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TheComet's Profile on
Forums(New, use these instead of the old one)


-"Man 1>Sorry sir, but I'm not wearing my pants.
Man 2>'re wearing a pair of shorts...
Man 1>I know, they're my wives.
-"When I heard that the apocolypse was coming, I went to the mall to make what would become my final purchase. Appearntly I wasn't the only one with that idea when the clerk said they ran out of rifles, shotguns,pistols, and grenades....oh crap..."


December 17,2003-Nearly a month since I last had some news. Good and bad, bad:I broke my foot, but big deal, it'll be fixed by Christmas. Good:Yet another song has risen onto the Newgrounds Audio Top 5! This time, it's CE Jam:Phasor at 4th place! The funny thought is that Phasor is probably the 2nd worst of my CE Jams (even though they all are awesome), I was expecting CE Jam:Dub-Delay to place 1st, it has a score of 5.00 (about 5 people voted, according to who emailed me lol.). I'm also making a Mario World game and a Madness Music Video! The music video is at 50 fps for a very smooth animation and I have about 50 seconds of it done (out of about 3 minutes) and it's a music video of madness to 19-2000 Soulchild Remix by the Gorrilaz. The Mario World game is still in dev but I have the controls done:up to jump, left and right to move, and down to attack,Still making levels. Make sure to register on my forums too! I'm having official contests and events!
November 23,2003-Alright! My movie Mack Daddy Evolution is doing great on NG! Has a score around 3.05 :) In other news...I stopped doing That VG Dating Sim since I wasn't getting anywhere with it and I still suck at actionscriptng :\ second, I'm still in need of members for Murder, sign up in my forums! Third, I'm making a LONG fighting movie with Mario basically beating the shit out of everyone is a cool and stylish manner, I have a preview above. and FINALLY, I'm nearing my 100th song on Newgrounds! W00t :) Well, I'm also free for joint projects, I've already asked KongClock, why not you?(oh so catchy!)
November 11,2003-Great news! My song Illusion is #1 in the Audio Portal on Newgrounds this week! :D Looks like I'm going to get some serious hits on this site!
November 4,2003-I finally got the forums all set and ready! Join today! I also started up a new flash game (woohoo). It's called "That VG Dating Sim" and in it, you'll be mario in the gme will be trying to get married to a variety of video game women! I'll take any requests to help via the new forums :D
November 1,2003-Great news! Got a new forum! Better and is more interactive! Here's the link:
October 16,2003-It's been nearly a month and tons of things have changed. I deleted all of my cartoons and will be designing a site layout. The site will now be here to report my progress with my fash movies and Murderer. If you didn't know, Murderer is a flash game that I'm going to start working on with a crew of approximately 10 people. I'm currently having sign ups in the Newgrounds BBS, link is here:
Please sign up and help with the game, I'm hoping to design a game that can rise up the top 50 charts on Newgrounds, and also to give other people the mix of my great music and the quality programming, graphic art, and sound effect mixing of other artists. I have made a special Topic in the forums for the game. Please post!


(I'm waiting to see is Paul Tervoorde will add me as an affilate on his page, we'll have to see what happens!)