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One World TV-14-VL Leader Attitude - BPWA!

The lawyers of Sarah got to the BPWA - the Big Nasty is now Giant Jack!

This is a special video look at the Luminator and Suicycho - they're having problems and stuff. Oh, and the someone lit a teddy bear on fire and it made Luminator cry.

Closed captioned (eh?) opening credits. I like pointing out Luminator, with belt and teddy bear.

The FIREWORKS say WE ARE LIVE from the home of the NHL's Sharks, the San Jose Arena in San Jose, CA 19.3.02 for MINDWAR - broadcast on the USA Network and maybe on TSN and also en espanol donde sea disponible

Joey Styles: The "WILL WORK 4 VICODIN" sign draws a smile from me.

David Holsinger: Will you stop reading signs it's time for the last MindWar before the Next PPV Thirdspace, which is this Sunday.. That big BPWA Title Match tonight, a tag team title match, A Match to decide the number 1 contenders for the Tag titles, and Doc vs Justin Sane but before we can get to that we cut to

Mmmm - beefy! Suicycho loves the Overstuffed Chef-Boyardee

Doc vs Justin Sane

David: can you believe they BOO Justin Sane? What's the world come to here.

Joel: Doc with the early advantage after reversing a whip and hitting a clothesline. Kicks, shirt removed. Doc whips Justin Sane into the opposite corner and takes him over the top rope. Doc looking under the ring and finding a garbage can. And there's a garbage can to the head.

David: Justin Sane reverses a whip and Doc hits the STEEL steps. 1, 2, no.

Joel: Piledriver attempt is countered with a back bodydrop. Doc stops to collect a broom on his way into the ring. Justin Sane punches before the shot, takes the broom and breaks it on Doc's back. Taking half the broomstick, Justin Sane drives it into the forehead. When did this become a hardcore match.

David: Ohh, didn't I tell you I changed it when I couldn't figure out what a wooden crate match was. Our commish really needs to read the APPROVED GIMICK MATCH list. Lariat with the broomstick. Doc somehow kicks out at 2.

Joel: Justin Sane outside and he's got a chair. Back in the ring, right hand - but before Justin Sane can drive him into the chair, Doc stops him, hits some rights to the body, then comes off the ropes with a faceslam into the chair. Doc slowly covers - 1, 2, shoulder up.

David: Doc with an axehandle to the head. Lariat takes him over the top rope. Doc follows and punches but Justin Sane manages a Golotta to regain the advantage. Now they're trading rights - Doc with the glass of Kool-Aid, breaking it over Justin Sane's face - yow.

Joel: Back in the ring - Justin Sane with the chairshot - but Doc kicks out at 2! Justin Sane and referee "Blind" Mike Ciota have a tet a tet - allowing Doc enough time to pick up Justin Shane, take him over the top rope and through the Anounce table, which knocks David's headset out of action. David is furious at Doc for ruining his table - heh. Justin Sane takes Doc back in the ring, hits a Justin's theory of gravity on the chair. Well. 1, 2, 3.

Winner Justin Sane

The cage is lowering - guess what's next?

(2nd cage macth) mutiny vs hardrop vs giant jack vs valec vs hardcore comleyvs foley(1st two out the cage will get a tag title shot)

Joel: David's Headset is still out, but a second crew is working on it, hopefully I won't have to do this whole match by myself. There is the bell and we are underway, How did this match come about, it seems like a stupid way to dig up tag teams what if the two people hate each other. David is just standing here watching the action in the ring. Guess I should talk about it. ahh, what to pick out of this mess to talk about, well Giant Jack is taking apart HardDrop and Valec, While Mutiny is doing things to Hardcore Comley that I've only seen my old ECW pal New Jack do. Nick Foley is just watching the carnage. Wait David is motining to the back, Two people are running down the entrence way, one is senior ref John Sharidin, The other one looks like David's Old Tag team partner The Joltman. David and the Joltman are climbing oppisites sides of the cage while Ref John Sharidin enters through the door, and says something to Mutiny.

Mutiny moves off of Hardcore and starts to battle with Nick Foley. The Joltman is standing atop the cage and hits a Superfly Splash on HardCore Comley. He gets up and David Holsinger hits a 5 star Frog slash form the top of the cage onto HardCore Comley. Harddrop is trying to escape while this is going on and Joltman pulls him back in and puts him in the Joltinator (a Dragon Sleeper). David Holsinger then pins HardCore Comley and wins the Hardcore Title

You have to love it when the Owner is the only one to take advanate of the 24/7 rule. David and the Joltman then get some licks in on the other competitors before climbing back out of the cage. Does this make them the winner. They where not originaly in this match-up. But they where the first two to escape. Ohh, good David's comming back over here.

David: How do you like that I'm now the Hardcore Champ. But we will just have to let the commish deside if Sudden Jolt should get the tag title shot at the PPV.

Joel: So technicly this match is still going on, then. Ohh, wait Giant Jack is the first one out of the cage.

David: Technicly he would be the 3rd out of the cage, but lets not get into samantics here. But just for fun, lets find out who his tag team partner would be.

Joel: Well who's left. Hardcore Comley hasn't moved since the attack, HardDrop is asleep, and Foley and Mutiny are fighting like there is no tommorow.

David: Foley hammers him and hits a corner avalanche. Foley whips Mutiny to the other side and Mutiny hops up the ropes... Mutiny back elbow! Mutiny clothesline! Foley lifts Mutiny up and rams him into the cagepost. Foley grabs the bell and nails Mutiny with it. Now Mutiny has a chair. He cracks it across Foley's back! Foley sets up the chair, then he rams Mutiny's face into it. Mutiny blocks a chairshot and they brawl. Foley bounces off the cage. Mutiny drags him to the other side and runs him into the other side

Joel "He's goin' out!" Mutiny tries to leave but Foley slams the door on him. Now Foley runs Mutiny into the cage. Foley punches right through the cage!

David: They brawl and a big "boring" chant fires up. Foley gets in a chair shot and Foley hits a DDT! Mutiny reverses a whip and Foley slides into the cage,

Joel: Foley's arm is bloody from the cage shot. Mutiny pulls out a table and leans it against the cage . He drags Foley over to it and tries to knock him backwards onto the table. Foley teeters and Mutiny gets a running start... Foley tosses him through the table!

David: Foley nails Mutiniy, who falls back thoght the cage to the floor. Mutiny celebrates and the bell rings.

Joel: What? Mutiny fell THROUGH the cage, they're saying. Oh, come ON. Replays show us nothing.

Winners: Giant Jack and Mutiny.

Chef Boyardee overstuffed ravioli, Castrol GTX motor oily, and BPWA: The Music (buy it at Coconuts and Record Town!) bring you MINDWAR as we examine the saws cutting the wood.

In the locker room, we see Luminator putting on a knee brace, just so we can be reminded that he's in the building. 'cause we haven't seen him all night.

(3rd tag title macth) nwo vs nailer,mr.personality

David: HHH and Nailer to start it off. HHH opening with a bitch slap of Mailer , who pulls away and charges, only to eat a Fujiwara armbar to front face lock to side rollover pin which gets 2.

Joel: Both men back to vertical base, crucifix from Nailer for 2, Nailer jumps a low swipe from HHH only to catch a backhand in his midsection, snapmare by HHH into a head scissors, but Nailer gets HHH turned and turns the move into a bow-and-arrow pin for 2.

David: Boot by Nailer caught, ducked clothesline, ducked clothesline, duelling dropkicks and both men back up to a round of applause. Northern Lights takedown by Nailer, mounted punches-in-bunches. Chopfest, Phenix tagged in, who also gets taken to WHOO BY GOD Flair Country. Arm wringer,

Joel: HUGE POP for Mr. Personality. Tag to Mr. Personality, Amish finger to the eyes. Irish whip, Phenix tries to get out of a slam, but gets dropped on his ass. Both men back up, armdrag by Phenix into an armbar. Gorilla press drop by Mr. Personality, followed by an elbow from the second turnbuckle. Nailer tagged in, right by Mr. Personality, Irish whip, Nailer leapfrogs Phenix, Dirt Road Slam by Mr. Personality! HHH takes to the air, only to get caught into a bearhug by Mr. Personality, which leads to the Lancaster Lariat of Lust. "Blind" John Finnegan gets confused about who's legal, which leads to a brawl on the outside between Mr. Personality and HHH.

David . Top turnbuckle plancha to tornado DDT on the concrete by Phenix gets an "BPWA" chant! Nailer goes up top, and a chairshot to the back of Nailer by HHH. The nWo drop Nailer on the STEEL chair from the turnbuckle, Phenix covers, 2 count.

Joel: 3 rights from Nailer, but the boot is caught -- UGLY Dragon Screw legwhip by Phenix. Yet Nailer gets back up to eat a dropkick. Snapmare by Phenix, who stops to taunt Mr. Personality and take a cheap shot before nailing a Mafia kick on Nailer. HHH tagged in, second turnbuckle sitout dropkick to the mush which will get 2.

David: HHH puts the boots to Nailer, and we get the spot in which one man running in to make the save means a bigger asswhipping for his partner. Nailer sent to the corner, kippup into a rollup for 2, and HHH responds with a schoolboy for 2.

Joel: Elbow, Italian leg sweep, only gets 2. Phenix tagged in, body blow, Nailer eats turnbuckle. Italian uppercut, Nailer sent into the corner again, kippup caught, Nailer dropped on his face. Phenix then has a matter of urgent importance for "Blind" John Finnegan, HHH goes up, Pedigree! HHH covers, 2 count.

David: Armlock on Nailer, followed by boots, and the legal man gets tagged back in for the nWo. Italian uppercut, Italian uppercut, third one misses, G-Spot Sweep!

Joel: HOT TAG TO Mr. Personality! Barn Burner on HHH, who lands on his feet for it. Amishbomb on Phenix. Mr. Personality gets airborne from the top rope and kills HHH. (Crowd: "BPWA!") Back in the ring, Nailer with a bodyslam on Phenix. Nailer going up, but gets crotched by HHH. Phenix going up for a bulldog, but gets a Golotta. Nailer drops Phenix with a move pulled from his ass, but only gets 2.

David: Nailer double underhooks Phenix, HHH with a tag belt, I hope Nailer likes WAFFLES! Rollup with bridge by Phenix, 2 count only!

Joel: Mr. Personality up on the apron as the nWo put the boots to Nailer. Double Italian whip, Nailer baseball slides to safety, but the double flying clothesline by Mr. Personality misses. The nWo waste no time... double Fujiwara armbar on Mr. Personality. Nailer back in, Phenix breaks the hold to see to Nailer, and gets sent over the top rope. Superkick knocks Phenix off the apron onto and over the STEEL guardrail!

David: HHH now goes over to Nailer and sends him over the toprope, onto the timekeeper's table, which doesn't break. Clothesline by Mr. Personality ducked, waistlock, reversed, reversed again, HHH looking for the Kiss of Death, won't get it. BUGGY BANG! Nailer covers, 1, 2, 3.

Joel: Ladies and gentlemen, we have new BPWA Tag Team Champions. Pose with those belts, boys.

Exterior shot of the Arena - the most BEAUTIFUL arena in the Silicon valley!

(main event)(bpwa title macth) luminator vs suicycho.

David: Suicycho interrupts the ring announcer and takes THE STICK:

Suicycho "C'mon, Luminator! C'mon, let's end this tonight, you New York pussy! COME ON, Luminator! FIGHT ME, PUNK! COME ON!"

Joel: Steven D'Angeles wisely takes the stick away from Suicycho as the diatribe continues, punctuated by Suicycho hocking a loogie into Luminator's face. Which means Suicycho is so f'n dead.

David: Suicycho turns around to pose, and Luminator decides to show him right then and there how he feels about being spit on with a right. Right, bootbootboot in the corner (crowd: "Fuck him up, Luminator, fuck him up!"), rake to the eyes. Irish whip reversed, hip toss blocked, backslide escaped, clothesline ducked, culminating in a Luminator neckbreaker. Suicycho extends the hand, which Luminator takes and promptly twists around into a headlock and Russian leg sweep. Luminator gets innovative with an armbar to headscissors neck stretch, and Suicycho rolls out and answers with a left. Left, left, elbow drop misses. Mutated hip toss/armdrag by Luminator and he cinches on the armbar again. Luminator slaps Suicycho around and gets some kneelifts for change. Irish whip by Suicycho reversed, short arm by Luminator into a single arm DDT.

Joel: Suicycho rolls out and gets his arm wrapped around the STEEL ring post the hard way. Once more into the STEEL, and Luminator rolls Suicycho back in. Arm wringer, shoulder blocks, another arm wringer.

David: Psychology? From Luminator? Luminator looks for a hammerlock slam, but Suicycho escapes and wrenches that tender left arm of Luminator's. Superkick by Suicycho sends Luminator down. Stomps to that shoulder as Suicycho continues to sell the left arm.

Joel: Luminator tossed over the top rope onto the STEEL guardrail. Whip into another STEEL guardrail, and Luminator crotched on the same rail. Left from Suicycho sends Luminator back down. Camera follows Suicycho getting chairs as Luminator juices (currently at .3 Muta). Suicycho setting up a chair in the STEEL ring post, threads Luminator's left arm in there, and Pillmanizes it with a second chair!

Suicycho "C'mon, you piece of crap, you want some more? Huh?"

David: Another whack with the chair. Left from Suicycho, gnawing on the busted open forehead. Left, left, and now Suicycho tastes the STEEL. Chairshot ducked, but Luminator piefaces the chair into Suicycho's mush. And Luminator takes this fight to the People... punch punch beershot BPWA chant. Luminator's suplex onto the concrete reversed, and gets a "Holy Shit" chant! More brawling on the way back to the ring. Suicycho rolled in, Luminator tosses a chair in, and Suicycho hotshots Luminator's arm on the top rope. Suicycho sets the chair on Luminator's shoulder and stomps away. Suicycho with a variation on that armbar/headscissors combo, but Luminator finds the ropes.

Joel: Again with the Suicycho gang sign. Luminator sent into the corner shoulder first, reverse...

David oh, let's call that move a reverse single-arm DDT. Luminator trying to shake the bees out of his arm as Suicycho sets up the chair between the ropes. Irish whip reversed, sending Suicycho into the chair headfirst! Suicycho again with the arm wrench and sets up the chair in the middle of the ring. Crowd starts another "fuck him up" chant as Luminator crotches Suicycho on the chair.

Joel: Elbow drop off the second rope onto Suicycho's crotched form! Luminator gets innovative and asks for the ring towel. Towel around Suicycho's neck, and Luminator uses Suicycho's face to clean the top rope with, getting "whoa-ohhs" as he does so!

David: Luminator having fun, but Suicycho right back in it with a superkick. "Blind" Mike Kehner removes the chair from the ring as Suicycho has issues and is looking to make the towel boy pay. Towel boy whipped into Luminator, Suicycho charges, but Luminator lifts the towel boy and Suicycho charges right into the towel boy's boots.

Joel: Towel boy gets out while the getting's good, Luminator tornado DDT from the second turnbuckle! First cover of the match, Suicycho gets out at 2.8.

David: Meanwhile, HE HAD Joltman is stalking the ring area and bitching out the towel boy, shoving him to the floor. Luminator drags Joltman to the apron by the hair, Suicycho charges with a left but Luminator gets out of the way. Suicycho narrowly avoids hitting Joltman., but Luminator catches him with a gutshot and is looking for a piledriver. Joltman. in, CELL PHONE SHOT! DDT on Luminator by Suicycho,.

Joel: David is leaving the booht, here comes DAVID HOLSINGER to show Joltman how to do the cell phone shot properly! Suicycho turns to rough up Holsinger, but Luminator is back up, grabs Suicycho... Spicolli Driver! Cover, Kehner just now getting back in the ring, Suicycho kicks out at 2.85! Irish whip reversed, Suicycho looking for the Spinebuster, Luminator looking for a Luminator DDT, ultimately reversed into an Suicycho Ferris Wheel! Cover, Luminator kicks out at 2.4. Suicycho going for plunder, gets a couple of chairs, charges Luminator in the corner, and misses. Luminator ties Suicycho to the Tree of Woe, stacks the chairs to an BPWA chant, high angle dropkick to the chairs and face. Weak "Holy Shit" chant from the Demographic. Luminator with a piledriver, and he's going for the timekeeper's table. Luminator sets up the table but does not set up the legs... sidewalk slam onto the table. Luminator going back up top, only to get a chair thrown in his face by Suicycho. Suicycho superplex onto the table splinters it some, cover... Luminator escapes at 2.9!

David: Suicycho gets another table, sets it up. Mild "Joltman" chant from the crowd, Luminator back up, Tommyrhawk! Luminator gets innovative yet again by resetting the table with the legs pointing up... Luminator looking for the Spicolli driver on that table, Suicycho escapes, clothesline ducked, SPINEBUSTER THROUGH THE TABLE by Luminator! Cover is academic.. 1, 2, 3. (16:47)

Joel: Suicycho can barely stand up to make his gang sign as Luminator very slow getting up. THIS IS EXTREME

David: replays in abundance: Suicycho spitting in Luminator's face, the armbar/headscissors submission attempt, crotched on the STEEL guardrail, double chair Pillmanization, suplex on the concrete, the one man Veg-o-Matic, Suicycho's face being used for a ring towel, Luminator's tornado DDT, the cell phone shots, Spicolli driver, high angle dropkick, chair tossed into Luminator's face setting up the superplex on the flat table, and the Spinebuster on the "wrong" face of the table.

Joel: We will see you Sunday for the big Thirdspace PPV, hopefully we will see some matches anounces on the BPWA website or lockerroom soon.