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Every once and a while, I get the most interesting lines from some of my circle of crazy, occasionally philosophical friends. When I get one I think I should share, I put it here.

"Do you slip and slide on the floor? Yes you do! Oh yes you do!"
"... mreow?"
- Mike O'Malley and the O'Malley's cat, doing feline 360's on the new hardwood floors

"How do you eat so much? And stay so skinny?"
"I don't know. haha, I'm a scientific disaster. I defy the law of conservation of matter. Food goes in, matter disappears."
-Me and Meg, about my scrawny self

"If i wanted a perfect boyfriend, I woulda bought a cardboard cut out."
- my beloved Jen easing a pang of self-hate

"ur a lucky bastard, evan. u have a car. u seem to have almost everything u want. The only thing u lack is luck in women."
- me to evan online

"Ah, I see an arbiter. Cloaking ur little fleet of carriers, huh? Won't slow me down for-"
(Arbiter explodes, cloaking field drops, and angry knot of approx. 24 carriers appears)
"HOLY SH**!"
- me being ambushed by Steve's starcraft sledgehammer

"The only thing that gets in the way of my learning is my education."
- Albert Einstein, while teaching at Princeton.

ArchAngel1320: you're talking to probably the only girl to ever tell her parents she didn't want to be a girlscout because, and I quote, "Girl scouts are sissies. Boy scouts totally do cooler things like camping *outside*. If i'm gonna go camping i'm not gonna sit around the fire listening to girltalk."

-Jen, on her non-femininity

"It's like a bad cartoon! Here's the brains," points to self, "and then there's the MORON!"
- Pat yelling at Mike for inadvertantly splashing him in a COLD pool

"AHHH! Oh, wait, I can stand."
- Pat falls into an above ground pool and realizes it's 3 ft deep.

"You know, if this was some weird reality show, I could make this a full half-hour episode."
- Pat again, as he slowly gets into the pool

"We have a lot of C batteries. Do we have anything that takes C batteries?"
"I dunno. Hey Mike! Does the deathray take C batteries?"
- Jen uses her wit again when her dad finds six packs of C-size Duracels

"Don't you have anything better to do?"
"Awww, but Mike! Watching Pat squirm is so much fun."
-Jen and Mike, the same day as the prior 4 (that day was just a scream)

apollo4250: and shtuff
SteelKitsune: schtuff
apollo4250: shtuff
apollo4250: i type it the way i wanna!!
SteelKitsune: no, i think it's schtuff u schmuck
- IM convo between me and Russ

"Aaron, I wouldn't use that ladder. The rungs are kinda falling off."
"Eh, it'll be fine."
"You know you can get up there through my room."
"Yeah, but that's no fun."
-Famous last words, Zac and Aaron
(Courtesy of Russ, local movie archivist)

"You know, those toothpicks are supposed to be used for picking up food without using your fingers, Goose. Not picking your teeth."
"It's my damn toothpick, I'll use it however I wanna."
-Mongoose versus Athena, in Jen's fanfic spin of "Peregrine"

"I'm in the midst of an intensive meditation. Some readings take preparation, you know.... Come on! Limit break already, you schitzophenic blond sea urchin!"
-The Sibyl playing FF7 in "Sea of Insanity" (Linked on my links page. I have this strip linked here.)

"Man, you're gonna hafta move. You're blockin' the fire exit."
"Oh, like if there's a fire, I'm not gonna run. If you're flammable and got legs, you're not blocking a fire exit."
"I used to live next to a guy who used to knock on the wall when I played music too loud. But this is a problem, because I like loud music. So I decided to screw with his head.
"Go around! The wall isn't gonna open! I dunno if there's a knob on your side, but over here, it's completely flat."
- These two come from a comic on Comedy Central stand-up. I forgot to write the name down, but I will post it soon.

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