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your gonna live with it

my favorite places to kill people

madblast funny ass shit on a stick
stick death a place were stick figures die of other stick men that die all because there violent people who die
because shit happens that shit never has done before and i lub eskimo bob
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my favorite things to do....i like sleep

i hate people. people hate. were a big family. i dont get it either. Nyah nyah. bite me. mmmmmmmm choclate covered cream pies with choclate covered cream pies on top. you know choclate is goooooddd. i dont know this doesnt make scencs. i cann't sppell write now. mi mind is totaly rong rite now. heres a kewl fruit (bananapple). its a banana mixed with a apple. it tastes like an apple but looks like a orange.....i mean a banana. i dont like people. i have been to hell and back......serious its an island. its only funny till someone gets hurt..........than its hilarious. i belong to the fart club and the i can beat the shit out of you if you dont give me your lunch money club too....................................die. die. die. die. die hey guess what?¿?¿..........DIE!!!!!!!
