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Hymn to Heru

Homage to thee, Nefer Neter Heru, O thou great and mighty prince, steadfast defender of thy father, who smote Set and laid claim to the throne of the Two Lands; Heru hawk-formed, who glides across the sky watching the sons of men to ensure that they abide by the eternal precepts of Ma'at; Ra-hoor-khuit thou terrible Lord of Battles who rushes into the fray like the fierce lions of the Red Lands; Heru pa Khart, the plump babe on Aset's knee, sucking his thumb and wearing the sidelock of youth, the ever-young promise of life's renewal and rich bounty: thou I praise in all thy manifold forms. Thou who art beautiful as the Lapis that adorns the breasts of Hwt-Hwr, thou shines golden and glorious as the noon-day sun over the Black Land. Thou delightest in feats and minstrel songs, in the brazen arrows of soldiers and skilled huntsmen, and in watching the young men prove their physical prowess in sporting games -- but what gladdens thy heart the most is to see a righteous man treat his neighbor with kindness. Homage to thee, Heru, a hundred times homage to thee!

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