let things get to me all that easily! Anyways Im tired and I may go downstairs and play some poker with kellen and my cousin! Woohoo. Not too bad.
Night folks!


Q:How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A:None, that''s a hardware problem.

A blonde was telling a brunette that her computer broke. So the brunette said she would check the blonde's e-mail for her. The blonde said, ''Cool! E-mail me and tell me what I got.''

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 11:57 PM CDT
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Monday, 18 July 2005
I dunno
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Foo Fighters - Woo Hoo
Ok, something that has really pissed me off latley is people and religon. For sure there are millions and millions of religons. Which one is the right one?! Of course christianity! Thats what any hypocritical conservative christian would say! Right?? Well thats my one thing that pisses me off about that particualar religon. It has to be the right one. I believe that it is one of millions that are the right one. They all have the same basic principles. I mean every religon worships a god. Be it alla, the lord the lady, Ra, etc. My point is you are worshiping your deity; be it christian or not. Maybe, just maybe we (We as in all whom have the same or diffent religon) all are worshiping the same higher spirtual being. Think about it; religon causes havoc, christians persecuting pagans and etc. Islamic people pushing jihad against non-islamics, wtf???? Dont get me wrong i am a very spiritual person. I take from every religon. I believe in God and in Jesus Christ. I'm just spiritually freer than others and dont believe in organized religon. I have a big opened heart and mind! As for those who are like well you are going to hell because you are not following the strict LAWS of the bible then i have to say to you in a very rude and crude way, the effing bible says not to judge me and go fuck yourself. I have one question for you asses who judge me; How do you control someone, culture, group, etc?? C'mon the answer is easy!!! FEAR! Thats it right there, If you dont follow my rules i am going to send your pure soul into the firey,torturous depths of hell for all eternity. That is exactly how its played out, is it not?? For me i dont believe in hell? I dont think an omni-loving god would send those he loves to hell. We are his kids, is that not what the bible teaches. So your kid wrecks your car and steals a few things from the store. Should you send him to some place where she/he is to be tortured, if you do then i think you have some problems. No, you simply ground him maybe punish the child but it doesnt last does it, no tomorrow you love your child just the same. I mean the bible is thousands of years old, men wrote it! Men Translated it, men took things out of it and changed things in it! Catholic priests have even said themselves that the catholic church (being catholic myself i am not embarresed) have taken things from the bible and put in things to suit their 'spiritual needs' (to control europe). Come on the catholic church ruled europe for 100's of years, they controlled everything in europe, the money, people, even the government. So again comes the 'fear' factor. Funny how things work out isnt it. I honestly didnt mean to make any one mad, or crap on anyones religon. I just wish that everyone had an open mind such as myself. I wish for people to stop judging people because of their religous prefrences and habits. I also dont mean to persuade anyone from their religon. Every religon has its own place for its spiritual followers. I myself have taken many things from Daoism, Buddhism, Wicca, Christianity (most sects), and much more. I believe in many wierd things but that doesnt make me a bad person, doesnt make me sac-religous or even the damned anti-christ. I simply have a nac to search for spiritual path. To be a spirtual person; to be with my spirtual deity! I didnt mean for this to be long or hurt anyones feelings. I simply had a few things on my mind. I also dont think anyone honestly reads this god forsaken thing. No pun intened. LOL! IF you do read this and wish to comment, comment in here or IM me! []Deace Dedrew Joke: The new priest is nervous about hearing confessions, so he asks an older priest to sit in on his sessions. The new priest hears several confessions, then the old priest asks him to step out of the confessional for a few suggestions. The old priest suggests, "Cross your arms over your chest and rub your chin with one hand." The new priest tries this. The old priest then suggests, "Try saying things like, 'I see, yes, go on, and I understand, how did you feel about that?" The new priest says those things, trying them out. The old priest concludes, "Now, don't you think that's a little better than slapping your knee and saying, 'No way! What happened next?'"

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 9:22 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 18 July 2005 9:35 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 5 July 2005
Happy 5th of July......
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: nothing!
Well.... I went to Wiconsin for a week. I went to help my mom with work. This is how it went. Dad: are you going to tell Andrew your plan. Mom: Hold on I will if i have enough money. Me: Thinking to myslef, yes Cali at last. Two hours later.... Mom:(On the phone with the airport note: its 11:30 pm) Yes... i would like to add a ticket to the flight to Wisconsin. Me; To myslef noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.So thats what happened. I found out that night at 11:30 that i had to pack and be ready to leave for the airport at 6:00 am. Thats how it went kids. Funny, huh? Anyways it wasnt all that bad. I was pretty much a mall rat for the week which was wayy bad. I spent most of my nights in the hot tubb calling people. People were either gone or asleep sooo i pretty much talked to myslef. LOL! Although i talked to Devan, Kaliegh, and kellen, but those were on rare occasions. Well now im back and i went over to a buddy's house to light of some fireworks. That was kick-ass. Well gots to be going. []Deace


Dumb Wisconsin Laws
# You must manually flush all urinals in a building.
# Butter substitutes are not allowed to be served in state prisons.
# Citizens may not murder their enemies.
# Whenever two trains meet at an intersection of said tracks, neither shall proceed until the other has.
# As people used to smuggle it in from Illinois, all yellow butter substitute is banned.
# At one time, margarine was illegal.
# State Law made it illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese.
# While all cheese making requires a license, Limburger cheese making requires a master cheese maker's license.
# It is illegal to kiss on a train.
# It is illegal to cut a woman's hair.
# Car dealerships cannot sell cars on Sunday.
# No male is allowed to be in a state of arousal in public.
La Crosse
# It is illegal to tie up your horse along Third Street (Now a major bar strip).
# It is illegal to display an unclothed mannequin in a store window.
# It is illegal to play checkers in public.
# You cannot "worry a squirrel."
# An old ordinance forbids parking for over two hours unless a horse is tied to the car.
# It is against the law to play a flute and drums on the streets to attract attention.
# If one is thought of as offensive looking, it is illegal for him to be in public during the day.
# It is illegal to purchase or use Sparklers in the city, yet you can buy fully disassembled automatic machine guns.
# It is illegal to wake a fireman when he is asleep.
# Women may not walk down a public street at night without being accompanied by a man.
St. Croix
# Women are not allowed to wear anything red in public.

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 4:01 PM CDT
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Sunday, 26 June 2005
That one day at Bible camp......
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: Goo Goo Dolls - Name (Acoustic)
Well Im bored as hell and wanted to do something and theres nothing really to update on so im gonna do this long ass survey!

name: Andrew
piercings: Planning on one!
tattoos: Planning on one!
height: 5' 9'' (is what im estimating)
shoe size: 10 1/2 to 11
hair color: Brown
eye color: Brown
siblings: 4 sisters
boy u kissed: Dont kiss guys! Fucking nasty shiz!
girl u kissed: No one recently
movie u rented: dont rent them
move u bought: Ummm... cant remember, latley ive been downloading!
song u listened to: Greenday - Time of your life
cd u bought/burned: i think it was the tool CD
cd u listened to: Tool
person u called: Joe Dietz
tv show u watched:
person u were thinking of: myself
person thats called u: Kyle
u have a crush on someone: Julie
u wish u could live somewhere else: sometimes, i like to be close to family tough!
u think about suicide: Nope, thank god, damn EMO kids!
u believe in online dating: not really, people act differently towards other online rather than an actual real scenario or setting!
others find u attractive: Well.....
u want more piercings: Yeah i want some!
u like cleaning: not really, but i do it!
u like roller coasters: I like some!
u write in cursive or print: Both!
long distance relationships: For... people who are really in love can with stand anything!
using someone: against... unless its to my advantage!
suicide: again, Damn emo kids!
killing people: Against... evryone has the right to live!
teenage smoking: against... nasty!
driving drunk: against, its one thing to put you at risk but to put others is disrespectfull and immoral!
gay/lesbian relationships: UM... yeah against gay but not lesbian! :P
soap operas: HAre those damn things
ever cried over a girl: more upset
ever cried over a boy: nope
ever lied to someone: yep
ever been in a fist fight: Yepp
ever been arrested: almost, dont sneek out at night!
shampoo do u use: aveda
shoes do u wear: All kinds, adidas and flip-flops
r u scared of: spiders, bees
of times i have been in love: 1
of times i have had my heart broken: 3
of hearts i have broken: prolly no ones! LOL
of people i would classify as trustworthy: some of my friends are, but tell anyone secrets around here but me cause it seems like im the only one whom can keep them!
of scars on my body: 1 i believe
of things in my past that i regret: there are tons that I regret but hell cant take them back so F them! LOL
funny: yes, of course i do!
hott: not hott, descent looking!
friendly: Yeah, im nice till you cross me!
ugly: i have an ugly personality sometimes, depends on if i like you or not!
loveable: Cortainly
dorky: All the time!
5 letter word: FUCK U, there!
actor/actress: Jennifer Garner/Will Farrell
candy: chocolate kinda guy
cereal: Lucky Charms, baby. Oh, and rasin' Braine
chewing gum: Juicy Fruit
color(s): Blue/ Neone-green
day of week: saturday
jello flavor: DOnt eat Jello
jewelry: Well im gonna get the family ring here perty soon so, yeah!
summer/winter: SUMMER
saw u cry: Mom
made u cry: Cant remember
yelled at u: My sister
sent u an email: Dunno, My sister Ashley, prolly!
said i love u and meant it: I never ever, ever mis-use that word! Love is probably the strongest words you could ever use. It could really make or break somebody just think about it the next time you use that word, think about how happy somebody feels when they hear it, then imagine what they would be like when they knew you didnt mean it or were just TRYING to please them!!!!!
gone out in public in ur pajamas: did it the other day! even had the bad hair do!
cried during a movie: Ummmm..... i've been really sad during them!
planned ur week based on the tv guide: No, but i really love Alias!
been on stage: Yeah, many times when I was smaller
been to new york: Yepp, to small to remember!
to california: Nope, dammit i wish i could go!
hawaii: NOpe
china: Nope
canada: Nope
europe: Nope
asia: Nope
australia: Nope
wished u were the opposite sex: Nope
wat time is it now 7:06 pm
apples or bananas: Either does the body good!
blue or red blue
walmart or target: man thats tuff!
spring or fall: Spring
wat r u gonna do after u finish this: idk!
wat was the last meal u ate: mexican
r u bored: Yeah
last noise u heard: my fan!
last smell u sniffed: IDK!
last time u went outta state/province: Dad's lives in KY!
do u believe in love at first site: yes
do u want children one day: yes
most important thing in a friendship to you: Many things to name off but loyalty is one main point!
criminal record: clean; but came close a couple times!
do u speak ne other languages: a lil spanish and very lil chinese!
last book u read: MCSE stuff
name sum of ur favorite things in ur bedroom: PC, TV, Radio (pc), and my bed!
things u dislike about urself: lazy and a procrastinator!
who u miss: Jules
initials: ARA
how old do u look: I look about 17
how old do u act: I act about 14
glasses/contacts: Glasses
do u have any pets: Two beloved cats :P, Ernie Bobs and Lil nigga aka Biggy
thought u were goin to die: Yes, unfortuanatley
wanted to run away: Yes
flunked a grade: Got held back! :(
ran away: 2 blocks away for a night, haha!
skipped a grade: nope, too bad to!
moved yeah: yeah, we are always moving, gay as hell!
attempted to commit suicide: no
thought about it: no
been arrested: no
gotten drunk: yes
been in jail: no
contacted the police: yes
been in love: yes
smoked: nope, nasty shit
drank: yes
did drugs: no
kissed someone of the same sex: nope, not willing to either!
kissed someone of the opposite sex: yes
been suspended: nope, but almost many times!
hit a girl: my sister a couple times and at boxing!
lied: nope, perfect angel here! Yes i've lied and i think ive already answered that question a couple of times on this damn survey!
stolen anything: yepp
broke a bone: i think so
cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
been in the hospital: yepp, many times!
let a friend cry on ur shoulder: yepp
fell asleep in the bath: nope
gone to church: yepp, dont really go that much anymore!
never slept during the night: many times
been on a hike: yepp
been to a camp: yepp
seen someone die: no, thank god, i would be traumatized
gone a week without shaving: yepp
didnt wash ur hair for a week: nope
broken something valuable: yepp
been in a tornado: nope
knew u were in love: yessum
streaked in the streets: yepp
been skinny dipping: yepp
screamed at someone for no reason: yeah :(
said i love u and meant it: only time i say that word is if i mean it!
been hurt by someone u love: Unfortunatley
been attacked: by bees???!!!!
stayed on the phone for over 3 hours: yeah
Are you a dare-devil: used to, but i've learned to value life, lol!
Lefty or Righty: Righty tighty
Are you republican or democrat: Somewhat of a libertarian, but republican!
Are you too shy to ask someone out: no is just a word, doesnt really bother me, although i've heard it alot! LOL!
Do fish have feelings: Idk, but if fish could talk im sure they would tell us!
Do looks really matter: somewhat, honestly i dont mean to be shallow but they do!
Do you have a journal: This blog, duh!
Do you have an order in how you wash yourself: somewhat!
Do you have any bad habits: yes
Do you laugh when you get hurt: Yeah
Do you like the toilet paper on the back side of the roll or on the front: as long as i can wipe my ass im fine!
Do you like your apple cut or just regular: either or doesnt matter to dedrew!
Do you like your handwriting: its messy and i seem to be the only one that can read it! So yeah it kew!
Do you sing in the shower: Yes i sing in the shower! Its fun as hell, I dance too, is there a problem?!?
Do you sing while you vacuum: i sing if there is any music playing that i know the lyrics to!
Do you snort when you laugh: not unless it really hard!
Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: maybe!
Do you think you're strong: i dont know, prolly not!
Do you trust others easily: nope, takes alot to trust people these days!
Do you untie your shoes: nope
Do you use sarcasm: yes, it makes life so much better!
Do u want everyone who u have a crush on to have a crush on u right now: Honestly, who doesnt want that but life isnt easy! :P
Eye color: Blue
Favorite color(s): didnt you already ask this??
Favorite day of the year: any holidays and breaks from school!
Favorite drink: energy drinks
Favorite games: eucher
Favorite month: i dunno my b-day month; feburary!
Favorite sport: paintball and boxing
First thing you notice about the opposite sex: eyes, body and personality!
Ford or Chevy: Hell if i know!
Has someone/something ever woken you up from a dream: Yes, unfortunatley
Have you ever been in a car accident: Yepp
Have you ever been to a dance: yepp
Have you ever checked under your bed or in your closet;just in case: Yeppers
Have you ever cut your hair and wished you hadnt: no
Have you ever cut yourself shaving: Yepp
Have you ever dreamed something and then it really happened: Yeah, those are awesome! I'd like to think myself a prophet! HAHA!
Have you ever dropped something on your foot in the shower: Yes
Have you ever gotten shampoo in your eye: yepp
Have you ever had an imaginary friend: prolly; im wierd like that! oh, and i converse with myself too! IS that bad??
Have you ever kissed the wall in the shower: nope, i think it would taste a lil dry (wall) and a lil soapy if i did (shower) just for answering that showed i've given this much thought! LOL! j/k
Have you ever laughed at your joke when no one else did: HELL YEAH, do it all the time! I laugh at what i write on these dumbass surveys too!
ever not been able to fall asleep cuz u keep thinkin bout the person u like: Yeah, the lustful stage!
Have you ever said a word and it sounded absolutely stupid: yepp
Have you ever sang into a hair brush: yepp
Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell: nope, im an honest guy!
Have u ever daydreamed in class & not even noticed that it was really loud: nope, but i tend to daydream all the time in class!
How are you today: perty dern good!
How do you release anger: Talk to someone, goto the gym, or watch a comedy! If it really bad i punch my dresser!
How is the weather right now: its nice out
How many people have a crush on you right now: 1
How many wisdom teeth do you have: i dunno
Hugs or kisses: kisses, but hugs arent bad either
If you were a crayon, what color would you be: tickle me pink! or blue! HAHA!
Last person you talked to on the phone: Dad
Scary movies or happy endings: both
Siblings: 3 sisters
Summer or winter: summer.. i already answered that tho
What are you wearing right now: Nothing! HAHA j/k some izod!
What are your nickname(s): Dedrew, dick, or asshole! Either or!
What books are you reading: Getting ready to study for my MCSE tests!
What class in school do you think is totally: Geography! By far the easiest class ever!
What did you watch on TV last night: Con on CC
What do you look for in a boy/girl friend: Someone that i can spend time with and laugh at my dumb jokes, someone who really wants to be with me!
What do you want most out of life: Be healthy, prosperous with a family and good career!
What is your favorite lunch meat: Sandwhich spread
What is your full name: Andrew Raymond Anderson
What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf: I dunno!
What was the last thing you ate: Taco Bell
What was your favorite childhood toy: Well not a toy really; but a bear that meant a lot to my grandfather!
What's your favorite ice cream flavor: i dunno
When did you last cry: Can't remember, i dont cry all the time really!
Where are your second homes: my dads
Tape or glue: What the hell kinda ?? is that!
Which finger is your favorite: middle
Dogs or cats: cats
Hamburgers or hot dogs: Hamburger
Which personality do you like better; humorous or serious: how about someone with skitsaphrenia and can be both at the same time! HAHA!
Which tastes better tomatoes or bananas: I could care less, i guess i would have to be in the mood!
White or wheat bread: white
Who do you miss right now: Jules
Who were you named after: My dads dad, never met him but he seems awesome from what I hear!
Would you die for a non-Christian: yeah
Would you die for the guy/girl you like: yeah
Would you ever bungee jump: prolly not!
Would you rather be hot or cold: hott
Would you rather die of starvation or dehydration: neither
Your least favorite thing(s): i dunno, annoying people i guess
Ever been in love: Yes
Ever been kissed: Yes

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 11:29 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 27 June 2005 4:43 PM CDT
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Friday, 24 June 2005

Name: Andrew Anderson

Birth date: 2/4/88

Birth place: Inianapolis,IN

Current Location: Indiana

Hair Color: brown

Righty or Lefty: Righty

Your heritage:French Canadian/British/A lil' Native american (somewhere)

Shoes you wore today: none

Your weakness: soft heart, cant have those these days!

Your perfect pizza: any pizza is perfect, really!

Goal you'd like to achieve: Go into and graduate from college, Have a happy family and be healthy and prosperous!

Your most overused phrase: Bleevin' contraption, and what is this hypocrisy!

Your thoughts first waking up: What the hell, that was a kick ass dream, Did i have to wake, honestly!

Your best physical feature: I've been told by some that my eyes and smile are but, that their opinions! :P!

Your bedtime: when i am tired

Your most missed memory: no clue, but man do i miss it!

Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Mcdonalds
Single or group dates: SINGLE
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Greentea, biatches!

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
Smoke: Nope
Cuss: more than I should

Single: Unfortunatley

Take a shower: Yes, every morning!
Have a crush(es): One comes to mind!

Think you've been in love: Yes

Want to get married: Yes
believe in yourself: all the time

get motion sickness: Yes
Think you're attractive: to an extent

a health freak: i try to watch what i eat and drink!
Get along with your parents: All the time; love my parents! They kick ass

Like thunderstorms: YES

Play an instrument: tried the Guitar! Failed!

Drank alcohol: Nope

Gone on a date: nope

Gone to the mall: yeah

Been on stage: No
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Not yet, but boy do I want some!

Eaten sushi: Yes! My type of question! Yes two weeks ago, my god it was good! Eel, Eel roll, Dragon Roll, etc! MAny things!

Been dumped: not this month! HAHA!
Gone skating: Man i haven't skated since 8th grade

Gone skinny dipping: not this month
Played a game that required removal of clothing: a couple of times

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: unfortunatley

Been called a tease: not that i know of
Gotten beaten up: when i was little
Age you hope to be married: 23,24

Number of Children: maybe, maybe 3 but if not two!
Describe your dream wedding: dude, seriously

How do you want to die: ive gathered that i will live to the ripe old age of 100, so expect to see me in the newspaper in 2088! :)

What do you want to be when you grow up: There are lots of careers choices that i want to do. Main one is computer sciences!!!

What country would you most like to visit: Anyone in Europe!

Best eye color?: Eye color doesnt matter, but ive noticed i tend to like with brown or blue, no hazel for some reason!

Best hair color?: Blonde and Brunnette

Short or long hair: doesnt matter

Height: doesnt matter

First kiss location: in my bed

Number of people I could trust with my life: i dunno, tricky question

Number of CD's I own: too many too count if you count burnt ones, but if not prolly like 1!

Number of piercings: thinking about getting 1

Number of tattoos: thinking about getting 1

Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper?: hell, prolly never

Number of scars on my body: 1 that i know of!

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 5:22 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 24 June 2005 9:58 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 21 June 2005
Now Playing: Smashing Pumpkins
Well its kinda late im still up! Im so naughty! HAHA! Anyways, I lost tonight at some poker! and some black jack. But you have to lose some to win some, right? God I hope so! LOL. Anyways, I've decided to not goto Mickey D's, screw those bastards. Oh, my uncle got me a huge 500 chip poker set so that is kick ass! So im basically mowing grass as an income right now! Which isnt too bad. Plus, I have to help my grandma with some stuff. But life isnt so bad! Man I want to get out of this dumbass house! Man I love this song. Its rather awesome. Dude, i may get to meet Jennifer Garner that is wayy awesome! That would totally rock my socks! Nah, I don't know. But if the stars align, just maybe. LOL! Thats too funny! Anways, I've got to goto bed maybe! []Deace!


An 80 year old man went into the confessional and told the priest the following:

"Father, I am an 80 year old man, I'm married, I have 4 children and 11 grandchildren. Last night I strayed and had an affair with two 18 year old girls. We partied and made love all night long."

The priest said, "My son, when was the last time you were at confession?"

The old man said, "I have never been to confession, I'm Jewish."

The priest said, "Then why are you here telling me this?"

The old man said, "Father, I'm telling everyone!"

A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak. After mass he asked the monsignor how he had done.

The monsignor replied, "When I am worried about getting nervous on the pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass. If I start to get nervous, I take a sip."

So next Sunday he took the monsignors advice. At the beginning of the sermon, he got nervous and took a drink. He proceeded to talk up a storm.

Upon his return to his office after mass, he found the following note on the door:

1. Sip the Vodka, don't gulp.

2. There are 10 commandments, not 12.

3. There are 12 disciples, not 10.

4. Jesus was consecrated, not constipated.

5. Jacob wagered his donkey, he did not bet his ass.

6. We do not refer to Jesus Christ as the late J.C.

7. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not referred to as Daddy, Junior and the Spook.

8. David slew Goliath, he did not kick the shit out of him.

9. When David was hit by a rock and knocked off his donkey, don't say he was stoned off his ass.

10. We do not refer to the cross as the "Big T"

11. When Jesus broke the bread at the Last Supper he said, "Take this and eat it for it is my body." He did not say "Eat me."

12. The Virgin Mary is not called "Mary with the Cherry."

13. The recommended grace before a meal is not: Rub-A-Dub-Dub thanks for the grub, yeah God.

14. Next Sunday there will be a taffy pulling contest at St.Peter's, not a peter pulling contest at St. Taffy's.
It was about a month ago when a Dutchman in Amsterdam felt that he needed to confess, so he went to his Priest.
"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. During WWll, I hid a Jewish man in my attic."
"Well," answered the Priest, "That's no a sin."
"But I made him pay me 20 gulden for each week he stayed."
"I admit that wasn't good, but you did it for a good cause."
"Oh thank you Father; that eases my mind. Father, I have one more question."
"What is it son?"
"Do I now have to tell him the war is over?"

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 2:18 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 June 2005 2:51 AM CDT
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Saturday, 11 June 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Bon Jovi (good band)
Well my summers going ok. Just got back from eating some sushi with my big pops, cousin, and my sister. It was good stuff. Im soooo tired; I don't know why either. I've just been hangin' around the house and with friends. I do hope the summer gets more exciting. Last year was kick ass! :) I went to a friends open house today and it was fun. I had a great time cause Andrea, Josh, Linda, Gretchen, Jamie, Dee, Martha and the gang were there. We played a game called cornholers. It was rather fun. and it had nothing to do with actual corn holing you sick, sick bastards! :) Anyways after that Kyle, Casey (Kyle's Cousin) went to see the apartments that we may move into after high school! They are more like condos really. Really Really big condos. Rents not bad either! Anyways, man i miss Julie sooo much! :) I havent seen her all summer. :( Nows shes in FL for a week and I wont even be able to talk to her. :( So thats not too cool. Well I better be getting off of here and do something productive like clean my room or something. I dunno I'll think of something Brian may come over so that we can play some poker so that will be cool! []Deace My caucassion brothern!

HelpDesk: Technical Support, how can I help you?
End User: I've just received one of these 51/4 inch disk thingies through the post, but my PC won't read it.
HelpDesk: Okay, have you put the disk in the drive the right way round?...
End User: Um, I think so.
HelpDesk: ...with the label facing upwards and towards you?
End User: Er, yeah.
HelpDesk: Hmmmm. Let me think for a moment.
(The techie wonders if the 'latch door' of the drive isn't open, so the PC can't read the disk).
HelpDesk: Sir, have you closed the door?
End User: Will that make a difference?
HelpDesk: Yes, sir, the disk won't read if the door is open.
End User: Oh, okay then.
The techie hears the phone being put down, and the sound of the user getting up from his chair, then footsteps disappearing into the distance. A door bangs shut. A few seconds later...
End User: No, that didn't work, the disk still won't read!

Posted by DeDrew a.k.a Sexyman at 11:50 PM CDT
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