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If You Are Here, You Are Fated To Read This!

I think some people have forgotten the meaning of fate, and what it means to be fated or destined to do something. So this article in not necessarily coming from a Kemetic stand point, but from the personal head of Akana.

To me, fate does not take away free will. Fate was designed for you, when your being was designed. As a human, with an intelligent mind, you also have choices, this is also part of fate, as we were destined to have these kinds of choices. Fate is only a foundation of quality, not an absolute as far as the journey you will take to ultimately become what you are, or are not. Life is a series of journeys, made for you to travel. Choices bring you to each and every off-ramp on that major highway. Eventually, you will get to the end of the road, accomplishing your destiny or not. Here are some examples to prove my point:

Say you were destined to be a writer, you still write very well occasionally, perhaps even writing a long ho hum in your blog, but you have not made the conscious choice to become a published author. Does that make you any less of a writer? No. You're still in line with your fate, regardless of the conscious choices you make.

Say you were destined to be a homeless child on the street, yet you got up out of your cardboard box, and made a life for yourself. Are you now going against fate? No, you now made a choice to better yourself and embrace the long destined system of your intelligent mind. Now if you were to stay a homeless person on the street, and live in that box for the rest of your existence, would you be going against fate? Not even then, because you've made a choice to stay there, to embrace it to the best of your ability.

Either way you look at these situations, fate takes a part. Responsibility takes a part. In life, the ultimate person that you have responsibility for is you. If you say: "I was fated to be a priestess" then its your responsibility to be a priestess and do it well. If you choose not to do it well, then you've chosen to go against your fate. Fate is about the quality in which you've embraced your nature, not a scapegoat for responsibility.

So how much 'Akana' can I be? Is the real question when asking and pondering about fate. If I can be the best human Akana that I can be, then I will always be in line with destiny, not to mention Maat. But if I try and be something that I'm not? Then I'll be forever tormented in this life, and not live up to my ultimate potential.

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