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Toxik Tear


I c u wit the guyz and here i am wondering y i no i fuked up i wont deny but i wish u would just give it another try

Im only human i hope u know but if mendin iz needed im startin 2 sow u no id neva use u 4 sho u no id neva stoop tht low

So i look at u and ur pretty little eyes i sit wit my friends and wonder y and when it al coms back 2 me i lie cuz i no tht theze holes i mite not b able 2 tie

Uv becom so distant ur slippin away then all of a sudden u talk 2 me and i dont no wut 2 say itz like ur playin a game until 1 day u c me wit a grl in luv we lay

evry thing i said iz tru and im not happy with thiz new u i liked it when we were closer when we hung out and talked but now thingz r different and itz me who u mock

so if ur readin thiz i would appreciate if once in a while u wave and say latez and even if im hanging wit my crew com up and talk and b the old u.