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West DePere Class of 1999 Five Year Reunion Website

Check out picutres from the reunion!

West De Pere Class of 1999

Five-Year Class Reunion Summary


The West De Pere Five-Year Class reunion started at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004.  The reunion was held at the Abbey in De Pere.  As classmates filed in, they reminisced at the pictures from high school.  There were two poster collages of pictures from our high school days.  Hundreds of remaining pictures from the yearbook scattered the front tables with a sign posted above: “Free High School Pics  Many pictures were claimed, while a great number of pictures still remain to be redeemed at the 10 Year Class Reunion. 


Forty-one classmates and guests shared a dinner of hamburgers, cheese and other condiments, potato chips, potato salad, brownies, soda and Bud Light.  The senior video aired during the meal, and reran throughout the evening.  After dinner, a group picture was taken with all of the participants.  Classmates mingled at the bar area and near the keg.  Later in the evening, more classmates came to visit with old friends and perhaps make new ones.  Towards the end of the evening, groups gathered to play “name that baby picture,” as the senior video reran.  Around 11:30 p.m. everyone had moved to the lower level of the Abbey.  From there, some classmates made their way back home, others to Baba Louies, and other local venues.  


Alicia Van Den Heuvel and Erica Magno volunteered to spearhead the 10 Year Class Reunion.  A few others also volunteered to assist in the planning process.  Ideas for the location of the 10 Year Reunion included having a formal, hosting it at a hotel, a park, or at the SC Grand to see a show.  The group also suggested distributing questionnaires to see what classmates have been doing with their lives.  Additionally, quizzes could be facilitated (Ex: Who has the most kids?, who has been married the longest? – Who knows the most about everyone else?)  Better food was also recommended.  (Come on, what do you expect for $15? Ha Ha)  If you are interested in being part of the 10 Year Class Reunion Planning committee, please write an e-mail to or talk to Alicia or Erica.



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