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Riel's Graphic Examples

Well, I've finally started to make a page with some of my graphics examples. You may look, but dont touch! Ill start you off with a tour of my graphic life around the forums I go to.. well, mainly one... I guess. (BTW, dont mind the advertisment up there.. it's very annoying.. trust me.)

Firstly, the forums I go to are about Neopets.. the neopets help site.. and all that. Most of them are filled with scary admins.. and very cool members. Also, they're mostly Invision.. VBulliten, etc. My first forum I went to was the NA Forums. I was like.. the 46th member.. then it grew up to over 2000 members! The second forum I went to was the PPT Forums. I didnt get a chance to make my Request Board or post there.. until one day. Lastly, the last forum I went to was the NF Forums. It was great! I had tons of fun, but didnt able to start my Request Board there either.

Now, onto my graphic making friends (and my idols, of course). Here's a list of them in random order.

[BTW, I'm sorry if I missed any of you] » May [NA, PPT], Fzun [NA, PPT], arina [NA, NF], moogie [NA, PPT, NF], ecliptic [NA, PPT, NF], rill [NA], DI [NA], Ally [NA], Angelic [NA], Kostya [NA, NF], Dande [NA], Mr.Sho [NA], Spell Jack [NA, PPT], Edmund [NA], illusion [NF], and Marissa [PPT]

Lmao, I know I only have a little bit. But now, it's on to my graphic making idols from all over the place. =P