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Youngsta's Web Page!

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This is my web site and the only web site that you need to go to because my web site isn't like any other. Kinda like a One-hit-wonder, cause' you know you probably won't come back to this web site since there isn't much shit to look around for. Of course, you can look at all the goodies from my web site cause' I personally made this shit and I know it's freaking awesome and yeah! there's couple of things that you might find interesting about this web page and i've still yet to complete it. i hope you all enjoy it and don't get offended cause' in honesty, i meant every word i said, he he. hope you have fun with this site and get to know a little bout' me. if you happen to not have a fast connection, don't even fucking bother looking at my web site cause it's only best viewed by it. if you don't, you'll miss out the whole concept of checking out my web site!



Right now, I am in the beautiful island of Guam, and jet lagged like hell, flying total and waiting for 25 hours now. on 0400, drank a beer to get me dozy and need to sleep so i can go shopping and localize once again! i'm also going to take pictures from this amazing sony cybershot 3.2 mega pixel digital camera that is now mine (yeah, i stole it from my brother and there's nothing he can do about it!) so keep posted by checking my site and how my vacation is going. TERRAIN!

Pic of Arnold and Me


My mummy


My mummy 2


My friend and his nephew


my twin...and my cousin i never met


group pic in Iraq!


 Last updated August 31, 2004
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