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Welcome to Lindsey's Fiction

First of all, I'm a show off...a major show off. Why else would I have my own corner of the internet filled with my stories, and then make it easy for people to praise me? Hey, I've been told I was a great writer since I was eight or nine. Society made me this way! Jokes aside, I'd really like the feedback. If you *didn't* get here by my LiveJournal...then I *beg* for feedback because I don't know you that well (I say "that well" because you probably followed from a forum or something...) and objective readers who have nothing against saying "What a load of crap!" are always good for new writers. If you're still here, you've obviously got some time on your hands (either random web-surfing time, waiting-for-a-friggen-page-to-load time, or boredom-caused time.)So why not pick out some reading material? Reading's good for your brain, so make mommy proud, damnit! After all, what's the worst that could happen? You're free to move on at anytime (but if you do, please tell me why in the guest book before laughing and closing the window...pretty please with low-cal sweetener on top!) Or maybe you'll get hooked on a cliff-hanger or impressed by some short do-dad I wrote when I was bored in class (I accept praise as well as *ahem* "constructive criticism.")Either way, you’re bound to have a good time right? So start clickin'!

Without Further Adu...

The Tower, Part One
My Poetry