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This web page is about the dangers to all Internet users, especially children, who use chat sites. Even those chat sites that claim they are for "families"!

Updates at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday 20th May 2003

Do you get angry when you hear of drug dealers targeting young kids at youth centres and school recreation areas? Do you get angry when you hear about companies that use child labour for maximum profits? Do you get angry when you hear about drunken, slovenly parents who care more about their own selfish ways than the well-being of their young children? Do you get angry when you hear about child molesting? Do you get angry when you hear about religious cults that tempt young people away from their families?

Well, I am just as angry about what I see happening in certain chat sites.

This web page has been shut down on numerous occasions.

Ask yourself "why?"

I am trying to warn parents and children of a very real danger out there on the internet.

Thats why!

If the aim is simply to close my site down, shut me up, stop me telling the truth, go ahead, I'll just come back. Again and again and again. If you want to ridicule me, call me a nut, a zealot, a reformist, a prude, go right ahead.

I'm an adult of sound mind, I know right from wrong when I see it, and children are a precious gift that I believe any sane, rational adult should be doing everything in there power to protect.

Let me tell you what I have seen, the situation as I perceive it.

As we all know, there are willful, selfish, very nasty people out there in the world.

Some of those people have distinct personality traits, appetities and lifestyles that, to the majority of us, are anathema.

It does not matter whether those people choose a generic name, or choose to be recognised as a cult, or not. Neither does it matter if they vehemently deny they are part of any group.

Their behavior,attitudes and preferred lifestyle are the underlying threat to the more moderate of us human beings and our loved ones.

The situation in Certain chat sites, as I see it, is that a few of these nasty people immigrated to these places, saw the great potential, the wide audience, the huge amount of innocent, raw recruiting material, and decided this would be their play area, and hunting ground.

Little by little, very gradually, these people infiltrated into key jobs; jobs that held some degree of power.

These people love power, they see the survival of the fittest as one of their main concepts in life, and let no-one, and nothing, get in their way.

So, with a few key workers, the stage is set.
First, small, slightly risque images are put up. Boobs, cleavage, bare rumps, suggestive poses, mostly of women, and put up by women.

Innuendo is a key word; it's subtle, and can easily be argued against. Anyone who challenges the pictures/images is laughed at, made to feel as if they are living in the last century, with long-gone prudish ideas, or simply ignored.

We all like to keep up with the Jones', thats part of human nature, so the images spread, and before you know it, pictures of angels and fairies are draped with a wisp of cloud; the poses are more flagrant.; the boobs and rumps become larger, more defined, less covered; the nicknames are raunchier, more explicit; pictures portraying increasing amounts of violence are put up. Again, if you complain, the complaint is laughed at; "what?" "are you out of your head?" "You are complaining of a picture of a Vampire?" *smirk* *smirk* "Heck, thats just a good old fashioned fairy!" "You got a thing against fairies?" *smirk* smirk* "Aw, c'mon, this is all over the place, its normal, what are you, some kinda geek?" *smirk* *smirk* ........ And once that mind-set is reached, the second stage is underway; the introducing of items. Silly stuff, a whip to make the mall staff work harder; "everyone giggle" and buy one. Then an "innocent" set of "love"-cuffs, complete with red fluffy fur, and cute hearts. "everyone giggle" and buy a set.

Lets bring Santa onto the scene, complete with cuffs, further proof that "cuffs" are acceptable, the norm, along with good old Santa. "everyone giggle" and buy some.

Now lets get a bit more serious; lets attach the handcuffs to a brick wall; nothing wrong there, plain old brick wall, plain old "fun" handcuffs; "what the heck are you complaining about now?", this is "FUN" and congrats to a wonderful creator! "good job"! "we like brick walls and handcuffs, you old fuddy duddy!" *smirk* *smirk*

Ok, lets have some more fun; lets not have ordinary old normal beds that everyone just takes for granted, (beds are for sleeping in right kids?) no, lets introduce a new concept, lets add a bed with handcuffs. It's not pornographic, it's not even risque; it's just an "IDEA".

An idea, a concept, that most adults are familiar with. It's innuendo for ADULT games.

Come on kids, by a bed! Buy the idea, buy the concept, buy the innuendo. It's all "just for fun" isn't it? Lets laugh, giggle and smirk, give lots of "huggies" and smooches" too, cos thats just being friendly isn't it? Live with all that "friendlyness" and all those "smoochies" for long enough, and you'll soon come to see it as "the norm", along with the bed with restraints, the dungeons, and the proliferation of handcuffs and whips.

When you've accepted all of that as "normal", you are then presented with, gradually introduced to, the stronger stuff; the torture instruments, the Shaym items; now you CAN'T complain, because whats wrong with one set of handcuffs as opposed to another set? Ok, we're getting into stride now, bring out the bull whips, the leather stuff, bring out the steel studded underwear! Oh wow, isn't it so much FUN *shy smile* *pounce*!

Not one part of it is pornographic; not one part is overtly, in your face sexual; but the meanings are there; the idea, the concept, the wishful lifestyle is clearly apparent.

The next part is almost TOO easy. Hunt your quarry.

Look in the bp's; find the ones who've been suckered and bought the items.

It is so easy to find those that get a little "kick" out of being ever so slightly "risque".

Move in, be nice, charming, helpful, generous, give them a job, offer promotion, be a real friend; throw in plenty of "huggies" while you graduallly, incessantly, over weeks and monthes, get into that persons life, become trusted, find out about them, their home life, their secrets, their fears, their needs, their desires and wants. Gradually, innocently, turn the chat to those ever so slightly "naughty" items, hint at what "doing that" would be like in real life; suggest a chance at role-playing, thats "fun" isn't it? Sure, role-playing is a cool game, no risk, on the internet, safe, no real pain, lots of adolescent thrills, and hey, I'm your "friend", you trust me, remember? "smile"

This, readers, is whats wrong with Certain chat sites.

They have been, very slowly, very insidiously, very cleverly, turned into a hunting ground to find new blood; to find new, receptive, minds (the younger the better) to infiltrate, one ghastly step at a time.

Minds to be filled until torture, blood, violence, gore, innuendo, sexual deviation, slavery and domination, all dressed up as "fun", become the NORMAL way of thinking.

Once you are snared, (just like young drug addicts given freebie drugs until they are hooked) once you have "participated", been indoctrinated, (just like the religious cult victims) you are caught in the web. You become part of that cult, whether it has a name or not. Some go willingly into this lifestyle, their awakened appetite eager for more; some are kept in it through pain, degradation, blackmail or worse. Some, lose their lives. Real lives.

I know it is happening, in virtual reality and real life, and I'm not about to stand by and do nothing. That could be YOUR son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, or that sweet kid down the block, getting quietly, expertly, drawn into a life of deviation, predation and slavery.

Is this what the Internet is for? Is there no safe place left for innocent children, vulnerable adolescents, normal people? Are you going to sit there and let this happen?

Some signs to look out for.

Strange words used in conversation, such as Tal, tavern, kajira, tarns, paga, nadu, homestone/s, vanilla, Ubar.
References in conversation to "survival of the fittest" "strongest wins" "Masters" "Mistresses" "slaves" "punishment".
Be wary of anyone holding large amounts of "FUN" items as personal possessions, or with any reference to those items being "toys" or "play" things.
Look out for sexual innuendo in public chat, especially when it involves biting, whipping, licking, beating, *sly* looks, *shy* looks, *lowers* or *lowered eyes* and *secret* smiles, or *smirks*.
Beware of anyone with nicknames that include, Master or Mistress, slave, kajira, wicked, sensual, velvet, silk or steel, or any "baby" names, or use of non capitals as a nickname (which normally denotes a slave). {do not rely on nickname alone, look rather, at the "whole" "persona" of that person.}
The men are usually very strong willed, over-bearing, power hungry, with no scruples, and have little or no regard for people other than themselves, although, when they see fit, and it suits their purpose, some can be very charming. They will most likely hold all women with distain and have distinct ideas of control, of a supreme race, and of a woman knowing "her place". They have an abnormal fixation with weapons, especially chain-mail, swords and knives.
The women are the more difficult to catagorise, some being very boisterous, some child-like, some haughty and imperialistic. All will hold the same views as the men, *knowing their place*. The women like cloaks, toga like dresses, silk, velvet, steel, and have a preference for white and purple, collars, bracelets and chains.
They all have a perchant for items and images of shadows, darkness, the moon, warriors, huge swords, women kneeling, violence, and other really nasty stuff.

Whether they practise this behavior online, in virtual reality, in chat, in forums, in role-playing games, or in real life, for fun or in all seriousness, they are surely people that should not be sharing, taking over, family sites, en masse.

These people are a menace on the Internet just as much as those drug dealers who stand at the school gates.

Both offer only pain, suffering and degradation after the initial thrill has worn long away.

You may have recognised some trait, some idiosyncrasy, some betrayal of behavior or chat, that I have identified, in a "friend" you have met online. Be extremely careful! Do not simply ask them, expecting to be told the truth. Do not listen to other people extolling their virtues either; you simply DO NOT KNOW who you are talking to! How is it possible to tell if your "friend" A who you have niggling doubts about, is not also the *other* friend B who keeps telling you what a fine guy A, the first one is? One person may have a hundred nicknames and personalities, posing variously as male or female, supposedly living in places from Chicago to China; how do you know who is real and genuine, and who is not? Simple; do not trust ANYONE with personal information, especially if you are young. Do not trust anyone, especially if you see any of the warning traits I have mentioned. Do not trust anyone simply because they hold a position of power. Do not trust anyone, even if you think they are the nicest people you have met. Be careful, you only get one life, do not trust it to someone you meet online.

True friends do not persuade you to do things you have doubts about. True friends will not call you names if you do not do as they wish. True friends do not wish to hurt you, or have you hurt them. True friends will not give you urls or invite you to places you are too young to go to. True friends will not give you nasty pictures or images. True friends will accept No, when you say No, and will still be your friend.

How can you help?

Look around with your eyes wide open; report any suggestion of untoward doing; warn your friends; tell other people if you have doubts about anyone, and stay away from the doubtful!

Do NOT accept barbaric images and items, or sexual innuendo chat as normal in a FAMILY site! There are a million other, adult, places for these nasty people to go and get their thrills and kicks, do NOT allow them space in YOUR family site!


Wednesday May 21st 2003

So, am I suggesting that every person who puts up a risque or violent image, is bad? Is every person that talks naughty once in a while, bad? Is every person with small case nickname, bad? Is everyone who has a set of love-cuffs, or a whip, bad? Is everyone who likes Gothic type stuff, bad? Is every guy with a sword collection, bad? Is every item creator and mall checker, bad? Is every person holding a title, bad? If you like the colour purple, does that make you bad?


Absolutely, catagorically, no.

There are lots and lots of nice, ordinary, pleasant people in Certain chat sites; I would not deny that for one minute.

You have to look at the whole image, behavior, personality, chat, nature, friends and demeanor of ANY person, over a long portion of time, before you start making decisions as to their character.

In our real lives, how do the majority of us communicate, interact with, and make sense of our fellow man and surroundings? We use our senses, right?

How do you tell a good meal from a bad one? Does it smell burnt? Does it look raw? Are the vegetables hard and undercooked? Does it taste delicious, or foul? Are the other diners relishing that same meal, or pushing their plates away from them?

How do you tell if a 6 month old child is ill? You check. Are they pale, cold, hot, clammy, crying, have a rash, spots, gripes, sore gums, runny nose, etc; Right? We make sense of our world and come to decisions, by using our senses and our experiences.

To communicate properly, in real life, we use our facial expressions, gestures and more subtle signals, {some that we are not even aware of such as the dilation of the eye when we see someone we are attracted to} to get our emotions, moods and meanings across. The facial expressions of people expressing the most common emotions of pain, joy, anger etc, are understood right across the world, on every continent.

With the Internet, we are robbed of this facility, our means of understanding, so we devise ways around it, and thats why we use emoticons, avatars, pictures, colours, nicknames, capitals letters, exclamation marks and lol, lol!.

Are you still with me? ;-)

So, if we go into a chat room and see HotStud4UXXXXX parading a "Stallone in swimming trunks" avatar, using all capitals to ask A/S/L?, we don't assume that that guy is a brain surgeon, do we?

Similarly, if we go into chat and state our age as 23, 37, 49, we dont expect to be targeted by a paedophile, do we? If we are not targeted by a paedophile, does that mean there are no paedophiles there?

No, of course it doesn't!

What would you do if you made chat friends with a guy of, say 45, who seemed interesting and nice enough, but who kept asking in chat if there were any 12 year old girls who would like to PM?
Would you become suspicious? Would your senses, your normal family type senses become alert?

Would you say or do nothing, because he seemed a nice guy to YOU or would you say or do something, alert someone, because of the perceived risk to the 12 year old girl?

Ok, so lets look at the people who use chat sites; some are intelligent, some arn't; some are lonely, some arn't; some are geeks, some arn't. some are nasty, some are nice. The range is enormous; but they all use senses, experiences and other aids, to communicate with and assess their fellow chatters.

People who use CerTain chat sites, such as those ones that specifically advertise themselves as suitable for families are also incredibly diverse, yet don't we all have an understanding about what family means? Is it safe to assume that family in this context, means an age range from 10 to 70? Can we, should we, assume that swearing, lewdness, violence, and all other inappropriate material normally accepted as not fit for familys is not to be allowed or encouraged in this family environment?

Are we allowed, expected, even encouraged, to feel safer, more comfortable, less on our guard if cerTain chats sites also advertise and make much of the fact that they have a working security force in place for the overseeing and protection of the chatters? Is that not one of the reasons why we actually choose to frequent such sites?

So, we are in our "family" chat site, using our senses and experience to assess our fellow chatters, feeling safe with the presence of security officers and we see someone making naughty chat; is it OK to complain? We see a picture that is not pornographic, but very violent; is it OK to complain?

What happens if the naughty chat is being laughed at by the security force?

What happens if the violent picture belongs to a security force member?

I am not saying that the naughty chatter or the the person with the violent picture is wrong; I'm saying that the administrators, owners and head honchos of that site are wrong!

Discipline, rules, regulations and enforcement come from the top down.

Ask any Army Officer, any Police Cadet.

When the head honchos and security force ignore their own senses and experiences to tell them what is right for a family site, or worse, allow friendships and alliances to colour their acceptance level of what is allowed in a family site; when those same head honchos and security forces do the very actions and chat that is unacceptable from others, in a family site they should be ashamed of themselves, step down and let the site be run properly.

I do not blame the young girl or boy in these places who get carried away and put up a risque picture; I do not blame the male chatter who forgets himself and on the odd occasion says something slightly naughty. But I DO, vociferously, blame those in power who, by their own actions, or lack of action, encourage and allow these sites to degenerate far past the acceptable use of the word FAMILY

When there is no discipline, when the rules are continually bent and pushed, when the enforcement of those rules is arbitrary dispensed with eyes on friends, popularity and/or promotion, my senses are outraged.

When a few truly bad people get into positions were they CAN, DO, and ARE, pushing the boundaries and slowly eroding away the basic instincts for normal good taste and sense, knowingly, wickedly, for their own selfish, depraved tastes, and I complain about it, try to warn people about it, does that make me a nut? A zealot?

When I and others can visit those sites and find many raunchy nicknames, bad pictures, naughty chat, and questionable items within an hour, am I wrong to question the integrity of the administrators, or the actual work and dedication of the Security, of that site?

If I, and others, use senses that have not been dulled by exposure, and are truly amazed and disgusted with our findings, have we not the right to alert others to what we find?

This is a "heads up" call readers, and if you cannot see that, or try to deny it, or choose sit back and ignore it and do nothing, then be that on your conscience!


Continuation; Thursday May 22st 2003

Can you see what I see?

I can see it's WRONG to go into a FAMILY chat site and be selfish enough to put up pictures that normal people know Grandma and a 10 year old are not interested in, and wouldn't want to see. I know it's selfish, and wrong, to put up pictures of violence and gore that would be disturbing to young minds. I know it's sheer selfishness and stupidity that makes someone go in to family site with a nickname that suggests nothing but adult promiscuity and other innuendo, and the fact that the person holding that nick "is game" and "up for it". {If you want to use a nickname that suggests those kind of things, why don't you go somewhere where that kind of nickname would be really appreciated and get you the attention you so obviously want?} I know it's wrong for the administrators of that company that own that site and portray it to be a family site to take your money and allow you into that site with that kind of nickname!

I know it's downright despicable to carry on encouraging young people to join a family site then put them in positions were they are exposed to all those images of cruelty, risqueness and violence to women {however much you want to dress it up, and by whatever name you wish to give it.} I also know that it is wrong to claim "no knowledge"; our rightful judicial laws do not recoqnise, nor condone, stupidity, lazyness or ignorance.

I know it's wrong to make items of innuendo, depicting my own kinky daydreams, or real-life doings, and parade them about, persuading Granny and the kids that they are normal items that are "fun" to have. I know it's wrong to aid and abet such items to be freely distributed, so they DO become the "norm".

I know it's wrong to take positions of power, and then abuse that power for my own ends, at the detriment of Granny and the 10 years olds, just to be popular, and get my own kicks. I know it is wrong to get into those jobs that hold power, and get the ability to affect peoples real time lives, yet not listen to the very people that my decisions are hurting.

I know it's wrong, and I would be totally ashamed of myself, if I held a position of power in a community and invited very suspect people INTO that community, for whatever reason, then allowed them to expound and TOUT on a way of life, and thinking, that is grotesquely based on slavery.

I know it's completely out of order and most likely ILLEGAL to go into that family site and invite under age minors to join groups that are about the subjugation of women, whipping, slavery and other deviant behavior. I know it's beyond the pale to give an under age minor who is reluctant to join such a group, the URL's to sites that are inappropriate and illegal for that under age minor to access!

I know it's not acceptable to depict scenes of wanton cruelty and violence to women, anywhere; and I know for a fact, that if violence, the sight of blood, cruelty, slavery and delusions of superiority are what makes YOU tick, then you're a person that needs help.

So, I'll just sit here trying to warn people and parents of the dangers that exist within certain chat sites that claim to be so family friendly; who won't shut down, who won't employ real, unbiased security, who won't make the existing security go round with delete button or the "lock" button: who won't take any notice of all the people who are clamouring for change, especially the ones like me who tried to do this privately and have got better things to do with their lives than be constantly wiped off the web for telling the truth and trying to warn parents of the danger to their children!

On second thoughts, I don't mind continually making web-pages; you see, every time someone hits the "complain" button and thinks they are being smart, it actually gives me more determination to carry on, and my more intelligent readers serious food for thought!



Tuesday 27th May 2003

First I would like to thank angelfire for re-instating this page after the many attempts to shut it down.

Thank you for recognising the serious nature of this message angelfire Staff!

Secondly, I would like to thank CyberWolfMan, for his enlightening page of warning and his encouraging email.

Thank you CyberWolfMan for caring enough :-)

Last, but not least, my sincere thanks to those wonderful, brave and caring people who listened to me, saw the danger, got a group together and have acted.

Thank you; J/S and M/W, without YOU, my message, this message, would not have been heared!


If you reader, or your children, or your neighbour, or you Aunt, or ... well, if you know anyone who frequents chat sites on the Internet, especially those that advertise as being family sites, be careful!

Please, warn everyone you know to be on their guard; especially children!

There is a very real danger out there, it is insidious and clever, and some people are using it to reach children.

If you want a safe family chat site, speak out, do NOT accept those violent, risque images; do NOT accept those objects full of innuendo; do NOT accept those half-nude avatars; do NOT accept a security force that does NOT protect you or children; do NOT accept owners of sites who do NOT listen to you!

Walk away! Leave; if your voice and rightful complaints are NOT listened to!

If those owners wish to stand by while others target innocent children, hit those owners where it hurts; DO NOT PAY to be abused or chat in a world that allows that abuse!

If any chat site allows children or minors to participate, then that chat site, and it's owners, are under a legal obligation to make sure those children and minors are safe.

Inform the proper authorities if you come across any of those images/avatars/items or warning signs and the owner/s of that chat site will NOT take your concerns seriously.

There are lots of naughty, adult places on the Internet; lets FIGHT for ONE clean safe place! A real family site!

This fight against insidious abuse is ongoing; join us now:

{Warning; over 18 only; moderated forum; membership at the Managers discretion: for the sole aim of recognising and stopping chat site abuse.}


My Favorite Web Sites

SafeKids Online
FBI crime tips
