falcon/uraniums home-page
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falcon/uraniums home-page

************************************************************************************************************ Be sure to E-mail me about my page, Just click here-- --But dont e-mail me with something stupid or I will track you down and well talk--oh yeah--and my page talks about me and my past experiences, and will keep you up to date, but be sure to mark Your place because nothing gets deleted.....NOTHING!

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1 Interest's: ************************************************************************************************************ I realy love, well I am not going to say who I love, but I will mention what I love, and that is music and drawing, and if you really want a challenge that includes great art skills then try all the very detailed and complicated DBZ pictures. ************************************************************************************************************ More about me: ************************************************************************************************************ Well you probably do not want to read this section, so you can go to pogo.com, sign up, and play some games if you are not interested in portfolio crap. Well I guess I have nothing else to add to the sanctuary, but this of course I will go ahead and get to it, I am 11 years old a pretty young state to be in for creations of a homepage, but that gives me alot of time to make it better, or so I think. I am a 6th grade student ,and my school is verry crowded, in fact the county has to vote on raising their taxes for a new middle school. We have our own web-site, you can check it out if you want, though the last time I looked it Was very, very SUCKIE but that was a while back so it's probably better, but you probably don't want to see it. I am, belive it or not, pretty easy to get along with, I just don't really like talking to people I don't know that well, so I probly don't have a record of good Social skills. ************************************************************************************************************ On February the 8th on the year of 1991 I was born, so I will Be 12 in a few months. I was believe it or not in a club, it was called the shadows, but the evential quiting of a friend and member lead to the official breaking up of the shadows, which left me bumbed because that was the best thing that could have happen, though I am going to try and get us back together. I am still the member of an organazation I created with the assistance of a good friend, we sooner or later brought in the assistance of another student, then we decided to let in one more. ************************************************************************************************************ This organazation {incase you were wondering} is called the MSP's (Monkeys Instinct/Sirius Magazine/Private Investigating) Recently The final meber to join betray us on accident, by leaving his book of our codes and secrets laying around, and a classmate stole it and copied it, and that ruined our secrecy so I threw him out. We eventualy got the list back and ripped it up, and to our great suprise, this classmate did not know haw to write a single letter of our alphabet. ************************************************************************************************************ Well ever since then my friends have created and gotten our hands on some prety awsome alphabets our organazation the msp's created entierly by me may I add and they are not used as much as the main alpha-bet one created by johnny and I, it was supposed to be between me and him but it is not anymore I and my good friend Justin W. are I think the most active so I am thinking of throwing out people that do nothing but claim power and say that they are part of it, and what justin g. does not know is that I am going to create a document saying that if you do not do anything any more then you are perminately kicked out so it will probably just be me and my friend so it will work out perfect and yeah he right now i presume is copying the alphabets and all that and to show all of our contributations and support to the MSP's he has a note book almost full and I have a folder full of paper and full of MSP's information codes etc. ************************************************************************************************************ I am l loving our success and someday we might even have our own web-page ill have it sorted out soon can't wait. Me and justin W. are currently in the process of creating a story but the disc was messed up so now we have to start over and the name of this story is the chamber unknown There is a series. The current one we are constructing is number 1 "The chamber unknown: Zeaipher chronicles" and I think we are going the right path but all the extra work is frustrating, extreamly fun but frustrating so all the work piled up is MSP's Web-Pages Stories Math Science Social studies Language arts Band Related arts {Currently Drama} But I have got it going for me because I have no Strugle whatsoever geting the work done it's just to much stuff can't be organized and I am always organized. ************************************************************************************************************ In band we are going to concert so we have to practice alot, and today I had gotten in trouble for writing a song instead of practicing so our teacher was angry of course but the hardest part is I have the job of playing I think the 2nd hardest percussion instrument the timpanies two huge copper drums and I garenty you have seen the on tv before. in the mornings we only get ten minuts to type our story and it's saved under my file so it is under protection no one can see it but us the two writers. ************************************************************************************************************ well I have to get this story done before the end of the year because that is exactly how I lost alot of good stories when I switched school and that really bites because I could have turned them into something good but I never got the chance to do that and so I lost those documents Unless I tell someone how to get into my file and then they can save my stories to a disc and bring it to me but there is no way in **** I will ever get to do that so there goes my plan to get my files bach you know I think that I can download some of my documents or MSP documents so that no one will ever pladjurise my organazation. Well I have managed to get in some of my story but not all of it ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Well I do know some of my fellow MSP members e-mail addreses and I guess I could Give you theirs so you can e-mail them also about the MSP's but I will Have to get the rest here's a couple. ************************************************************************************************************
E-mail Addreses to the MSP's ************************************************************************************************************
Sirius Blue
Sirius Black ************************************************************************************************************ Well those are the e-mail addreses and the names are beside each one, but they are in our MSP nameing catigories meaning that we have nicknames in the MSP's and they are
Adidas Brown= Justin W.
Sirius Black= Ricky S
Sirius Grey= Chaz C.
Sirius Blue= Justin G.
************************************************************************************************************ Well I do guess that is all of 'em so now you know and I will try to get their e-mail addreses so you can ask them too. ************************************************************************************************************
This is the Location of the MSP Blue code agreement it is the mother of all MSP rules and if you are a member You beter obey it.
www.angelfire.com/ky3/agreement-documents.. ************************************************************************************************************
************************************************************************************************************ Well I know of just one more site and that is my sisters, but it is your decision if you want to go to her site or not, but I would Sugest it becuase it is even beter than my site {Falcon/Uraniums Homepage} so you just might want to visit it. ************************************************************************************************************
Recomended web-pages
Christy R. {My sister}
Recomended Web Connections
Here are so Interesting web connections that will amuse you
************************************************************************************************************ Well that is all I can think of at the moment, but you can e-mail me and give me some recomindations for me to add and I will add the icon and tell who it was submited by, k. ************************************************************************************************************
************************************************************************************************************ Well considering you are this far and have read my begining title you can only imagine that I have been icolated from this computer but I don't have much to say, I have been wanting to go back to school for a very long time i really mean a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY....... 12 HOURS LATER......... VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY..........A MILINIUM LATER..........VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY....OK THEY GET THE POINT!....... well I don't know what went wrong there but, I have mised school for a very long time, and i guess that sounds crazy to the average human being but I have hardly any friends anywhere but there and there are also other reasons, but I don't want to mention them. well I wanted to show you one more thing a rabit that I can make with a keyboard, so check it out
well thats all I have right know but when I am back in school then I can tell you all about the rest of the stuff I left out and finaly get my links working
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