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It's almost done! A few more to take but check it out!

I'm driving to school here. some tricky quick one hand on the wheel one picking up the camera action. I managed quite well actually.

Anne and Erica are the first people I see.

They are not morning people.

I go to my locker. I share it with Anne.

I see Russell on the move, he does not understand my camera motives.

My first period Physics teacher Mr. Raymond is talking about tides and the moon orbiting and whatever chapter we're on.

This is Fiona. She sits in front of me. I can't read the daily warm ups, so she reads them out loud to me every day.

Hey, Tiffany! She joined in physics late and is the TA in my drama class. She's so special, she gets to stage manage the Spring Musical.

Here's Casey. He's not too happy about taking this physics final. He happens to be Anne's next door neighbor and a very talented athlete!

Erika is one of the few sophomores I know. I was her TA when I was in 9th grade and she was in 7th. I didn't realize that, she did. I love Erika!

Before the period ends, I try to do some physics homework.

After class, I see Kibby, Ryan and Mario. They don't make it to class to often. I miss Kibby in drama!

I also see Peter. Pete is awesome! Every Friday of Winter he wears his blanket to school to show MAC pride. I should show MAC pride too... I love MAC!

Now I'm on my way to second period AP econ.

Here's Tom, a bit camera shy. He knows everything I don't.

Jane is so cute! She also thinks I erased this picture.

This picture of Noah is kind of self explanitory.

Here's Diane, doing what she does best! No, we love her. She does field hockey.

Here's Julia. I've known her since elementary school. She went to Walker Creek with me too! Her sister was in my cabin.

Stapleton is talking about some econ thing. Actually, he was just quite excited to strike this pose, he really wasn't going to teach anything that day.

This is what Mr. Stapleton does when he teaches.

Here's Mr. Stapleton's Darth Maul action figure that moves and stick fights killing the singing hula Homer.

Robby resembles Kenny from South Park...

Eric is going to get real sick of me next semester when we ahve AP Govt together too.

It's break! Yay! I need someone with food to be my friend.

This is Sinan, or "Sinus." We had classes together last year and had lots of fun. We don't see each other around much.

Anna is SUPER camera shy! The hardest picture to get yet! But this is the best I could do.

Here's Lara, we went to the Goo Goo Dolls concert together with other people. She's Pilar's best friend.

Speaking of Pilar, here she is! I love Pilar!!! Her dad must be a weapons specialist, becasue she's the bomb! (We have so many inside jokes...)

I'm on my way to third, passing the N buildings.

I let Anne keep my calc homework because I'll lose it.

I got a 90% on the last homework! Yay me!

To save face for Mr. O'Keefe who is collecting our homework, I was going to erase this. But Anne likes this picture and thinks it is funny. And now Richard is obsessed with this picture. It's not that great, is it?

Mr. O'Keefe is teaching whatever next thing I won't quite understand until Anne explains it to me a second time.

I will just play Tetris or Subhunt on my calculater.

Here's Casey and Asher, I don't think they know I took their picture. They sit behind me in math.

I have to go to 4th period Drama 1 now.

Here's Eric, he's new this year. I still don't think he's a senior.

Here are some lovely drama girls, who I truly do know their names, but do not know how to spell the at all. Here is my best shot: Sonya, Britany, and Megan!

Here's Megan doing a back bend thing. I could never...

Here's everyone's favorite guy, Jake! He is funny and extremely candid.

Mrs. Bruch is so funny! I love her! She often tells us that if we don't get off the couch, "we'll burn in hell and so help us God." Comforting.

Mrs. Bruch will give you the number to her therapist if you need it.

Danny doesn't want internet pedafiles to recognize him. I love Tamara's style! She's also HUB Features editor.

I don't think Chuck knew I was taking a picture of him.

Jessica is great! We did a scene together earlier this year. We were friends back in elementary school.

Yes, this is STILL drama! I have so much fun in that class. Here's Sam. He's good.

Cindy has tried to teach me cheerleading cheers, but she thinks I suck. I can't do a cartwheel and she has given up on me.

Rachel and Natalie are so sweet!

It's now 5th period, The HUB! This is after lunch.Here's Voices Editor Shakti Howeth. Shakti needs to sign something for me because she's going to be a famous actress some day. She was great in The Water Children and The Matchmaker!

Here's Meilee, she reads every letter that gets printed. She works with the local newspaper, The Davis Enterprise.

Meghan and Christi, HUB Staff writers, do a monhly feature of pro con movie. They are saddened over Meghan's boo boo on her finger.

Aaron and Peter are 2 wonderful HUB staffers!

Rich is my hero! He's graphics editor or something like that and does the comics. Richard gave me a hug and I'm sure it was a great pic, but Christi couldn't figure it out, and took the pic when we weren't expecting it.

We now get to hear Mrs. Ryen and Meilee go over all the flaws of this issue, and see what worked and what didn't.

Justin, HUB Op-Ed Editor, is an old friend of Pilar and I. I think he is mortally afraid of us, or jsut quite annoyed with us. Either one.

Sally (our advisor) is talking to us about the new HUB staff members joining at the semester.

Meghan and I make a weird, weird pair. We were noticing the similarity of our mouths in this picture.

Nick, everyone's favorite guy and in student government is making Sally crack up.

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