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The Anime Character


Class features:

Lvl Base Atk Fort Ref Will Abilities Movement Bonus
1 +1 +2 +2 +2 Gravity defying jump, "Good Guy" status +10ft
2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Anime sense, Female space +20ft
3 +3 +3 +3 +3 Supreme knock back +20ft
4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Simultaneous Attack +30ft
5 +5 +4 +4 +4 Supreme tumble,Age Improvement +30ft
6 +6 +5 +5 +5 Teleportation Step +40ft
7 +7 +5 +5 +5 Run-by Attack +40ft
8 +8 +6 +6 +6 "Good Guy" Area +50ft
9 +9 +6 +6 +6 Chibi Status +50ft
10 +10 +7 +7 +7 Vorpal Strike +60ft

Gravity defying jump (ex) - The Anime Character at first level is no longer limited by size as far as jump height is concerned.  The Anime Character gains the ability to jump at a height equal to 5 ft per 3 ranks in jump (round down).  Thus a character with 30 ranks in jump can jump to a height of up to 50 ft.  The vertical distance covered does not count towards a characters movement in a normal round.

Female Space (su) - All anime character females have an extradimensional storage space of variable volume somewhere on their person from which they can instantly retrieve any object at a moment's notice. This extra dimensional space functions as Gloves of Storing, with no size limit. The most common item stored is a heavy mallet, which can be used with unerring accuracy on any male who deserves it. Females who make an attack using their stored weapon against a male who has just performed a perverted act of some kind automatically receive a +20 insight bonus, as if though affected by a True Strike spell.

"Good Guy" status (ex) - The anime character gains a bonus to his physical abilities.  Upon taking first level of the Anime Character, a character gains a +12 insight bonus to armor class.  The anime character also adds his positive wisdom bonus to his armor class due to the new heightened sense of combat sense.  Furthermore, the anime character gained a +10 to all stats, since he is the designated "good guy," he should be extraordinary when compared to others

Anime Sense (ex) - The Anime character is constantly aware of every little detail of his surroundings.  The Anime character's combat sense is so attuned to what is going around him that no opponent can ever be flanked in combat, surprised or flat-footed.  The anime character's normal senses are so high that he receives a +30 insight bonus to spot and listen checks.  The eyes of the Anime character triple in size and become slightly square.  As a result, the Anime character is not affected by darkness, magical or otherwise; he functions as if though he is constantly under a true sight spell.

Supreme knockback (ex) - Whenever an Anime Character makes a melee attack that has a damage that exceeds 10 points, the opponent is knocked back 10 ft from their current location.  If someone is in the path of the knocked back opponent, the Anime Character may decide to use the knocked back opponent into a grapple with the following opponent.  For example, Bob the Anime Character strikes Tordek the fighter into Devis the Bard, who is standing right behind Tordek.  Tordek would then make a grapple check against Devis, if Bob wishes it.

Simultaneous Attack (ex) - All attacks the Anime character wishes to make are considered to have been so fast that they attack all at the same time.  If the Anime character wishes, they may make any number of attacks separately.  Thus, if Bob the Anime character gets six attacks in a round, He may make 3 of those attacks simultaneously, and 3 separate attacks, or however he wishes to destribute it.

Supreme Tumble (ex) - Whenever the Anime Character moves, he may have the option to do so as if though he had a +30 insight bonus to acrobatic and tumble rolls.  In addition, any acrobatics performed do not penalize the Anime Character's movement in any way.

Teleportation Step (ex) - As a move equivalent action, the Anime Character can take a step, teleporting instantly to any position within 5 ft per character level.  The teleportation step does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and upon arrival at the destination, all opponents are considered to be flat-footed until their next initiative.  Therefore, if Bob the Anime character, teleports next to Grobb the Ogre-mage, Grobb is flatfooted until his initiative.

Run-by Attack (ex) - As a full round action, the Anime character may make attacks while moving past an opponent.  The character may perform a single move past an opponent, while passing the opponent, the anime character may make a single attack per creature (not exceeding the number of attacks per round).  Movement in this manner does not provoke an attack of opportunity and the movement can be combined with the teleportation step.  So, if Bob the Anime Character (17th lvl paladin, 7th lvl Anime Character) is 50 ft from Grobb the orge-mage, Bob may teleport in a direct line to Grobb, make a single attack, and continue moving for another 70 ft (120 ft total teleportation distance, Grobb is 50 ft away).  All movement made in this manner must be in a straight line, and all attacks are executed simultaneously.

"Good Guy" area - The anime character gains a Damage resistance of 15/-.  Whenever an Anime Character is actually hit by enemy fire, it is in a designated 'Good Guy Area', usually a flesh wound in the shoulder or arm.

Age Improvement (ex) - Upon reaching 9th level, the Anime Character de-ages to be no more than 14 years old.  However, as a result, the Anime character gains a +6 age bonus to constitution due to a child's excessive levels of energy.

Chibi Status (ex) - At 9th level, the Anime character transforms once again into a figure no larger than 2ft tall, and assumes a cute cuddly unnatural anime. His type is changed to be "Plushy." Regardless of size, Anime Characters can wield any weapon they currently have proficiency with, as long as they had proficiency when they were in their former size. Thus an Ogre Anime character using a mercurial great sword, can wield it with one hand still as a 9th level Anime Character.
Furthermore, All opponents who attempt to attack the Anime Character must succeed at a Will Save (DC45) or be unable to attack the Anime character until the beginning of their next turn. Subjects who make their save are no longer affected by the "Chibi" affect, for 24 hours.

Vorpal Strike (ex) - At 10th level, the Anime character's weapons all gain the vorpal ability whenever held by him, regardless of weapon damage type.  All weapons function as a vorpal when an opponent reaches 50% of their total hit points.  The weapons used by an Anime character gain a critical threat range of 10-20 x4, with a vorpal effect.  Whenever a character is killed by the weapon of an Anime character, regardless of how, the cut from the weapon causes the body to explode.  The explosion acts as a cone burst beginning from the body, and going in the opposing direction of the Anime Character.  The explosion deals 5d6 damage to all characters inside the radius, successful reflex save DC 45 gives half damage.