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dark fire II part 2



Rating: NC17

Spoilers: sequel to Christine Feehan’s Dark Fire

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters only the writing

Note: this is an on going series, if you want to read more go to the next part.

Note 2: I am not an english native tongue speaker so forgive me I make a terrible mistake, but never the less enjoy the reading.

Note 3: I have add new characthers such as Sereny (Savanah’s baby sister born 2 weeks before the still misterious death of Mikhail and Raven, Victoria, Maeniel and many others)





Part IV

The games we play

At the campsite in Konocti, Desari and Tempest talked about their tour with the Dark trouvadors, the first concert would be that evening, in a matter of hours 200 strangers will come to see the band perform, tempest was a dancer and sang in special songs, she had a soft, melodic voice, perfect for balads and slow themes; tonight she was wearing a silk maroon gown, long to her feet. Her hair tumble around her wavy and shiny, she wore bloodred lipstick and pink blush looking young and sexy. Darla sat in her lap playing with her mother’s hair, twisting it around her fingers, she was dressed in ivory and black, her hair had changed to silky, straight, black and tempest cut it to shoulder lenght with bangs to cover her forehead and put emphasis in her enormous green eyes, round face, tiny nose and pink pouty lips, as darius aproached tall, sinewy and powerfull the four feet beauty went runing fast to jump in his arms, “dady” said the girl with a big, broad smile, he hug her with love and turn his sight to his mate, who looked like boticelli’s madonna, tempest smiled back at him, feeling blushed to want him so much even if had just walked towards her.

Darius kissed tempest in the lips, she was siting across to desari who wore a blue marine dress, embroided with zaphires, both women made a lustfull sight, enough to turn any men hot, darla sat in tempest once again playing with her hair.

-         Don’t you worry aunt dessie, you will do just fine in stage...(said darla in a adult manner of speaking, at that moment tempest felt as she was listening to a five year old female darius commanding to her aunt)

-         You spend way to much time with your father

-         He teaches me to hunt and speak properly mother...(to those words tempest looked belligerent to darius, he laughed and took darla in his arms)

-         Come babygirl mommy needs to get ready for later, she has to rehearse

-         Don’t teach her to speak like an old lady

-         I can’t help it, if she wants to be like me so she’ll be

-         God what did I do to deserve this mate?...(said tempest raising her arms to the sky in a pleading manner)

-         I will get you for that later...(said darius brushing his fingers to her neck and kissing her forehead, in seconds tempest was raging to have him beneath her, his actions had turned tempest wet and mad, a very pleasing combination for darius nature)

-         I’m counting on it...mate.



-         You and darius seem to have a power struggle

-         He knows nothing but his own word, so a power struggle is a men’s joke to him

-         Julian’s like that too, we females are doomed to cope with it

-         I hope darla never finds a mate

-         Don’t say that, she’ll be so lonely

-         She’ll be so lucky...(darius growled in her mind)

-         Don’t you feel darius answer to your every demand

-         Sometimes...but he only answer those who please him to serve

-         So did you enjoy prague

-         Not much, darius wasn’t into going out, so I only met prague beneath the surface

-         So bad, It’s a lovely city

-         I think it’s because of darla’s age, he doesn’t want to put her to sleep without consent and he doesn’t want to go out with her either so I’m stuck here, whenever this golden cage is.

Tempest words strucked hard desari’s heart, because she also long to see the world beyond julian’s desires, freedom was a farfetch concept for both women, an ideal long lost, so much as a distant dream from childhood. Tempest and desari finished their talk and went to get ready.

Tempest was opening tonight, her sweet voice was alluring and made all male heads turn to stare at her gorgeous face and sexy body, her lyrics spoke of heartache.

Lyrics by cristina aguilera, song “addicted to love

       I hate to show that I lost control

       Cause I keep coming back to the one thing

       I need to walk away from, yeah

       I need to get away from, need to walk away from

       Get it babe walk away

       And it hurts my soul, ‘cause I can’t let go

       All the walls are closing in

       I can’t stop my suffering


       I’m about to brake

       I can’t stop this pain

       I’m addicted to love...

       Every step I take leads to more mistake...



       Inside i’m screaming, beging, pleading...

       I need to get away from

       The only thing I need is walk away

       Yeahhh, thank you...(her voice was hard to forget)


Tempest steped down from the stage right into darius arms, his huge erection spoke of how powerful was her voice her mate, he kissed her voraciously, tasting her mouth with teeth and tongue, his hands grabed her by the neck, they walked lip locked to the bar, where a bottle of red wine awaited for them.


Part V

Win me


In a nightclub, she danced, swinging her hips with the rhythm of slow drumbeats, her hair the color of night, her eyes black pools reflecting the world around them, her skin fair with freckles, face like an oval, lustful mouth, short and curvy, with round hips, narrow rib cage and big breasts, Dayan imagined when she laid on her side she would look like a guitar, he stare at her, he could see she was wearing a dark faded blue jean, a red Tshirt with a red ribbon in her hair, she wore lots of golden jewerly and looked extremely young, less than 20 years old, that he could tell it stunned him the most was that he could see colors in her skin, in her hair, in her clothes, the vivid red she wore caught his attention, in a second he desired with hunger to claim her, she had classic looks, and used an alluring perfume that drove him mad, he followed her to the restroom and awaited ‘til she came out.

I know this men from somewhere, he’s following me, in my vision he possesed me several times in my hotel room, he sank his teeth in my neck, he said some words that binded me to him, he wants me with all his might, he will not stop ‘til having me, he tries to merge his mind with mine, but can’t see my visions, precognition it’s not his gift, my cousins will leave and I will be forced to spend the night with this tall, handsome, mammoth men who is almost two feet taller than me, actually maybe a foot and some inches. God knows I’m only 5.4 tall, not even an american, who could say I would lose my virginity in this trip” thought Victoria to herself, she had the gift of precognition, she had visions that could tell the future, even hers, she was only 19 years old, a girl with the looks of a grown women, she was on a vacation with a cousin and two friends, they stayed together in a Residence Inn, in california, she slept in the hallway sofa since she never liked to share beds with anybody, that evening they have gone together to the Silver wolf a tiny bar filled with teenagers, one of dayan’s favorite spot for easy to catch food. She wasn’t alone but she felt like it when Dayan’s deep mahogany eyes set on her, she saw the vision then, and it was so perturbing she had to go to the ladies room, she felt her body in fire, so much like a mind orgasm it blinded her, she didn’t know how it will feel to come but she definitely felt wet and weak in the knees, her eyes searched the bar for her cousin and friends but she found non, she had been left on her own, she knew the way back to the hotel, and she could call a cab anytime she decided she wanted to leave.

Dayan’s soul cried out for hers, she felt fear, he felt it like an arrow straight to his heart, she walked towards him and sat next in the bar, “give the lady a beer on my count” said Dayan, she said “It’s alright I can pay for my own drinks”, she knew it wasn’t wise to take a drink from a stranger, and her senses scream that this men will take her during the night.

-         You look tired, Can I offer you a ride?

-         No, I’m fine, but thank you

-         You are not a local

-         I’m a tourist from south america

-         Your country must have very beautiful women, such as you...(she looked at him daggers)

-         I don’t buy those lines, I’m gonna go, thanks for the beer

-         I insist...(dayan tried to force her compliance)... a lady like you should not wonder around in this hours of the night

-         I’m not gonna wonder around, I’m going my hotel room, where I know I will be safe

-         Then I’ll take you there, get sure nothing happens to you in the way to your hotel

-         Ok, fine, you seem...(she hesitated the word dagerous in her mind, and she knew in her mind he would not rest ‘til she was safely tucked under the covers of her bed)

-         Come my car it’s this way...(he guided her towards the black van)

-         Can I see some ID?

-         You want to know my name?...(Dayan had to produce an ID to ease her fear)

-         So,...Dayan Galatasanofv

-         You pronounced it right, it a weird lastname in this country, hard to pronounce

-         My name it’s harder to say

-         When will you tell me that piece of knowledge?

-         Later, ...when you drop me safely in my hotel room...just so you know, I won’t sleep with you, I’m not a slut, so don’t expect to bed with me just because you gave me a ride

-         I never expected that precious, you just listen to the music and forget your cousin and friends...(Dayan knew there would be nobody in that hotel room, they would be alone, and he would claim his mate tonight)

-         What do you do?

-         For living you mean?

-         Yes

-         I’m a musician and a bodyguard

-         You look a lot alike a bodyguard I once saw

-         Really? What was his name?

-         I don’t know I only remenber his face, It was in a concert of some kind, but I was drunk so forget I said anything

-         My band name it’s the Dark trouvadors

-         Isn’t your singer a women named desiree or something like it?

-         Desari, my sister’s name is desari, you know her?

-         No, a friend of mine took me to a concert of your band two months ago, in konocti, she lives by, so we went

-         How was it?

-         Very nice, my friend said something to the gate’s keeper, a tall man, he looked a bit like you

-         Darius you mean, he’s always at the front door, what did your friend said to him?

-         She is psychic, and I think she said “congratulations”, I can’t remenber much of that night

-         I understand why she said that, see, tempest his wife is pregnant of their second child

-         We’re here

-         Could I come upstairs for a while, just to talk...(she knew it was a lie but she let him go upstairs with her just the same)



Dayan walked after her sensing her perfume and essence, flaring his nostrils to learn well this woman’s smell, so he could find her anyplace in the world, she was young and smelled like roses, she opened the door with care not to make any noise, but nobody was there, she was alone with this stranger that made her feel weak in the knees and fastened her pulse, she came in and sat as far from dayan as she could, she felt modesty and shame to look flushed and to want so desperately to kiss him. Dayan read her mind and slowly like a panther crawled to her and placed a hand to both hands of her face, and kissed her with hunger , he poured his centurys of longing, of darkness and dispair into the kiss, she felt his manhood pressing against her core through the layers of clothing, she saw a vision of her where he traped her beneath the earth and she sank lower into the seat, trying to break free from his embrace, he only hovered dawn with her until he was completely above her, sparing no weight on her body.

“Tell me your name girl” said dayan in low, husky voice, a sorcerer’s spell, she felt compelled to answer him with the whole truth, “Victoria Elizabeth Segovia Florez” she felt weird after saying her full name to him, he resumed his working in her mouth, kissing her voraciously, she had to grasp for air.

-         What are you?

-         I´m carpathian

-         You are like a vampire

-         No, I would have turn vampire or undead if a I hadn’t met you

-         I’ve heard of this, I’m like your soulmate, your soul is bind to mine in earth

-         You are so much more than my soulmate, you are the light, the air, the life, the other mising half of me, ...(he spoke to her in her mind showing her with images what he was about to do)... I must claim you or I’ll go deranged, already I feel a relentless ache to have you, so hard I can’t hardly breath

-         I’ve always been fascinated with creatures of the night, who would think I would actually meet one of you, if I’m going to die do it quickly

-         You won’t die, not today, not tomorrow, not ever, as I’m sure that you are my true life mate I plan to convert you, so we can live together forever...(his words fascinated her, she has always had a taste for the vampire theme, imagining she could become one made her aroused, she understood dayan’s nature better than anyboby since she too craved the hunt and the dominance)

-         Make me yours.


Her invitation was too much temptation. He sank his fangs into her neck, taking only a few gulps, she felt lightheaded and sick, she remembered earlier that evening she had eaten crab sandwiches, she was allergic to seafood, she covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom, Dayan followed her, and held her hair while she tossed the poisoning food out of her stomach. Dayan opened the filled the bathtub with hot water and calgoon’s turquoise see liquid soap, she had it displayed in her suitcase, without giving much tought to her actions victoria went into the tub while dayan scrub her back, he was lathering her scalp with shampoo and caressing her neck and collarbone, they were both very aroused.

Victoria turned her face to kiss him in the lips, and he was soon draging her out of the tub and covering her in a towel, he kissed her shoulders and bit teasing the sensitive flesh just above the collarbone. He was enormous now that he stood in front of her in his sinewy form, drying her with care, he was fully dressed but he still looked very sexy, she couldn’t help to wonder if he would be as big as it seemed.

Victoria wraped herself around the towel and went out of the bathroom, then closed the balcony drapes and windows so there will be no shadows watching them, dayan took the towel of her body and stare at her curves, he first kissed her mouth and cheeks, then her neck, her collarbone, the underside of her breasts, her navel, her belly and then he paused at her dark curls and pressed her down to the bed, she was getting drowsy but she could feel his fingers and tongue probing her core, he must have known she was a virgin since he played with her until she was soaking wet and almost at the verge of coming, she could only feel the sky fragmenting above her head, she could feel the explosion inside her as his fingers work relentlessly to bring her to orgasm, she hadn’t come fully down from her fly when she felt him enter her, hard pushing through skin with strenght, she stirred feeling pain and ranking her nails in his chest he slowed the pace until he was coming in and out of her, there was tearing inside her and blood, the pain was mild but she knew she would be sore later, and endeed he was big and heavy above her crushing her lower parts, his pelvic bone bore into hers, all of his manhood came in and out of hers, then he spared some weight of her body in his elbows and was caught at her eyes, they reflected a mix of pain and pleasure imposible to describe, he commanded her to look into his eyes as he came an uttered the fearful oath “I claim you as my lifemate. I belong to you. I give you my protection, my allegiance, my heart, my soul and my body. I take into my keeping the same that is yours. Your life, happiness and welfare will be cherished and placed above my own for all time. You are my lifemate, bound to me for all eternity and always in my care”, after centurys of barren existence, without any love or passion or happiness dayan felt quiet and calmed, as if he had just been reborn, but the notion of her as human with family and friends did not escape him, what had he done to her?, he had bound her not even by blood, but by love and sex, she was young, too young, he decided he had to let her grow older before converting her, but how?, he was too enthraled by her beauty and soul to allow her to grow apart from him, separating her from her family and friends was the only posible choice.

At the next morning victoria found herself alone, naked, and tired as she had been up all night long, then it hit her, she had, dayan’s face and body expresions as he came inside her was a label in her mind, they had been making love all night long, as she tried to stand up, she felt sore and weak. Next to her there was a backstage pass to the dark trouvadours, the note said, “I’ll pick you up at 7:30 sharp, be ready my love, dayan”, she felt tired and went back to sleep, but in her mind she could hardly wait to return to her mate.




My Favorite Web Sites

dark fire II part I

Why I love christine feehan
