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This past weekend was one of the best weekends EVER. Prom was the best time I have had in a long time. Dinner was suprisingly good for massive catering and the music was okay, but good for dancing. Thank goodnesss there were only 4 romantic slow songs, perfect for the dateless. :) But I was not really dateless so to speak since Anne was there. Anne and I were uncomfrotable only once while being dateless. It was when the first slow song when we were in the middle of the dancing corwd and didn't want to leave in fear of losing our friends. So we stood there commenting on the hoards of people just wildly making out. So Anne and I decided to make head sways to fit in the moving crowd, but we were just laughing the whole time. I danced the whole night just about, the people sitting outside talking, heh, you could do that ANYTIME. I had great times. No date, no drama, worry and hassle free. And can I mention I think I looked rather nice in my dress? Anyway, we even went to In-N-Out afterwards and Anne and I tried to fins something else to doa fter they closed. We couldn't really, so we decidd to quit while we were ahead and head back to her house. I had my makeup done by Clinique in Macy's, my hair done by the wonderful Anne, and my nails at some place in Arden. YAY!!!!

Here we are at my dad's taking some photos before we head off. We had to switch cars to take sometihng higher-class than Fluffy and I wanted my dad to see our dresses.

The prom was at the Radisson over by Cal Expo/Arden.

Pictures of no one in paticular, but just shots of prom.

My uncle sent away for this croisage. How sweet! It started to die. :(

They gave us free cameras at our place settings! But I obvously didn't use it.

How crazy. This is my table, #12. Dinner wasn't so bad.

A nicer picture of our table.

The beautiful Pilar.

Sangi and Sarah.

I LOVE Shakti. She and Chris made such a lovely couple. Her hair was gorgeous with flowers and everything... aww....

Kira, and then Kira and Ben. Ben is a sophomore? Junior? I don't remember.

Drama 1 buddies of mine, Kibby and Ryan. Kibby came with Sean, who wasn't there at the time I took this picture. They came in a huge (!!) limo, pictured later.

Anne with Erica and Alex. Did anyone see Erica's date? He was HOT. He was the perfect hight for her too. Glad they could have fun.

Margaret and her date.. who I do not know... sniffles.

Jessica looked WONDERFUL. Everyone did! Her date is a Dixon folk, so don't get confused. They were waiting in line with us to get the professional pictures taken. We had Drama 1 together.

Irina, my physics partner in crime (sorta) and her date TJ. I think he graduated last year, if I remember correctly.

Next to Shakti's hair, Hannah was right up there with the best hair. It was gorgeous. We picked her up from the salon since her dad left her stranded there. Then she came over a bit later and Anne did her makeup, which took all of 6 minutes. Oh well.

Diane in red and her friends.. who I don't know... I am sorry, people!! I do apologize.

Eric and his date. He told me her name, but i can't remember her name. I am sorry again!!

Ben and Lara with Pilar and Sinan were getting the professional pictures done, but I took one there anyway. That probably isn't allowed.

Sabina and Chris doing their Scottish thing!

This couple dressed in a duct tape ensemble. They did it for a scholarship of some sort. I know there is a bubblewrap one and such... whatever floats you boat.

This is Kibby's limo. I was so jealous. That was the first time I had ever seen inside a limo. I want a limo. Go back and forth from school and work all the tme in one... yeah!

This might be the best picture known to photography. We went to In-N-Out afterwards.

More In-N-Out pictures. After that Kira and Sinan and those people left, but Anne and I went out on our own. We hit a few dead ends, and decided to go home without ruining the rest of the night looking for something to do. Plus, I had work the next early morning. That went okay I guess. All and all, a great ngiht!